Why Do I Feel So Tired After Radiation

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If you've been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, you may be heading towards Radiation or have completed Radiation. One of the most common side effects of Radiation is fatigue. However, I believe there is more than just the effect of Radiation that could be causing the fatigue.

Consider the fact that from the point of diagnosis, fatigue as a side effect can start. Immediately following diagnosis you are straight into appointments for scans, procedures and often surgery. Attending appointments means driving to appointments, sitting in waiting rooms, sitting or lying down for scans, sitting and talking to medical professionals then driving home. There is a considerable amount of physical downtime during this period. And with downtime, physical deconditioning starts.

Many people have a short rest following surgery and are then straight into Chemotherapy. As many of you will already be well aware, Chemotherapy is incredibly tiring. So unless you are maintaining regular exercise before and during Breast Cancer, it is highly likely you will be experiencing further physical deconditioning, which in turn impacts fatigue.

Fatigue is not only physical. Fatigue can be emotional and mental. And for most people diagnosed with Breast Cancer there is a lot of emotional and mental stress that occurs - again from the point of diagnosis. Consider all of the medical information you have to process so that you can be involved in treatment decision making processes - this is tiring in itself.

So the take home message is that fatigue experienced during Radiation, may not just be fatigue directly related to the treatment itself. For those diagnosed with Breast Cancer who undergo Surgery, Chemotherapy AND Radiation....consider the entire experience you have just been through. Most of my patients tell me how they 'crashed' after Radiation finished. They describe being tired, flat, unmotivated, sleeping a lot during the day, teary and emotional. The good news is - this appears to be common ground for a lot of people, and it should get better a few weeks after Radiation is complete.

However, if symptoms of fatigue, poor mental and physical health are persisting beyond a few weeks of completing treatment, that is the best time to connect with a Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist who can guide you through a tailored Exercise Program. Exercise has positive impacts of physical AND mental health. If your mental health is not recovering once treatment is completed, consider getting a referral to a Counsellor or Psychologist. So many of my patients have reported significant benefits from talking about their Breast Cancer experience to a good Counsellor or Psychologist, particularly when the Health Professional specialises in looking after people who have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

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I welcome you to ask questions, participate and join me as we explore the intricacies of Breast Cancer and help YOU return to your most optimal health following surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

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Рекомендации по теме

I am in the middle of my radiation treatment and I'm already feeling so tired. Everybody around me has a sort of an expectation of me that I need to stay positive all the time. It creates so much pressure and anxiety. I feel like if I'm not "listening to their advice to stay positive" then I'm failing. I am fatigued and honestly I'm so tired of hearing " Stay positive look for positive etc. I'm not complaining or sharing my feelings and emotions with my family and friends because I know I'll be judged by them.


This is one of the most empathetic, affirming, down-to-earth acknowledgments of the breast cancer treatment experience I’ve seen. Very helpful suggestions too. Thank you, thank you. ❤


Thank you for this video! I am feeling the adrenaline crash right at the end of my radiotherapy treatment. This video was validating


Your comments are a relief to me. I found your videos only yesterday. Post bilateral mastectomy. Thought I was over with it but now am facing radiation. And I know so many other women have not been as fortunate as I have. But hearing you say, the radiation fatigue that may come on after the last treatment is often the big cadence of a series of stressful events is well, reassuring. Thank you.


Thank You for this I just finished my 4 weeks of radiation and my first day at home without having to go anywhere was a relief but I was so tired during the middle of the day and took a nap but still didn’t feel energetic afterwards. Your video was very informative and touched on things that wasn’t told to me by my team. I was truly searching to find something that will explain this tiredness and what to do. So thank you and I will be keeping up with you for more info.


This has helped me understand why after chemo surgery and radiation I am struggling with debilitating fatigue and now depression Which has hit me out of the blue When I thought once everything was finished my life would return to some sort of normal It was good to hear I will get my life back Thank you for this video 😊


Thank you, I’m just about to start radiation, I’ve gone from never being ill to being a cancer patient, it’s a real shock to my system, thank you


Im so glad I discovered your videos, Jen. They are extremely helpful. Unfortunately, I dont get a lot of information like yours from my doctors. Just the basics- your skin will feel like you've got a sunburn, use Aquaphor on your skin. You may feel tired, or lose weight. But watching your videos has been the extra information and support I really need. Thank you, you are a blessing.


I just finished 6 weeks of radiation for prostate cancer and I am blown out beyond ex- hausted. I also have a brain injury and emphysema, so no wonder I am wiped out. Your message helped me get through the night, thanks and apologies if your posting was intended only for breast cancer... I imagine there are a lot of things in common to all radiation patients..


Thank you so much. Your words are real and affirming. I finished radiotherapy three weeks ago. You outlined the psychological and emotional contribution to fatigue extremely well. I got through treatment with a lot of positivity and once finished, the recognition of the journey came into the picture! Yet friends and family feel it is all over! I think self compassion and self care is so important at this time and giving ourselves affirmation for what we have been through and acknowledging it is life changing. Many thanks for your empathy and solid guidance.


I've been a bit numb from date of diagnosis. I've just finished my chemotherapy and have had a lumpectomy. Due to start my radiation therapy soon.
This is such good advice and hearing I'm normal is reassuring.
Thank you


THIS IS ALL TRUE. I am living my second BC occurrence. It isn't easier the second time around but I am better prepared. I HIGHLY suggest seeking out a therapist if you are able to, esp one that deals with PTSD and grief. This journey will hit you hard mentally AFTER all the treatments. you are not alone, we just need to process.


Excellent video and totally on-point. I just finished radiation on Friday and this has been my experience and feeling as to why it’s happening. Our body, mind and soul have been through so much in the past year we really need to be kind to ourselves 👍💖🙏


Yes, I felt mental and physical fatigue for about 6 weeks after radiation. Physical activity is very helpful, I lift for a living at work 4hrs a day 5 days a week, it was painful at times and hard to push through my work day, but I truly believe exercise helped me heal quicker and helped me mentally focus on something besides treatment. We are all stronger than we think and resilient when faced with breast cancer.


Thanks for posting this! ..
Just started Radiation on
Monday: will be having it every
Chemo was very exhausting, but got through it....
Taking one day @ a time..
This was so very informative & so very helpful....
He'd my Surgery on May 8th....
Praying for complete Healing!...
Having much Faith in God..
Praying for all of us too!!!


This video is spot on, Jen. My naturopath concurs and said to consider this time as convalescence. I just want to add that, in my experience, recovery is not a straight line graph. I will be fairly active for a couple of days and starting to think I am through this, then the next day I will have what I call a floppy day, where I can't even think, let alone be physically active. Thanks for another helpful video, Jen.


I'm so I'm at the end of my radiation. I started radiation 4 weeks after bilateral mastectomy and before this six months of chemo. I"m also on letrozole for the next 10 years. I'm also starting Verzenio for next two years. I had a bone scan and CAT scan last week (all negative for mets). I'm having a dexa scan in two week. I have worked full time during all of the treatment thanking two weeks off after the mastectomy. Writing this message to you has even helped me. Thank you for the reassurance.


Thank you so much for this video, it has helped as a sanity check as I'm sooo tired and sleeping a ridiculous amount I feel like I'm losing my mind! Totally makes sense now you put it like this. Radiation feels like double-dipping the fatigue that is continuing after the chemo, but I know that it will pass and very much look forward to that! Also having some really annoying hot flashes which I guess the chemo has triggered, so sleeping at night can get awkward since that's when they are worst. Videos like this are so helpful in knowing I'm not just losing my mind 😊👍️


I am getting ready to begin radiation treatment and am thankful for this advice. I struggles with people telling me i am strong when I felt like jello. People think they are being positive for you but it was upsetting for me.


Almost done Jen! 3 more sessions to go! Thank you so much for all of your videos, they have really helped me through this wild journey.❤️
