6 Signs You’re An Old Soul, Not “Weird'

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Are you an old soul? If you’re an old soul, people may have a hard time understanding you and may think you’re a bit weird in turn, but maybe you’re just wise beyond your years? Well, if you relate to these signs, you may just be an old soul - trapped in a young body! Well, kind of.

DISCLAIMER: This video’s primary intention is for providing spiritual and light-hearted content and isn't suitable for professional advice.

Writer: Michal Mitchell
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: TheMindfulMudkip
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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*6 signs you’re an old soul, not “weird”*
0:32 - You feel like you’re an outsider
1:27 - You like to spend time alone
2:03 - You don’t care for material things
2:31 - You give great advice
2:55 - Your intentions are strong
3:26 - You value deep connections



My friends always address me as 'old soul'. And i love the fact they accept me as i am.


I could care less if people happen to look at me as weird or anything else because the way I would do things are not of the "norm." I honestly like being an old soul and delving into retro things because that's what makes me feel comfortable, without having to complicate my life with too many new things. Just be yourself, guys. There's nothing wrong with being an old soul. ☺️


This is my 18 y/o daughter to a T. She struggles so much to have friends 😢 Her dad is just the same. One thing, they have in common is that they hate when someone call them “old souls” My husband was called grandpa on his high school years, up until today hates to think about it. I love how their minds work. My daughter is very witty, always has a good comeback & gives the best advice.


You feel like you’re an outsider
You like to spend time alone
You don’t care for material things
You give great advice
Your intentions are strong
You value deep connections


This is definitely me. I love it honestly. I was embarrassed when I was younger. But now I've embraced it


I use to think I was an old soul until I understood what I was experiencing was a manifestation of an insecure attachment style that was a result of emotion negligence of my primary caregivers over a long period of time during childhood and early adolescence.


I may not be an old soul, but your voice is very relaxing and calm!


I always just thaught that I was just a smart and wise introvert. I have some 'friends' but I don't feel like they really understand me. I have a lot of other interrest like philosofie. I felt more connections with my teachers then me classmates sometimes. Turns out I'm an old soul, and I like it


I'm definitely an old soul. I love my time alone because i can be relax doing my personal things at my own pace. I'm almost always giving advice to people that would help them with there needs. The strong connection that i have with a couple of my friends are important to me personally because they're the ones that know me pretty well and understanding me.


I love this format of "Signs you're this not that" it is helping so much to reduce preconceptions!

Edit: Wow folks thanks for all the likes :)


I’ve always felt like an outsider my entire life. My parents had me in there 40s going into there 50s so my upcoming and the ways I was raised was vastly different then anyone else I knew. At first I thought I was just weird but as I got into my teens I quickly learned that my maturity was light years away from anyone else I was around and my desires and intentions was different. When I started to notice the consequences of the decisions everyone else around me was making I became grateful for being who I was and having an old soul and I no longer felt like I should fit in any longer. That taught me that standing out was better than fitting in. I rather be by myself and have peace and awareness of what I do and why I’m doing it then to be in a crowd and be naive and oblivious of the outcome of what I do or what the people around me are doing that could harm us in the long run. People always told me I gave great advice. But I never it was great advice I just thought it was the simple rational way to think or the way people should think.. but then I notice it’s just me being different and having a different outlook on things and this vid reassures me on a lot which I’m happy about. If your reading this and your an old soul DONT BE ASHAMED be grateful!!!


My friends consider me the group grandma. I even started carrying hard candies in my sewing basket and my favorite movie came out about 20 years before I was born. 😅 I am kinda excited to be old one day.... I'm not even 30 yet. 😅


Back in middle school, it was always hard have casual conversation, I always enjoyed talking about the mind of people and society. But since a lot of kids my age talked about gossip or the newest trends, it was my go to to talk to their teachers and adults. On field trips, it was always me in the back chatting to our chaperone about the what’s and whys things, things that others couldn’t/wouldn’t talk about.

I only have a chosen few of close friends, but still is hard to open up with these kind of conversations as it’s still very different to what they talk about. Shopping trips with them was more me just going around with them and looking at stuff while they went and bought whatever they wanted, i had money to spend, but nothing really caught my interest. When going out to eat, about 80% of it is me listening to their stories or conversation, painting the picture in my head, observing how they are feeling. One of the few hates getting interrupted or spoken over, so when it happens, I give them all my attention for them.

Even with amazing people around me, giving me nothing but kindness and care, I feel like I haven’t found my tribe yet. I hope you find yours


A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.


I've been learning how much I relate to Old Souls. And I saw it in my daughter's eyes as soon as she was born! Now she's turning soon 4 and is so, so mature and beyond her years ❤ Thanks for running this channel, it's helped me on my recently refreshed journey!


Yep, I’m definitely an old soul. Related to almost all of it, especially the last one. Most people my age only really care about parties and having a bunch of casual friends as opposed to a few really good quality friends. I like the kind I just go to their house to hang out and talk about things for hours. I’m personally not here for the superficial parts of life or materials I don’t need. I care about experiences a lot more.


for some reason, ive always knew my mentality was wise beyond my age. this video just further proved it! great video keep up the work guys 🥰❤️


so you mean to tell me in the span of a week i learn:
I am way smarter than i thought and im an old soul?
this channel really is something worth watching


I'm an old soul according to this. I have to say though it seems like the old soul is heavy for normal relationships. It's hard for me to balance friendships and I always feel like either a third wheel or hyper focused. I'm finding now it's easier for me to keep 1 or 2 older friends and my family close. Any more than that and I get overwelmed. As you can imagine dating doesn't really work out either hehe
