Why Generic Faith Can’t Save You: The Gospel of Christ Explained #BiblicalJudgment #ObeyTheGospel

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In 2 Thessalonians 1:8-10, Paul warns of Christ's return with flaming fire, executing vengeance on those who reject the gospel. The day of judgment reveals God's justice and the eternal penalty of sin. For believers, it’s a day of glorification in Christ, marveling at His grace and majesty. Hear the full sermon on your favorite podcast app or watch the video version.

#VengeanceOfGod #BiblicalJudgment #ObeyTheGospel #GodsWrath #ChristIsReturning #2Thessalonians #ChristianTeaching #ReformedFaith #FlamingFire #EternalDestruction #BiblicalTruth #GodsJustice #FaithAndPerseverance #GospelTruth #EndTimesProphecy #ChristianPodcast #Calvinism #ChristianLiving #SecondComingOfChrist #BiblicalTheology #ReformedDoctrine #SalvationThroughChrist #EndTimesTeaching #GraceAndJudgment #ReformedTheology #ChristianGrowth #ChristianPreaching #TheologyMatters #BaptistDoctrine
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Correct. Christ in you the hope of glory


If you believe, you will be saved. It IS that simple. In a sidenote, if you believe, YOU WILL yield to Him, in between your ongoing screw ups.


It the birth, life, death, resurrection, and the coming again. Keeping all 10 of His commitments as God gave Moses to live right by God's words. The 4th is keep the Sabbath and make it Holy. The real Sabbath on Saturday no Sunday of the Sun God. Jesus's kept the Sabbath in the grave and came forth on Sunday to finish His work and show His self to many for 40 days before He left this earth to His Father that sent Him for us to be saved from our sins. Believe in Jesus and live as a child of God. Amen
