Pregnancy Reveals Narcissist's True Self | Shocking

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Register for the upcoming webinar: Release Grief After Narcissistic Abuse

00:00 Introduction to Narcissistic Behavior Post-Childbirth
00:22 Lack of Support and Unrealistic Expectations
01:00 Emotional and Psychological Abuse
01:26 Physical and Social Isolation
01:55 Body Shaming and Infidelity
02:53 Manipulation and Gaslighting
04:36 Family Involvement and Alienation
06:28 Mental Health Struggles
07:08 Jealousy and Aggression
08:40 Conclusion and Healing Resources
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Register for the upcoming webinar: Release Grief After Narcissistic Abuse


On point again Danish. A person that has a child with a narc is a single parent in the face of constant opposition, neglect and opposition. It is like trying to swim upstream in a river.


I was all alone during the pregnancy. The day I went to the hospital to give birth, he left me there alone without saying he was leaving. Nurses were upset. He never showed any care or concern for me. Totally emotionless. At home, he wouldn't even carry the baby. His mom even brought that up to him. Told him he was probably upset cuz it was a girl. That that was wrong of him. Two months later I found out he was cheating. I stayed cuz I had no choice. I had no more kids with him. Felt i couldn't after that horrific experience. He resented me for that. 15 yrs later, I discovered he had a second family with 2 kids. I left and never looked back. Best thing I ever did. I was with this man 23 yrs. Never knew who he really was. But he did show his true colors at the end of the transactionship. I felt at the end that I lived a lie the whole entire time. I'm 13 yrs narc free and happier than ever 😊


This is one of the reasons I'm happily single and child free. I saw this behavior growing up


I had 2 C sections and my Ex showed so much animosity because his needs were put on hold. Both times, my stitches ruptured because I was expected to serve him and his family while caring for the children all by myself. And he had the nerve to say that delivery is not an ailment and I need not make a fuss about pain and exhaustion. Looking back now, I’m amazed I survived such horrific ordeal. Truly demonic beings to the core!!


A narc husband brought up by a narc mother is always jealous of his kids for getting affection and support from their mother which he never experienced


Experienced this exactly, the most difficult time in my life. My children are 17&20 now, I’ve done it all on my own for the past 10yrs, no child support because he and his evil mother wanted to take them so he didn’t have to pay. It was worth the struggle. Although they did ruin a lot the most precious moments of motherhood and the innocence of my children, they will never be forgiven.


You are 100% correct! To others he was a doting father. In reality he was the opposite. of course, she looked just like him, but she didnt. Years later when I divorced him he actually told people he wasnt paying child support bcs she wasnt his child! He even admitted to me he was lying but " it made him feel better" to tell this lie, I dont know the actual stats but I noticed men seem much more likely to cheat when a woman is pregnant. Before pregnancy I was very slim, 105 lbs. I gained a total of 25 lbs, had an 8lb baby. Back in bikini in 6 weeks. Constantly told me I looked "disgusting." It takes time for your hormones to adjust, you are exhausted during, after pregnancy. The narc father uses anything, every thing against you when you are having their child. Completely shameful. Most women will never discuss this horrible abuse bcs it is so painful. Thank you for your honesty.


You speak nothing but 💯% truth. It was AWFUL during the pregnancy and after. 2 months after giving birth I accidentally found out he got someone else pregnant the same time as me & child was born the same day as mine.

Needless to say, We separated 4 months later & divorced after some years. He was never sorry and to this day, he is still not sorry.

His mother said; “you kicked my son out”, I stated his actions warranted it.

He was jealous that I always fixed my son breakfast. I told him, as I mother that’s what I’m supposed to do. Apparently, his mother did not do this.


My husband never cared for me when I was soooo sick and nauseas. I WAS EVEN HOSPITILIZED AND HE JUST LEFT ME ALONE!!


My husband became very mean during pregnancies. I got pregnant just 1 month after marriage. I used to be healthy before marriage and had healthy eating habits, I used to drink juices before, he shifted me on soft drinks during pregnancy. He had no time for me, and advised me to think positive. When I used to say, I left my job for you, I am pregnant I need you, please at least you should tell me in case of getting late after work, he used to say, I am not habitual of telling, you should try to keep yourself busy at household chores. Sundays were working too. Sometimes he used to go on picnic with his friends leaving me alone at home, I felt suffocation. If I said, I changed my whole life, you chose me to marry, can you not make some change in you to take care of me, he used to say, don't compare yourself with me, I am a man, who is allowed to marry twice and as a woman you're not. When I complained, he always used to say you're thinking in a wrong way.


Exactly! My ex used to get jealous/angry when I would breastfeed my son. I always say that when I gave birth to my son, I ended up with 2 children. PP psychosis is actually quite rare-thankfully. PP anxiety is more common than PP depression. I’ve been a maternal-child health RN for 30+ years. I can totally see how a narcissist could make you crazy after childbirth. It’s hard enough without the added stress of dealing with the narcissist. I can spot them now a mile away when my patients come in with their partners. I see the look in the mama’s eyes and remember myself back then.


The entire pregnancy was torture. I walked over 1.5 miles up hill 7 months pregnant because he had to get a beer during the 4th of July fireworks. I waited with my older daughter over 1 hour and ran out of money for the pay phone to see where he was. No cell phone then. I should have packed up the car and left the next morning. It never got better. Every statement that you made is my life.


Mine was different. He was jealous over all the attention I got as the mother. He made the birth all about him being my coach, he did all kinds of things with the baby, he kept the baby from me. As soon as that baby emerged from me, I became invisible, non-existent.


I was bitten on the sides of my belly when I was heavily pregnant. When the baby was two months old he held the baby tight with one hand and beating me on the face with another hand and my face was covered with blood. I had no idea about narcissm then, was always surprised about his behavior and anger when I did nothing to provoke him. I am only answered now that he really is a narcissist. He has three children with three women and recently married a widow with no children. That's how narcs hate their own flesh and blood. Narcs lives are really cold and empty!!!


OMG! Danish, been listening to all your content. Everything you say is so true 💯. Was married to a narc for 30yrs. First pregnancy he put me through so much stress, arguing, fights. Would leave me alone alot to go play basketball with his friends. The day we got married was not feeling good. The next day told him something wasn't right with the baby, he left me to go play basketball. Went into premature labor, almost lost my life. Baby lived for 3 days. Got a infection, stood in the hospital for 3 weeks. While he was cheating, and having fun with his friends. Playing the victim when the baby die. When he was the one that cause it. God has always 🙏 taking care of me. He's gone now. Thank you so much Danish for all your insight. Keep up the good work.


My ex narc was cheating on me during my first pregnancy. Had nothing to do with our son. Later told me he was jealous because I didn’t give him enough attention. That is the craziest thing I have ever heard in my life. I was so crushed.


All true! When I married my ex narcissist, I already had two boys. He acted like he was so happy to have kids but just a little bit after we married, he began to treat them differently and not so nice. I wasn’t going to stand by and let him be mean to my kids. He said well, I think I’d like my own child and then I’d treat yours better. I stupidly believed him and went off birth control. I quickly got pregnant but guess what - he was never really there for me. It was shocking and astounding when he actually volunteered to go offshore for work when it was time for my C-section. The date was set and he deliberately wasn’t there. My baby and I both had complications so I was in the hospital longer than normal. I called his boss and he was pretty surprised that I was in the hospital and had a baby. He said he was going to get my husband home ASAP. He finally showed up at the hospital, had been drinking and practicality shoved me out of my hospital bed so he could lie down, complaining of how tired he was. He paid no attention to our baby. That was when I decided I was leaving him. We were only married for two years. No support was ever given… not one penny. The judge who granted my divorce severed his rights to our child. My ex moved to New York and found a woman to take care of him. She had kids but gave them over to her ex because my ex told her she had to. It’s hard to believe I was ever married to someone like him. It did affect our son because he wanted a father and tried to reach out to him but finally gave up and got over it. My ex died at age 52. My son looks like him, sounds like him but is nothing like him!


This is absolutely true two years after our marriage I had twin daughters and that is what he done . Yes I was abandoned and place is in the home and be a slave to him. Finally after 45years I finally kicked him out . The best decision of my life . I am


My narcissistic husband was busy on the phone giving his narcissistic mum the update of the pregnancy while I was in labour . The midwife had to call him time to time. He ignored me during first three months during morning sickness. He stayed with friends till mid night and returned home late . I had to call and beg him to come home early . He never cooked a single comfort meal during those hard time when even asked . We were living abroad so couldn't get any family support. Just before the day I was admitted to the hospital, I was induced and sent home, but was asked to be prepared to come to the hospital as anytime you may feel pains . Even in a situation like that, he left me to go out as his friend asked him to come. I had to go with him all around staying the vehicle, untill he finish his things with his friend . At that time I never thought this was a personality disorder. It's so heartbreaking to feel all those emotions back. Even after returning from the hospital he would fight even in front of baby, snatch the baby and threaten me to put her down. Its hard to share those feelings. Saddest thing is no one wants to believe as he puts on a nice face outside.
