6 Reasons Calvinism is a Cult

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6 reasons Calvinism and reformed theology is a cult. I respond to two comments left on my channel, one listing reasons why Calvinism is a cult and the second comment defending Calvinism as not being a cult but Biblical

#JesusIsLord #Christianity #Calvinism #FaithonFire
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Thank the Lord that I never drank the Calvinist kool-aid. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Calvinism will only poison your soul. 🙏


I’ve been a believer for over 40 years and the only fruit I’ve ever seen from Calvinism is division, confusion and despair. God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.


I have a few personal experiences with two calvinist experienced arrogance, pride, unloving treatment, and one really does not have calvinism in their Faith statements. But make no mistake, they are over run with the young restless and at the point they know you renounce all 5 points, you're shown the door indirectly. Interestingly, I can have fellowship with calvinists but they cannot with me. Calvinism is serious error and the fruit is rotten.


I have seen stealth Calvinism in action several (four or five) times. Calvinists have taken over some of our local churches with their smooth talk, and before long they "owned" the church. I have personally witnessed them congratulating themselves that the Lord blessed them with a paid-for building and congregation.


God is not willing that any should perish.


They usually don't try to explain their beliefs. They act better than me, and simply block me instead of having a coherent debate. Recently, I've noticed an increase in Calvinists... This is spreading like a bad virus


I’m predestined to not be a Calvinist.


Imagine teaching a non believer Calvinism first and then giving them the gospel. Calvinism is a stumbling block. I go to a church that holds Calvinistic beliefs and as a new believer I believed Calvinism was “correct” but I no longer believe this. Why? Because the gospel is simple enough for a 4 year old to understand. Calvinism is trying to make something simple complicated.


Calvin cannot help anyone. Only Christ does.


Its a Cult of some people who think they elect.


This happened to my church that was organized by my father. It functioned for over 50 years before a CALVINISTIC pastor came in. I warned everyone (old people) but they wouldn’t listen. A couple of years later they changed the name. So frustrating! So angry!😡


So grateful someone is finally calling out their insane twisted heresy ..


Yup. My wife and I left a non-denominational Calvinistic church after four years. The Sunday School teacher treated us horribly and we keep in touch with almost zero people from that church since then.


The idea that God would predestine the majority of humanity to burn forever is abhorrent. God loves us and Jesus is our way to not escape hell but to know Him again as before the Fall. That is the good news! It's about relationship with God and the Holy Spirit guides us. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The bible is a guide to that relationship with the 3 in one.


What has always troubled me about Calvinism is that the final basis for Salvation is not simply faith in Christ alone, but faith in God’s irrevocable, predetermined decree that “I am one of the elect.” It’s not “I am saved because I believe, ” but “I believe because I am one of the elect.”


Ah, yes. The shunning. It was a sneaky Reformed hipsters church. When we first started going I had no idea about the nuances of Calvinism, but I started getting clear and could no longer tolerate the garbage from the pulpit. Never ever talked to any of them ever again when we left. Completely dismissed when I expressed that we had stopped attending because we didn't agree with the church's doctrine. Immediately removed from the email list, small group lists, everything. Good riddance.

Saw one woman a few months later who had been in my small group at the local kids park, she saw me and packed up her kids and left. 🙄😂😂😂


Having written the comment that Brian spoke about, I can say FIRSTHAND that many Calvinist churches fly under the radar. I am slightly embarrassed to say that I was duped and "stealthy deceived" for 3 years unknowingly attending a stealth Calvinist church where they intentionally kept their head scratching 5-point tulip under wraps. Once I was enlightened by someone on what they ACTUALLY believed, I completely felt like the emperor with no clothes on. I got out of there as fast as a rabbit being chased by a dog.

I've been born again for 38 years, love the Word of God, and have had a BIG passion all these years in the area of studying cults in order to defend the truth. I admit that I was completely blindsided (and again embarrassed) that I ended up in a church that was never upfront on their beliefs that Jesus does not love everyone, did not die for everyone, and does not want everyone to be saved. And the craziest doctrine of all? That God has given man the choice to choose ANYTHING in his life (like picking a dog or a cat as a pet or choosing peppermint or chocolate marshmallow ice cream to enjoy... I would choose peppermint), but the only choice man cannot have is being able to choose where he will spend eternity. How anyone can fall for this is beyond me (I can hear a Calvinist saying right now "he doesn't understand Calvinism").

So let me get this straight... What a truthful full-fledged card-carrying Calvinist believes is that the vast majority of people on earth (those wide road folks) who are breathing at this very moment were born to live on this earth, and then die only to be sent to hell for all eternity (to glorify God of course), with ABSOLUTELY ZERO CHOICE in their life to repent and turn to Christ for eternal life? How any person can swallow this is about as confusing as attempting to tackle a Rubics cube.

Again, I truly love Calvinist people but can never drink their Kool-Aid. It simply is an entirely different gospel that does not bring "good news that will cause great joy for ALL THE PEOPLE." Like Jesus who loved the Pharisees but warned against their doctrines, we are to love Calvinists but condemn their theology and twisted view that God does not love all or desire all to come to salvation.


John Calvin came up with cessationism which is a heresy.


Others have posted similar stuff already, but let me just reiterate:

Calvinists are some of the most lacking in brotherly love kinda folks you will meet. Very arrogant and unloving.

And what did Jesus tell us? “By their fruits you will know them.”

Arrogance and an unloving nature aren’t a “bug” in Calvinism’s code. They’re a natural feature.


◄ Matthew 16:6►
Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
