Why don't Christians keep Old Testament Law? (Understanding the Bible)

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I’d be interested in your explanation of the rationale given for the prohibition on blood consumption in Leviticus 17, especially since it’s also a prohibition in Acts 15.


For me the hardest thing to understand in the Torah is all the different offerings/sacrifices and their purposes. Also it seems like when it comes to forgiveness of sin and sacrifice only unintentional sin is mentioned like in Leviticus 4.


With access to running water and means of sanitation, how might we apply or carry out OT laws of purification?


Are Christians to keep/ observe the 8 feasts that are first mentioned in the OT? If not all then which ones. Seems I read once that they weren't done away with. If possible I'd appreciate if you would do a video on this topic
Thank you in advance. God Bless you !


Jesus said he didn't come to earth to change the Law. The Laws of the Old Testament. He also said the Scriptures have been fulfilled.


If this counts as old testament law then: “You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.” it is hard and automatic to envy and desire.


“Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk. Exo 23:19

Every time I came across to that commandment, I always ask myself what's wrong with that in the Ancient World. :D


The latter part of Romans 7 is all that someone has to read for the answer. That notwithstanding, there are several proof texts mentioning the word "law" that have nothing to do with the Law of Moses, but are incorrectly used to support anti law views.

Christians also need to be careful how they talk about the Law as well, because although commonly associated today with Moses, that hasn't always been the case. During the majority of biblical time the Law was more appropriately and more commonly associated with being the Law of God. Throughout the old testament one will often find the Law referred to as the Law of God or God's Law, the Law of Jehovah, and Jehovah's Law.


If we choose to live by the OT law instead of in the freedom we have in Christ Jesus, we will be judged by the law. We are to live under the New Covenant law, not the legalistic laws of the Old Covenant. Of course Christ came to fulfill the law, not to do away with it, but we walk in freedom because the work He does in us is inward & manifests itself outwardly by the way we live. There’s absolutely nothing we can do to earn salvation.

The strangest OT laws are the ones having to do with natural body functions being ceremonially unclean (Leviticus 15).

I want a shrimp tattoo, lol. (Just kidding)