Why don't Christians obey Old Testament laws? #doctrine #theology #bible #jesus #catholic #protest

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Exactly! Christians are under the new law of Christ, which is a law that brings freedom (James 1:22-25).


A few years ago, I had an epiphany about the mosaic laws. Before I got saved, the way I read the 10 Commandments was picturing an OT prophet wagging his finger at me in a scolding, and probably with some killjoy. However, praise God, some time after my salvation, it occurred to me that I *get to* obey the 10. Now I know how to love Jesus practically! Now this is FREEDOM!!!!😊🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


So in essence the OT has a mix of
-ceremonial laws
-civic /custom laws
- morals laws

And while we can still engage in all the laws, as it can strengthen our faith or have secondary benefits. Only God’s moral law is everlasting (I’ll assume this wasn’t explicitly made clear to all the Hebrew people at that time )


Accusing Christians of being inconsistent is just an attempt to make them look stupid.


THANK YOU! I'm sick of seeing people using this argument to excuse homosexuality


This division of the Mosaic law into the ceremonial and moral is not a scriptural concept. Christ's death removed the entire mosaic law and replaced it with the law of Christ. There is a great deal of overlap between the Mosaic law and the law of Christ and that's why it looks like we've held on to the moral law of Moses's law.


Perfectly explained by Mr Cooper, yet again, say, that is quite the collection of books I see, any that you would recommend?


I’m going to get those same glasses frame soon!


I'm teaching through the Torah in my church's Wed night Bible study and just moved into Numbers.

The distinction you made between ceremonial and moral laws is a common one for Christians to make, but I'm not a big fan of that distinction. I prefer to think of the "Law" as a contract between God and his people--the children of Israel, specifically--in which we see many prefigures of Christ and moral duties. But instead of saying the moral duties continue while the ceremonial and civic prescriptions do not, I say absolute moral truths *overlap* with the Law.

What are your thoughts on that?


It was also a way to make a distinction between them and the unbelieving world. So that they would be holy as the Lord their God is Holy. (Leviticus 19)


1 Cor 15:1-4. Get saved before it’s too late. It’s not what you DO, it’s what He DID. Trust in the BLOOD.


Precisely. Acts 15 breaks this down perfectly


There is no division in the law. This is purely an abiblical view. Jesus fulfilled it all.


Not too mention the bible is 66 different unique books that ppl read like 1 whole manuscript, drive me nuts


Good thing Peter had that trance in Acts! Converting the Gentiles would have been far more difficult had he not…


I prefer John Walton’s explanation to Torah over this reformed innovation division of Torah into categories favored by Calvinists. The whole Torah stands and falls as a body there is no distinction between moral law and ritual law. The Royal law of Love or the Law of the Spirit of Life in the NT is our energy and wisdom as Gentiles grafted in to the promise. The Royal Law is of course every bit as concerned with morality as the obsolete Torah, but is not a reboot of the old covenant. It is a new covenant for the new age when Christ’s love and the Holy Spirit move me to present my body daily as a living sacrifice unto God, renewing mind and transforming my whole worldview to action for Kingdom ethics around Matthew 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount. But I still love Luther too.


How do we intrepret what is a ceremonial law ? To me, I think of whatever is related to the Temple or worship.


I always ate pork and shellfish but ironically, once I began to learn about the Old Testament/New Testament regulations, I quickly became disgusted with unclean meat. It should have had the opposite effect but for some reason I can't fully enjoy shrimp, lobster, or pork anymore. I'll still take nibbles here and there, but it grosses me out now.


You stated in another video that the New Testament consistently describes Israel as the people of God and not just by ethnicity, so wouldn’t this regulation also apply to “the people of God” and not just Israel ethnically? After all when we are grafted in we are Israel=Gods people. Also in the Old Testament it says that there is the same law for the native and the stranger.


I love the old testament and I also think we, as christians actually, we have to read it, since it leads to everything in the new testament. I also think, we need to understand the whole bible in a jewish way, since our lord was a jew. But the jewish poeple also need to accept Jesus as the messaiah since it’s more than clearly written in Jesaiah 53. Then the jews and the christians should pray toghether, for a better world🙏
