Clinical Depression in a Nutshell

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Heather Flynn, Ph.D.
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I've had this shit for 10 years and the worst part is you cant f*cking cry, no matter how hard you try you cant cry, therefore theres literally no sense of relief until the "episode" ends...


*ticks all the boxes*
i am finally good at something


I've felt this way since I was 15 in turning 25 in October and it's a struggle, I've looked for help but my psychologist told me "you have some depression, just look for a hobby and get your mind off of it" a "medical professional" told me get over it... The only reason I haven't jumped off a building is because I'm married and I love my husband but I'm still sad and suicidal every day.


I've had it for 5-6 years and I'll tell you right now, I hugely appreciate the people who tried to help me, but its only gotten worse and worse. I keep thinking I am at the tipping point or at the maximum it can reach but somehow it just gets worse. The more I think about it the less I can't think about it and when I think about it, everything goes to hell.


Don't give up! I had this shit for almost 10 years, martial arts and Gods grace cured me ! Keep fighting!


Got diagnosed in 2018, I would say that the symptoms come in what I can describe as a rollercoaster, they slowly build up and then the free fall is just the worst


It's strange when these professionals always a period of a few days or weeks!. The bigger picture is people are suffering from it for many years before they finally do something about it!.


I was 7 at a birthday party and there was a piñata that just got busted so while every kid dove for the candy I just stood there and watched. My uncle asked me why I didn’t dive myself and I basically just shrugged and said “what’s the point?”. Later got diagnosed with this condition but I’m trying to be better. I send you all who are dealing with this my support.


I have all the symptoms I been this way for years and I keep it to my self.


Watching someone talk about it is honestly what has made me do so much research on depression and bipolar disorder. Going in about a week to be evaluated because I've felt like this for over 10 years now. Knowing my mother has clinical depression and being able to track how I've been feeling and everything for the last 4 years since I had my son has helped me see that I may also have it as well. Hoping for good news the 18th ❤️


Magic mushrooms, people. Not joking. It may not help everyone but for a lot of people it’s truly the only thing that can have major positive effects suppressing clinical depression. Please consider trying! it’s the only thing that’s ever worked for me and many people I know. Go start reading into it!


She just described the last 3 years of my life


I've been feeling like this for a few months, I'm barely functioning at all now. Obviously I should speak to a doctor. I think I've always felt like this I go through phases but it doesn't feel like it's ending this time.


I played a part in the accidental death of my older brother who was only 1 1/2 years older than me sowe literally grew up side by side. We were practically the same person, had the same friends, same hobbies, same interests. But when iwas 19 and he was 20 i ended up finding him dead on the floor at a friends house where i had placed him the night before because he got too wasted and passed out on my friends bed while the rest of us left to go to another party. We come back and my friend wants to sleep but my brothers in his bed so me and a friend move him to the floor… the floor… because of my carelessness he ended up suffocating in the pillow on the floor… ever since then ive been struggling just to get through each day. Im 31 now so its been a very long hopeless endless downward spiral and itried therapy once but the therapist was solely focused on trying to convince me it wasnt my fault but facts are facts, its WAS my fault. So that therapy session only made me feel worse cuz now ijust feel hopeless like the only possible way to get through this is if i can believe it wasnt my fault when i know for certain it was so thats impossible. Inever went back to see that therapist or any other therapist after that and it was about 4 maybe 5 years ago. I honestly just dont know what kind of a future i could possibly even have, i have only gotten this far because those around me pity me enough to let me get away with doing nothing but one day i wont have thatkind of support anymore and i will be tossed out to the wolves unprepared and i just cant get myself to care enough to try and prepare for a future where i must be independent. Im a pretty intellectual person and pick up things really quickly but ill always have this dark cloud hanging over my head thatmakes it impossible for me to ever care enough to do anything to prevent something bad happening to myself. I just dont know what if anything there is for me to even do or hope for.


Its hilarious listening to her talk abt the duration of symptoms. When she said moods last a few hours for most people but if it persists past a few weeks thats cause for concern. But here I am like that’s describing my whole life. I havent been able to maintain any inner stability ever in my life. I’m 18 now and it feels like I’ve experienced a whole lifetime of mental illness even though Ive just reached the age where things start to get real. I’m terrified lol, it’ll be such an accomplishment if i can make it to my 30s


Addicted to alcohol and am diagnosed clinical depression, have had it diagnosed since I was 15 and 24 now. I am losing it bad though, fuck this. I'm also on Suboxone and gabapentin, so three depressants daily on top of being diagnosed clinical


My sister is a prostitute and she has all those symptoms and keeps talking about killing herself. She is already on prozac and huge amounts of xanax, so not much we can do.


Yep, my last chance is mushrooms and ayahuasca. If it doesn’t help I’m signing out 😝👍🏻


Oh yea - I need to talk to you then 👀
It sux


Who came here after watching andrew tate
