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Disclaimer: I am simply sharing my experiences and my opinion. Please do not take any medical advice from my content, and please speak to someone if you're struggling or have questions about your health

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Sorry about the weird auto-focus issues! Didn't have time to re-do this week's video and enough of it was useable that I figured sometimes you've just gotta do what you've gotta do! 😅


"Worn off your fingerprints stroking the egos of those who were suposed to protect you". Wow. That's a really powerful way of describing CPTSD. Great video.


It’s been absolute torture having cptsd. I resent my family for abusing me to the point I have no identity. They stole it from me. That deep seeded emptiness is horrible. It’s relief knowing I’m not alone. Thank youuuu


Great video! ...and I totally agree with you on the empath construct. Sometimes I find it useful but for the most part I hate that I can't control whether or not I absorb other people's emotions. Most of the time I just want to turn it off and can't.


Yer the whole empath thing got me ngl. I've cut a ton of people out of my life and just trying to be me . Stopped drinking and smoking and it's been one hell of a ride. Still a ton of work to do but it's a start. Your videos have helped alot over the years so thank you.


holy hell, i just discovered this channel and these videos are helping me so much


I had an identity once, and it was very strong, very kind and very wise.

Then I realised that “duty of care…” with mental health care and rights and responsibility can often turn into “duty to harm” by governments who are hell bent on seeing their citizens as “wrong” and health care workers that have become fascist megalomaniacs that cause harm and then offer the people that they harm no redress.

I should make a video about that one time or another about the story of “accuse behavioural disturbance/excited delirium.”

But I don’t feel like it and you can just read the case study about how EMTS killed Elijah McClain and that somehow my story is somewhere between George Floyd being pinned on the ground on my stomach in the prone position and Elijah McClain being injected with Ketamine.

I no longer have an idea they and after being debased so thoroughly like that, that they basically cut my legs off with a machete under a “baker act…”

I don’t think I’ll ever have an identity again and I’m not even. Sure how to find it?

A large part of me suffered an “emotional death” and I’m not asking you to care about that.

I’m saying it because I feel completely and utterly ducking lost in this world now…


Thank you I just got diagnosed with cptsd your videos make me feel I'm not alone I'm one of the lucky ones who got of the abusive cycle when I meet my husband, your videos help so many people thank you lots of love from Australia


That meme. Was a moment of "oh shit".
I've aways said I am empath.
I think I've mislabelled myself because I wanted to embrace it as a positive, desperately trying to give myself an identity.
Thankyou though! 💜


Great video 👍 Dont find comfort in familiarity ( if I spelled that right 😂) find your comfort in originality 🤗 For years I felt like I had a nail in one of my shoes and all I was doing was going in circles. But one day that ALL changed for me 👏👏👏 Own the things you did wrong and drop the baggage you are carrying for everyone else its a very heavy load .


That first line is the best description I've ever heard.. 🥺


This is SO important. I am currently struggling with this myself as I pull apart all of the trauma from whatever semblance of an identity I have hidden bellow it.


Sliding in and out of focus...oh wow that is a spot on analogy for life with CPTSD <3<3 Even though we spend all our time and energy trying to help our abusive parent(s)/partners the truth is they cannot be helped and despite wearing ourselves down to the bone trying to, what we do never works because they are incapable of change or accepting help. Therefore, to them their problems and upsets are then our fault and of course they loudly proclaim "no-one ever tries to help me!, poor me!". Talk about a thankless task, at this point I have pretty much walked away from my whole family and frankly want nothing to do with their toxicity anymore. I used to be incredible afraid to be alone in this world and now...well now I am utterly relieved to be living on my own terms as my true self without all their bullshiz. Love<3Peace<3Truth


Actually that sounds about right; my dad can be a pretty volatile person and my mom was not really able to stand up to him (neither was I) so I learned to "read the room" so to speak so I could try to help or at least be ready for what was coming.


I’m going to have to stop watching these or start coming to terms with who I am :)…Thank you for doing what you do


This is exactly how I got misdiagnosed with BPD


I like your videos, you are incredibly perceptive for one so young. Thankyou for posting these, they are very helpful xx


I have watched several of your very brave videos. It really makes me sick that some men sexually and/or physically abuse women or children. Men are here to protect women and children, not abuse them!

In terms of C-PTSD it sounds horrible. I got a severe dose of PTSD from nearly be killed in a war and that was bad enough. The complex part of what you are dealing with is much worse than what I went through. I wish you the very best. Keep up the fight to recover.


I knew the tweet you were going to reference as soon as you started taking issue with "empath". Of course it is entirely possible you retweeted it and that is how I saw it in the first place.


So… I can just make my own identity? Please expand more on how to.
