This Is How Depression Feels

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Depression is a serious mental illness that can interfere with a person’s life. The signs of depression could include long lasting feelings of sadness, hopeless, and even apathy. Unlike sadness or short term depression, clinical depression often require medical intervention. In this video, we will talk about what it feels like with depression if you are someone trying to better understand a friend who is going through it.

DISCLAIMER: Do not use this video for self diagnosis, but as a guide.

Writer: Lily Mentriko
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
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It's hits when your family and friends calls you lazy when u are struggling with your mental health 🙂


As a person with depression, I can confirm that most of this is true. If you happen to notice anyone acting like this, just be nice to them. It will brobably mean the world to them.


The worst thing to feel like a child,
" Why me? "
It's like everyone else is luckier, Everyone else has a better life, better parents, more freedom.


When you are not afraid to die. But you can't even die.
Also living feels like a punishment. 😊❤️‍🔥💔🙂


for me, depression feels like you are the only sad person in the world. it feels like no one understands you. it feels like the glass isn’t half full, or half empty, its cracked. it feels like nothing matters except those who would be saddened with you gone. it feels like everyone else’s wellbeing matters more than yours. it feels like fictional characters are your only friends, your only support. it makes clouds beautiful because they seem larger than your problems. it feels like only drawings and music understand you. it feels like no matter how much you try to help, you only hurt. it makes the light hurt your eyes. it makes you scared to love again because of a mistake that happened a whole person ago.

it feels like nothing at all and everything bad at the same time.


One more thing: you tend to procrastinate a lot. Due to constantly being tired and unmotivated, you will find it a little relaxed by procrastinating.


I literally broke down crying watching this... I've been feeling worthless, useless, ugly, unlovable for the last 14 years... Thank you for the video.


It just hits harder when u can’t continue your fake smile. You have people asking you “what’s wrong, why are you sad” and have to say “nothing, I’m happy. What makes you think about it?” while having the most sad, ungrateful face ever when answering.


I describe it as…emptiness. A cold darkness over your mind. Not the calm quiet darkness. One that is screaming with life about how you’re an awful person. It feels like a weight on your ankles in the middle of the ocean, not a extremely heavy one but one that keeps you bobbing at the surface. You’ll be breathing fine one moment only to get hit with a wave another. It feels like you’re alone even when you’re surrounded by people.

That’s how I described it to my therapist anyways.


This has always been such a huge problem with my family. Even a couple family members who are prescribed psych meds for their own issues often do not seem to understand what I experience


The weird thing about depression is sometimes it feels really comfortable for being depressed, it's like depression itself becoming addiction or coping mechanism.


Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.


I am trash and I want to disappear, but I don't want to make my mom sad.


Family problems, loosing friends, I get bullied everywhere, school pressure and trauma this is where I got it ☺️


My whole body is aching. My chest hurts . I barely have energy to get out of bed. My room is a complete mess rn.


I'm crying watching this, this is how I feel for almost 4 years now


This is my story: Growing up, I was actually raised in a very loving and supportive home. I always got good grades in school. I excelled in the things I did (such as tae kwon do and bowling). At some point, I began building up these expectations of being the best daughter, the best student, the best everything. I felt as if maybe that's what others expected of me, too. Sometime during elementary school, I started to develop more of an understanding of what was happening around me. I've always been a shy person, and I felt like I never truly "clicked" with any of the kids at school. The only times I felt that (pre-college) were in elementary school for a few years with a small group of guys (I was the only girl, but my tomboyish personality allowed me to fit in) and in high school with a small group of girls (not the stereotypical "popular girls", so felt I somewhat fit in there for a year or two). Going back though to what I was getting at, I wasn't a social butterfly like a lot of the other kids. I eventually started feeling like I didn't truly fit in. That everybody saw me as the weird girl who liked video games and anime. That nobody actually liked me for me. Halfway into middle school, I got into my first relationship. The relationship wasn't bad or anything, I just lost feelings over the last month of it and had to end it. Shortly afterwards, I started playing an online game and made many online friends. Started online dating and ended up in lots of bad relationships since I was still a young middle/high schooler who didn't know better. This is when the depression started hitting hard alongside anxiety. I remember making so many mistakes in those relationships and always blaming myself for them ending the way they did (instead of the reality which was that I got manipulated into doing wrong things that I was told were right by older guys). This led to getting very dark thoughts from time to time. Although I hadn't made any attempts until high school (which even then wasn't anything that put me in a hospital), it was still something that carried on into my current life.
Even though I'm going to counseling, I still feel the anxiety and depression a lot of the time, and sometimes it hits very hard. It's that feeling of "I don't want to do anything", "I can't do anything". It's the feeling of not wanting to get out of bed. To go back to sleep, even when you know you have to get up. That lack of motivation, that empty-but-not-empty feeling. You feel sadness, but you also feel nothing. You want to be happy, but you also feel like you don't deserve happiness. You look down on yourself from the moment you wake up to the moment you sleep. You convince yourself that you aren't good enough, that nobody wants you. You don't want to eat, even if there is food in front of you. You want to go to bed early, but the negative thoughts fill your head until you cry instead.
Throughout the later parts of my life, I've encountered friends. True friends, I mean. Friends who are there for me during these rough times. Yet sometimes, I can't bring myself to speak up. I value them so much that I don't want to bring them down with me. I'm slowly getting better though. The family and friends we have are very precious to us, and I know that we would want them to talk to us, too, if they ever felt depressed or anxious because we wouldn't want them to suffer alone.
So yeah. I know it isn't a deep and traumatizing story, but hopefully it still reaches out to someone out there.


To the person reading this: you are a warrior and u are an amazing person so keep on going ❤
Édit: Tysm for thé replies.this made my day


I'm a veteran, was actually addicted to alcohol. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with cptsd. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.


This video is the best explanation and description of depression. I don't enjoy life. I'm depressed everyday and I battle and struggle with it. I hide behind my smile and use it as a mask so no one knows the struggle, suffering, hurt, pain, heartache, and heartbreak inside. I feel empty, hopeless, and helpless. I'm dead inside and I pray to higher forces and powers everyday to have mercy on me and release me from it all. I wish people truly understood that depression doesn't mean your crazy, lazy, incompetent, inadequate, incapable, etc. It is a battle and struggle that wears you down everyday and you just want to feel better and not feel invisible.
