5 Ways to Lose Your VA Benefits | DON'T DO THIS!

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What are the common reasons that Veterans are not able to receive the benefits and compensation they deserve? These are usually related to the fact that injuries and medical diagnoses aren't documented properly so that information can be given to the VA.

Join us as Dale Davidson, Veterans Affairs Attorney, discusses the 5 most common problems that VA applicants face when submitting their disability applications. He'll address each problem specifically and provide tips to prevent this from happening.

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I separated from Army in 2001 and filed for VA disability in Aug of 2023. I was awarded 100% Sept 2023. It’s never too late.


No matter how long you been out of service...file your claim...remember your story and tell your story..you will win in the end....filing a claim is a process.
If you get denied, appeal and then appeal again until you win....
Never Give up and Never Quit


ALL OF US 80's vets were NEVER told about it.


I was out 29 years before I filed. All of my injuries were documented. As I aged the pain became unbearable. My cumulative rating turned out to be 180%. So I was 100% P&T. This man is on the money.


I work for the V.A.... the guys that I see that do loose their VA compensation is that they simply don't come to their appointments and they are non-compliant with their care, like they are 50% SC due to having to use a CPAP due to pain meds from a 60% SC back injury and the won't wear the CPAP, they won't come to their appointments, and they won't do anything until the checks stop... Every Veteran should fight for their benefits and take this all very seriously and just be glad that they are alive, any Veteran could have easily been lost in war...it was just luck that the ones that made it back, did... Working on the inside, I can tell you the V.A. wants to compensate all Veterans that got hurt or have issues from their service.. Please fight for your compensation, it's the least the Country can do for the Veterans to be grateful that we even still have our Freedom, only because of the sacrifices of the Veterans.


I am only 30 years old and I just got awarded 80% last month! I love you amazing people at the DAV and continuing to serve after service!


I was an Army medic. I treated guys in the field for injuries and there was no paperwork. Several of these guys have contacted me on social media for statements regarding their injuries. Most of the claims were approved because of these statements. I'm not gonna lie for anybody, but if it happened, it happened. Reach out to your chain of command or medical staff to get the proof you need. It works.


6 weeks ago I was raised up to 100% Permanent and total. ✊💯😊 and I have a VA disability lawyer but I did the work. They were awful. We had multiple hearings and exams Everything they put out was rejected denied discredited and or remanded. After 2 years of nonsense (I was already 60% when I hired them in 2020) I did my own research this year and I went from 60% to 100% in 6 months this year veterans your lawyer is not going to do anymore than you can do yourself especially if/when you deal with the BVA and regional offices. Think about it!


My husband has been having a hard time getting his disability since 94. The hold up is the doctor's notes can't be read. You can't even find a single legible letter in the chicken scratch. He is service connected but still 0% because of this. Now he's not able to work, diagnosed with hearing loss, CHF, diabetes, COPD, arthritis, neuropathy and plantar facitous. They still won't give him a rating. We have been surviving on my 70% SC but it is getting really hard. I can't work either with my disabilities and having to take care of him. No car so having to rely on VA transportation to appointments. Unfortunately during COVID the va stopped c&p transportation, and the c&p transportation he doesn't qualify for. As he says his life after military service has been nothing but a catch 22 and I'm trying to stop him from giving up.


I wish I would have gone to sick call during my time in the Infantry. My body is hating me for sucking it up.


The title should have been “How to fail on claims.” “Lose your benefits” implies getting already received benefits taken away. All 5 reasons were more on getting a claim denied, or never receiving benefits.


The VA been good to me. The claim went through with no issues. Thank you VA.


Got out of the marines in the seventies with PTSD ! Became homeless due to struggling with inner issues ! 37 homeless years later dying from liver failure, finally got help and off the streets, thanks to the volunteers of America who put me in a shelter ! They also got me in the VA system and on benefits ! Was informed I was eligible since the 70s, but never knew it. It’s a crying damm shame, what the Government doesn’t do for our veterans, unless we fight tooth and nail to get it ! Would you believe I had tent in my bedroom for eight months, just to sleep ? That’s how bad it was being on the streets that long ! Hell I used to get so so……. Oh never mind, It don’t mater any way ! Fuck it !


The biggest bit of advice you gave, and several times at that, of making sure you get documentation on it and can prove it is all service connected, is very on the spot. One thing my last unit had, and the transition people as well, advised, was to use your last year to get everything seen by one of the docs, no matter how minor. I went one up and started physical therapy, something I should have done years prior, so the issues are not only documented, but the fact that I looked for treatment options for them, on top of my end of service physicals, is how I GOT my disability rating.

If there are any active service members watching this, or recently separated ones who are still in contact with their battle buddies who are (or will be) looking to ETS, tell them to start seeing the docs for everything to get it documented ahead of time. If it's in the medical records before you ETS, that makes a stronger case. If the issues are ones you've sought treatment or management advice for, even better.

90% of getting it all set up is on the person being proactive when it comes to obtaining benefits. A lot of it may not do anything on their individual own levels, but together, they tend to build a case to receive benefits. A number of things I receive benefits for is basically lumped together from a bunch of smaller things that on their own would not warrant benefits, aside from having access to VA Medical, which the only requirement is being a Veteran.


Thanks for making this video. I prioritized my health and ended up getting outcasted after I found out that I had a heavy problem that took almost 2 years to bring me to a moderate level. I was in the clinics and at appointments more than I was at work especially at the last year and a half of my service. I don't regret it because I'm feeling and doing better, but it did teach me that once you're no longer useful you'll end up by yourself. I hope to let others know that, at the end of the day, the people who prioritize making sure you go to the field over the recovery of your injury isn't going to be there for any step of your health journey in or outside the military. Please don't be so prideful and think that brushing off major or minor injuries in the military will get anyone anywhere or get anyone any benefits from the VA.


After I was in for 18 years I started making several medical appointments for every issue to make sure they were in my medical record before retiring. That got me 90%. My step-father pushed me to appeal and I lost. A couple years later he pushed me to appeal again. I got 100%. Prepare for this before you get out. Even if you have a small injury or pain at least get your Advil from the doc and have it in your record.


I filled 2 years after I got out . I kept putting it off because I didn’t think I earned it because I was only in 4 years but I did sustain a back injury while in service. I’m so lucky and blessed that even after 2 years being out I was able to receive 70% for my first time filing


Got denied twice. appealed, then got evaluated and diagnosed afterwards. Keep your head up and fight for your benefits! One thing I'd highly recommend to anyone on active duty is if you get injured and put on a profile, KEEP all your profile sheets. Make copies of them asap and keep the copies tucked away, in case a higher-up decides to take it and rip it up. My foot would give out, sprain easily, and put me in excruciating pain. My captain ripped my profile up after accusing me of faking my injury. They made life miserable until I snapped, then discharged me for being mentally and physically unfit. I didn't get the much-needed surgery until years later, but it turns out I tore the anterior talofibular ligament in my left foot and there was scar tissue all up in my ankle. Nobody thought to inject my foot with contrast and do an x-ray (including the Army doctors, while I was Active) until I used the then Choice Program and get seen outside the VA. The validation this provided was nothing less than glorious and completely validated me.


I am an Army Veteran 100p/t total disability and I did it all with the help of the Lord our God and him alone! It was all that I needed was to stay close to him. He walked with me through the whole thing and because of me leaning on him by faith and trusting in him that his will would bee done in all this. I was never denied the first time out. I prayed and thanked him for his mercies and then went on into the exam for compensation. He's a Good God and he wants to Bless us always in all things. Seek him and gives thanks to him and wait. Your blessing are on their way! HE PROMISES


I used a VFW Service Rep, he did a great job. Got 100% P&T. He found items to add to the list that I didn't even think of. Recommend a Service Rep, ask around, there are good free people that can help more than you may know.