Do You Always Feel So Alone? This Might Be Why

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Do you always feel alone? Even though you were with people, have you still felt somehow disengaged or removed from it all? You might be lonely. When loneliness goes unchecked, it can impact you in so many ways. We hope this video helps you take care of your happiness and health, by exploring some of the common causes of loneliness and what to do about it.

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#alone #lonely #loneliness

Writer: Ria Parikh
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Naphia
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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I’ve found that Loneliness is more the absence of connection, than absence of company.


_"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone."_


1. Burnout
2. Lack of connection with friends
3. Major life changes
4. Depression
5. Social phobias
6. Childhood trauma
7. Screen time


Sometimes I feel like YouTube is trying to tell me something...


Hello time travellers, don't worry you're not alone! I have joined the party of time travellers


sometime i feel so lonely, i feel like life has no purpose:(

edit — i'm surprise people also feel this, thank you for all your nice and loving comments (i am sorry if i can't reply to all of your comments) we can go through this!❤️❤️❤️


Hey you. This is a positive sign.

You're not alone in feeling alone. You don't have to work 24/7. You don't have to keep torturing yourself. You are creative. You are brilliant. You got this. Stretch the corners of your mouth up to soak this truth in. May all your worries wash away and you start doing the things that make your heart sing.
💗 Dr. Liz


“Happiness starts with YOU. Not with relationships, not with your job, not with your money, but with YOU.” 🙏🏽


Being alone and being lonely are two different things. We need to be alone sometimes to embrace the solitude. While lonely? When we don't enjoy the solitude even when we are in the crowd if we don't enjoy the moment it makes us lonely and that can be one thing that cause us to be unhappy. Happiness really start from within.


P- Pleasing
S- Super Informative
Y- Your psychology class online
C- Caring
H- Honest
G- Great communicators
O- Overwhelmingly supportive


I honestly don't know what is the reason why i feel so lonely. It could be my depression, or screen time, or my anxiety, or failing to connect with my friends (i actually just realized i have been struggling to connect).


I got so scared when she said "BE HONEST." 😂😂😂


Ok, this channel is definitely renting space in my head!!


Childhood trauma, anxiety, depression and sense of loneliness around others. Yep thats me 😅😅😅😥. Im seeing a counselor, so I'm getting better. You just really hit the nail on the head.


I was feeling so alone and this video dropped and now I know why I feel alone and trying to overcome it🤗🤗🤗🤗


I never felt lonely except for one time but it turned out to be my insecurity + trying too hard to improve myself. I was mildly depressed and so I had the insecurity that it must be cause I don't talk to my friends.
But when I thought I should connect, I realized I don't want to talk about anything and when my kind of friend called me next day I was like end this call already. That pseudo lonely feeling went away pretty quickly.


One thing that I like about their videos is that whether it has to do with a mental illness, they always remind us that it is not to be replaced with an actual psychologist. Videos like this on the other hand, help each and everyone on how to overcome difficulties that many experience. And I love how they do not stay under negative topics, but rather they balance it off with amazing psychology facts. Keep up the good work!


This may help others, but I’m that one kid, that listens to music, I have one friend, well not really, I kinda like her, and we always get in fights, so I’m alonedidn’t need to say that, but uh so one thing, if your ever feeling alone, I reccomend to listen to music, sometimes you can get memories from it, it helps me too and when I need to calm down I listen to music 💞


The amount of adventure time references and memories they are sparking up both hurt my soul and warm my heart
