Why Calvinists have 'another Jesus, another gospel, another spirit' Faith alone

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How the lie of Calvinism is Satanic and is based on twisting of scripture...they have ANOTHER Jesus, another gospel and another spirit...
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We need to get back to preaching the love of jesus and the free gift of grace through faith alone in christ alone.


I want to thank you for passionately dealing with these difficult passages and the people teaching them out of context. Calvinism and lordship salvation doctrine caused me to develop an extremely tormenting and demonic form of scrupulosity, or religious OCD. From 1998 to 2017, (19 years) I could not find peace and was convinced I must not be chosen. Listening to your videos has played a huge part in my heart and mind being set free from the lock on my mind. It has truly been like hell on earth. I'm so very grateful to be returning to my first love- the simple, beautiful FINISHED gospel. Every day another chain falls off. Your spiritual gift is very timely and sought after by many of us. I would like to encourage you to keep going, it's by no means falling on deaf ears. God bless you Renee.


Can't believe I just now found this!! I love this woman!! I'm watching all her videos 💙💚


That's why dispensation is a must! Nice video, thanks for the clarification.

Heavenly Father bless us all. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amein.


It took me awhile to figure out what it was about the Calvinists that left me feeling so unsettled. The do proudly proclaim a different gospel and a different God. Their take and teaching on repentance reminds me too much of Mormonism. I appreciate watching your videos Renee as well as those by Jason Jacks, who came out of the Church of Christ, and the ministry of Pastor Yankee Arnold. Keep proclaiming the Good News from the Word of God!


I visited a Baptist Church this morning that got the gospel right online. I was excited. I gotvthere early for Sunday school and the ladies group of 12. They welcomed me then she gave me a book they were going thru. It was The Gospel of Mark by John Mcarthur. I stood up and said no I couldnt study from it he teaches a false gospel. They were in shock. I bolted from the room and out to my car. Been seeking a church for 3 plus years now.


Yeap - a free gift ( that means it does not require any thought of payback at all !) Wonderful PTL.


Hi Renee...Yes Calvinists have so horribly maligned and misrepresented the character of our Loving Heavenly Father and that truly sickens me too!


This woman is a gem. She can explain the Gospel. Salvation. & the false Gospels like no other.
Renee is proclaiming the truly GOOD NEWS. That Christ did all the work. Apart from any of our works. We believe on Him. Then He comes to live in us. New Birth. And we learn of Him. Follow Him. Trust in Him all the way to glory. And when we sin. We confess and the Lord forgives
Now. If there is GOOD NEWS. then there must be BAD NEWS. The bad news news as Paul would say is any FALSE GOSPEL
here are a few and all grant temporary or probationary salvation until one sins or fails to make Jesus ABSOLUTE Lord of your life every second. Both of these conditions are impossible
Ok. Let’s name names. The bad news guys.
John MacArthur. The author of Lordshippers. And he pumps out from his seminary (Masters Seminary) thousands of new Lordshipper preachers and pastors every year to bring countless into works righteousness where one is saved partly by believing on Jesus and then proving it with good works and fruit bearing. And boy. One becomes a nasty fruit inspector as I was one a long time. Never have assurance of being saved. Always under condemnation
Calvinists who preach Calvinism above Christ. Whose message is so dour. One wants to throw the Bible away and stay 100% clear of religious people.
RC Sproul. Ligonier ministries.
The meat their preaching is preaching Calvinism. (TULIP)
Not Jesus and the Gospel.
From these guys we got the young restless and reformed. And again. It’s all about Roman’s 8. Predestinated. Foreordained. Election. Called. Chosen.

Our focus must be on Christ always. Once we believe on Him. He will transform us into His likeness
Enough said.
Renee is the best voice out there. She has a wonderful mind to make things simple. Understandable. Biblical. And she is like Paul. Aware of the false teachings and teachers out there.
Nothing. Nothing Nothing is more important than getting the Gospel right
Hell is time to be wrong


Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ for this ministry. Renee Roland you are blessing to the body of Christ.


Preach it need to hear the true gospel !!!


"Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able." -- Luke 13:23


Realising how unscriptural Calvinism is made me just as angry as this lady.


I can’t stop watching these videos. I feel as though after 29 years in the faith that I’m finally getting it.


I'm praying for those stuck in Calvinism.


Good video. I recently moved and it's so hard to find a church because every church seems to have their own doctrine they stand on.


freedom is realized through the cross of Christ alone


Wouldn't judgement be very strange, if God judges us if we did not have free will? What a false doctrine Calvanists believe. I have interacted with several and they are so prideful and unloving. Thank you Renee!


Preach it my sister!!! Love your spirit!!


Romans 11:7 So this is the situation: Most of the people of Israel have not found the favor of God they are looking for so earnestly. A few have—the ones God has chosen—but the hearts of the rest were hardened.

Romans 9:17-18 For the Scriptures say that God told Pharaoh, “I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you and to spread my fame throughout the earth.”[a] 18 So you see, God chooses to show mercy to some, and he chooses to harden the hearts of others so they refuse to listen.

okay im trying really hard to understand how God doesn’t choose only certain people but all ??
