How to FORGIVE others

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Forgiveness can be one of the most challenging things for a Christian to do. When someone has wronged you deeply, forgiveness is the last thing on your mind. And yet, God commands us to forgive each other. So in this video, we cover 3 thoughts (and 1 tip) on how to forgive those who've wronged you.




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We sinned trillions of times against God, and yet He continues to love us.

We are in no position to be unforgiving.


My father left me and my mother when I was around 6 years old. He took everything from us and left us standing there in the dark. My mother was unemployed and I was a little child and didn't really understand what was going on. I have not talked to him in years as I am 14 now and I am having a hard time forgiving him because of what he did, especially recently when he doesn't even want to pay child support to my mother. But I focus on the bright side: my mother worked on herself more, she started to exercise, eat healthier, and even got a job that pays really well, and I have learned a lot of things in the past few years and made many new friends. I pray that God can give me the strength and love to forgive him. If you read to the bottom of this comment, thank you for listening to me and have an amazing day.


"treat them like they never wronged you" powerful


It's especially difficult to forgive those who don't even ask for forgiveness or feel any regret at all...


Shalom, I was sexually abused as a child by my uncle, God taught me that there is no mercy without forgiveness . He had me understand that people remain prisoners without forgiveness and I didn't want my uncle to be a prisoner. The Holy Spirit prayed in me a prayer of such forgiveness that what my uncle had done wouldn't be found on judgement day. I admit that when someone seeks to continually hurt us without ever repenting is very difficult, a real test beyond my strength sometimes until God Himself helps me


Forgiveness sets you free, from any spirituele attachment, or emotional attachment.

Prayer helps, i believe that.


I never realized how much pain I was carrying around with unforgiveness. I wasn't hurting those who hurt me by not forgiving them, they probably couldn't give a damn about what I think, I was hurting myself and my relationship with God. I can't believe I was saying Jesus' death was not enough and justifying my hatred. I've heard this message of forgiveness before but it wasn't until today that I received it. I really needed this, thank you.


We must forgive our enemies. Romans 12:21 “ do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good”


God answered my prayer by showing me this video in the right time ✝️❤️


That thumbnail is the absolute best...and most appropriate 😂👍🏿👍🏿❤️❗️


The issue with me is that I always forgive, but I don't always forget. In other words, when I'm wronged, I don't keep bitterness in my heart, but my heart is still on high alert if something was super horrible to me.


UN-forgiveness is like a cancer. Untreated it will certainly destroy your body.
I watched one of my brothers living in UN-forgiveness, it was hard to watch him fall. Everyone was at fault never him. He was being eaten up inside. He drank was an alcoholic in toward the end he cut everyone out of his life. I mean everyone. So heartbreaking 😢
He decided to cancel himself out of this life. More heartbreaking💔😢
I tried so many times to help him. He would not open his heart.more heartbreaking 💔 💔💔💔
So this May 15th will be 2 years since his passing.
No matter how hard it may be to forgive it is not only your body but your spirit that is effected.
This video is extremely important.
I was blessed a long while ago to have a forgiving heart. Compassion and empathy were my gifts in Jesus. And a forgiving spirit too.
It comes with blessings and challenges. It is not all roses and sunny. But I would rather have those challenges than a spiritually ridden cancer of body heart and mind.
To those struggling with forgiveness, this information may help tremendously!
God bless 🙌🏼🙏🏼💝


This video came timely in my life. I am going through a season of betrayal from a person I loved, and I couldn’t help but always think about the wrong they have caused me. If anyone is out there going through the same, I pray that God help you and me to forgive and let’s pray until we can completely forgive and forget! God bless you


Finally...this is what I have been looking for...A tutorial from a Christian on how to forgive others. I am really trying my best to master my Forgiving because of everything that had me wrong.


Amen...Matthew 5:44-45 tells us EXACTLY what to do for those folks them, pray for them, do good to them, feed them, lend to them, give them a cool drink


Please pray for my friend everyone. He’s a lost sheep and every prayer helps him get closer to God


This taught me to forgive someone I thought was so unforgivable, some I couldn't stand and hated for years, myself. Thank you Jesus


You never know how much I need this now.. God, You always finds a way to remind Your people.. I want to forgive those who wronged me as You have forgiven me of all my sins 🙏


I am going through a very tough season in my life at the moment.

This video was definitely not by accident. God most definitely put it there for me to see.

I'm praying for the Holy Spirit to help me and teach me to forgive and forget. As my Lord and savior did for me. it is so hard because the hurt prevents me from doing so. The most important part is to keep praying and to keep the faith even stronger


Thank you for putting this all together, I've been reading the new testament since December of 23 and trying to figure out how to forgive the people that are making our lives difficult right now and it is so hard but I do feel like I'm getting closer to that point. But it's one thing to say I forgive you to someone, but you have to truly believe it, I could say it but I don't feel like I would actually mean it yet, but I'm building towards it.
I feel like the holy Spirit is working within me to get me and my family to a better place, but it doesn't happen quickly, just reading the Bible every night, even if it's just one chapter helps me focus.
I suggest if you feel lost and don't know what to do, start reading the new testament, it has helped me immensely!
