Bizarre Manipulation Tactics Narcissists Use. #shorts #narcissist #npd #redflags #cptsd

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So very true. They don't want to talk with you, they want to talk AT you. You can't have good communication with them, ever. It's them, not you.


This reminded me of when family members and others wouldn't listen to me, or respect my opinion, yet they'd take notice if another person said exactly what I'd said and now I understand why! 😊


Not only that but the next day they'll repeat back what you've said to them as if it was their idea.


This is so true. It was so bizarre. You exhaust yourself trying to explain to them the most common sense, basic things about how life works to a person who is the age they are, too old not to already know these things, and it makes no difference. They will continue their toxic cyclic destructive behavior’s. There are not enough words in this world to get them to understand. Save yourself and your sanity and just let them keep falling on their own sword.


Ironically the narcissistic person tends to mimic the thoughts, ideas etc other people.


It's really heartbreaking when you start to develop a lot of health problems and look to your narcissistic spouse for interest, care, support, Something.... Anything... Funny that I'm able to begin improving my health now that we're not together.... The sad part is though is that I still update him as if he'll react in a way that shows care...


Stop calling them on the phone.
If they call, return the call if you want. Make sure you have your
ear buds on. Start doing your chores like dishes, laundry,
Exercise etc.
Respond as little as possible.
Because, anything you say...
You will be amazed at how much you get done! 😁


That's true. When asked, they said that they don't want to hear your opinion, even when married to them. This is the last straw, the straw that broke the camels back. I was done.


Where in the world did these people come from? How or what and why did their insanity stem from? There seems to be so many of them nowadays.


I don't know if they think they're experts as much as they believe you are an object that is beneath them. We have no brain, have no senses or feelings. We are just items to be handled and disposed of.

My ex-husband said people are nothing but tools. I'm so glad he's gone


My ex narc used to make up everything he says especially when i would ask him any question. It’s like he answered quick so I would get out of his hair.

And then, every time that he would answer a question I knew that wasn’t right. I would Google it and then I would call him out on it in front of his friends…..


When I was talking with others and conversing well with them. The x Narc would just stand beside me like a model's dummy making these grunting noises constantly showing their disgust and annoyance that I could hold a really good conversation with others. He didn't like the interaction and joy of communicating which he was socially devoid of. He would even be rude and just disconnect from the group (if I was talking outside Church on a Sunday morning) and either go to the car and sit in it until the chatting was over or on one occasion he drove off home without me. In other groups he would sneer at me making me feel as if I was stupid or he would contradict me
to put me off.
It got to the point where I was uncomfortable


Exactly! Birds of an ignorant and evil feather flock together!


Do not participate in a Two-way communication with a Narcissistic person .Typically, both parties involved transfer information between one another. This person only hesr his or own voice and not your.


You can never ever get a narcissist to understand facts. You can never get them to own up to their responsibility or apologize. And it's not like they don't get it, they know exactly what they're doing but they're not going to give up the game cuz they're always right and the game and itself is very useful for them because then they have you sitting there trying to prove to them that they're wrong and they know they're wrong but they want that they want the you to come for approval they want you to contend with them so that they can feel relevant. It's the fight that they want not facts and truth. If they own up to it, game over. They want this to continue they want you to be hurt and plead with them and cry. They don't feel bad for you this is what they're going for. Then they switch places like they act like you're doing that to them. Do you know what to do in a situation like that? You leave put distance between them doesn't matter who it is psychopath is a psychopath there is no difference between a psychopath you don't know and a psychopath that you do now at the psychopath that you don't know it's not personal but the psychopathic you do know is vicious and malevolent. You leave that's it. You don't need anyone to validate you how can they validate you? They don't want you to go, really. They need a scapegoat and a smoke screen. These people don't want to have relationships, they're looking for a host. And they're involved with all types of triangulation you know triangles have been triangles within triangles because somebody's going to be the third wheel and that person is going to be thrown out and usually it's the smart person. You can't call them out on there shit. They're smiling in your face, I need full for it but while they're smiling that knife is already on its way into your back and so they want you to be there so that they can keep stabbing you in the back but if you complain that's a problem. These people don't want any nagging or noise or anything while they're standing in the back they want you to be quiet about it and maybe even take the knife from them and stab yourself in the back. You stay away from these people and stay away from them long enough so that you can notice the difference between your feelings when you're with them and your feelings when you're go on your way. You see when I left these abusive triangulation bullshit I never been happier in my life. All the things they did to me that would trigger response which would make me cry and now I'm the victim the one with the mental problems, yeah no. You see, you can't make a triangle out of two. I read somewhere that it's the scapegoat that escapes the narcissistic family dynamic.


Kim thank you for exposing their dysfunction.. because that's exactly what it is.


Correct, when I made it clear to her about her personality disorder...She told me, "You're not God, can't judge her.... So I agreed and said.. "Well, if you're not acting this way because of a disorder, then you're doing it on spite, which now makes it much worse"..
She hung up the phone


They are well known for bragging about how well they do something.
But never compliment the other person, unless its to get brownie points.

We should only compete with ourselves. Striving to be better than yesterday.


Unless you have solid proof on them .... doing things that can destroy their beloved fake reputation.... then they pay attention big time. Always protect yourself


My narcissistic mother has said many times that she knows everything.
