Watch This If You Feel Like You Don't Have Enough Time

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Do you ever feel like you don't have time for everything? Watch this video.

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Since I don't have time, I add this video to watch later as well


So true! Time is the most valuable commodity, and our decisions are at the heart of the gain/loss of that commodity. Organizing HOW we use our time is so important because it’s the only finite resource that has a huge impact on our lives - I used to “feel” so overwhelmed because i never had enough time to actually finish anything! I’m talking, spending hours on YouTube/lazing around on Sundays etc. and blaming my loss of time on my circumstances. But by cutting these things out (in balance, of course) it freed up my time so much to accomplish whatever I want to do.

However, there is something to be said about “wasted” time. If you want to go for a walk and be out in nature at the expense of getting your homework done… honestly, do it. Mental health is SO vitally important and choosing to do those things to benefit your health is still prioritizing and optimizing your time.

I do agree in general, but don’t agree on anecdotal evidence (-; there are certainly people in much worse circumstances that don’t actually have time to do anything. Now, the people watching this video, are more likely to have the privilege of time. So your audience may just echo your thoughts?


It's about MAKING time, not having time. As a teacher once told me, ask yourself if you would have time for <task> if you were given a thousand dollars for completing it?


Hey Clement, thanks for the video!

I really needed this video, and it got uploaded at the right moment. I am currently the "helpless victim" who feels like who doesn't have time. As a student and a developer, it's hard for me to manage my time for studies, my social activities, homework, spending time with family, coding projects, and other stuff. But I will take your advice, and try to prioritize the things that I need for accomplishing my own goals.

You should make a video on how to force/make yourself do your responsibility instead of procrastinating, since I've seen a lot of people (including myself) fall victim to that problem. Anyways, thanks again and have a good day :)


Great mindset! Thank you Clément for making this video! I recently asked for your advice about time management between work and relationship on LinkedIn and here you made this video! Not sure if you ever saw that request but thank you anyway! You and your video have always been inspiring, motivating, and helpful, and I really look forward to seeing more of those in 2022 ❤!


Time Management is really important life skill one need to know.


I think, a lot comes from energy resources. When you have something to spend energy-wise, you're unlikely to sit and watch TV. That comes from proper nutrition, vitamins, sleep, sports etc. A proper energized mindset does something with time perception and you can do a lot in a very short period of time.


Clement: "You're the one choosing how much to sleep, work, play, etc. What you do with your time is entirely up to you!"
Me: Looks over at my 3 year old toddler and 6 month newborn.
Me: Starts laughing maniacally
Me: Also starts crying

I know, I know, there's a lot of truth to this video but couldn't help the cheeky response :). If there's anything I've learned as a parent, it's that time management is critical if you want to accomplish anything other than keeping your kids alive and happy.


I knew the general message that would come from the video, but it is important to be reminded frequently. Especially when you are trying to change your lifestyle and habits.


Love this mindset 👏 I was ready for comments to say something along the lines of “but Clement I really don’t have time…”, but that last example with the single mom definitely proves your point excellently 🙏


My dad always tells me "It's not that you don't HAVE enough time, you just don't TAKE the time".
I kind of agree with this.
From a purely logical perspective this is a very true statement.
HOWEVER, from a "human" perspective, working 24h/day would obviously not be sustainable to anyone unless you're a robot (trust me I would if I could).
A more realistic/human approach would be to find that balance that just feels right for you (example: working 10 hours a day) and prioritize things accordingly.
Even if you prioritize things perfectly, I would imagine that sometimes you didn't get to do that 8th or 10th thing on your todo list.
In that case, I would agree that you did indeed "not have enough time".

Most of the time if you feel like you don't have enough time, try to ask yourself if maybe you didn't prioritize the right things.
Other times, you did indeed "not have enough time", and that's okay.


great input! being more aware about the choices we make is not easy but it is great to be reminded with this :)


0:34 Haha the way you transition without even a slight change in tone


I will admit, I spent all day scrolling reddit. Sometimes its not all day, it maybe just a few hours or less, but it accumulates a lot in 365 days and then years.


Definitely agree, everyone can make time. But I think when people say they don't have the time they often mean they don't have the energy.
One can have plenty of motivation and time to put toward their goals, but without the mental energy, it's useless.
Even if they're doing all the right things for their health, that doesn't guarentee abundant energy. That's the boat I've been in my whole life. Any advice?


I agree that you have to make sacrifices to achieve things. Not having enough time for a certain goal means that you're priotizing your other goals, but it's difficult when you have many goals and have to discard some of them. Still, that's usually a significantly smaller problem than it sounds like, because most people spend a huge amount of their time on things unrelated to their goals without knowing it. That's where things like time tracking can help you understand where your time is going and how to rearrange your schedule so that it better aligns with your conscious model of what you want to be doing.


Now a days I need more than 24 hours a day. If my body could not need sleep, that would be great -_-


In reality it's not that you don't have the "time" to do X. It's just that you're not making it your priority. But A LOT of people aren't ready to hear that. 😒


Hi, I've been following you for a long time. Congratulations on what you do.🙂 Your name sounds very Romanian, you are from Romania?


Me, someone who has no time, is watching this video with the speed 2x
