Narcissist Top 20 List Of Manipulation (#1)

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The Top 20 list of narcissist manipulative behaviors begins here with #1. This is the Love Bomb. This is when you the unsuspecting person believing in love were tricked. You believed that the narcissist felt the same way as you and they were authentic loving you. They only manipulated you to get supply from you. The narcissist put the mask on and played with your heart and life during the Love Bomb stage. They never loved you then and they actually are not capable of love. This stage was a euphoric time you wanted to continue for the rest of your life.. it was impossible to maintain. You see the narcissist was being fake and manipulative… looking to destroy you. This is the beginning of the narcissistic abusive cycle.. the Love Bomb is short lived and is the only enjoyable time of the relationship. #narcissist #narcissism #Lovebimb #redflags #control #entitled #denial #alone #empowerment #destroy #movingforward #healing
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I remember looking at him and thinking how did I get so lucky 😍lol Then his mask fell off. 😅


This totally describes the beginning of my relationship. I thought he was the man of my dreams. Boy, was I wrong!! 🙁


I wasted 4 and a half years with a moocher, cheater, player, liar! But never again, I’m so smart now I scare myself! Lol Let freedom ring!😘😁👍


No contact almost two years. And i'm still learning and understanding what happened. It takes a long time after no contact to start to see things clearly. It took me over a year just to be able to rest and get my energy back because she sleep deprived me for a year. Crazy. Insane. She came in like a perfect warm summer breeze that developed into a Category 5 Hurricane.


The manipulation was like being in jail But I didn't realize what was happening ! I'm educated now and still studying so that that will never happen to me again ! 🙌🙌🙌💯👌😄


You're teaching the same sound points, 2 years later. I'm looking at solid proof. There is no existing scale to measure this toxicity, but your words carry weight. Thank you.


Hi Andrew, I'll never forget how I felt when he first told me how he feels about me. Butterflies, heart racing, and disbelief, bcse I was falling for him also. Love bomb is an understatement! We (I thought) had so much in common. Who would have known it would turn out like this? THEY ARE ALL ACTORS!!! Never had a clue I was being used all those years. Once again, FOLLOW YOUR GUT FEELING! TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE was a big joke on ME...The minute you feel something is not right, RUN AWAY...I never knew I was being used bcse if his love bombing. If I would gave seen more signs, I would have left him sooner...


I remember thinking .. why hasn't someone snatched this prize yet?? I'm the luckiest girl in the world!! 🤣🤣😂😂


just before he met me, i was at my highest, strong in my steps, confident in myself, he tied me to himself so cleanly, with no resistance.. I remember i jokingly told him then, wow, you are the one who actually kept my attention for over two weeks, so it's probably gonna be forever..
I'm not exaggerating on this, the honeymoon phase lasted two and a half weeks.
the relationship two and a half years.


As soon as I realize that someone is trying to put me on a pedestal with flattery and attention and are rushing and trying to take all of my time….that’s when I now realize that they are lovebombing. Now I withdraw and make my escape! Once you recognize and attend to the red flags, it’s easy to avoid getting drawn in!


Expensive gifts, flowers, trips and everything was always thrown up in my face later. I was told you are the only woman I've ever loved and I'm blowing it.


When you meet a nar you think you hit the jackpot in every which way...guess what? That should be your clue you have met a narc.


He would tell me “You are my Drug of Choice” WOW! I fell for it.🤦‍♀️😢 Andrew your right, do not do drugs!😌


Yes they were there for, oh ? not me but them sneaky ! Everything just clicked, same goals and aspirations, values, morals, no I wasn't aware she was just mirroring me . I was ambitious, energetic, wanted to build a future . By the 6 month mark I was ready to call it, as she just seemed to lose interest, like she didn't care one way or the other . And it started I needed to make some changes, things she wasn't happy with ? Ok, so it was my lack of focus, dedication, and attention ? So she was more serious about the relationship than I was ? I was out of touch ? so doubled my efforts lol . Little did I know the dream was becoming a nightmare . And so it started, she, 'll be happy when, and if . Then marraige, children, and it never ended, looking back what enjoyment, and satisfaction she derived from watching me stressed, going all out, and her secretly tearing it down each time . I became a character in her soap opera . Until the day came, she anmounced i was being given a new role ? Uh no, not interested thanks but no thanks . Doormat ? Not a role i had any interest in playing . Sitting there at dinner at her favorite restaurant, and I am being informed I can continue serving, oh she had no complaints there, but she needed her space her privacy, her freedom . Really, what a ingrate ! And for the first time I am seeing what a cold, fake, shallow, disgusting, repulsive excuse of a human being . I didnt reveal any of that, but did inform her, her choice and if she wanted to end it, I would accept that, and no I didn't need to discuss it any further . I needed to get back to work, as it was I that payed for the lifestyle . The next day, oh I misunderstood, that's not what she meant, oh yes she did ! Then she apologized? For her moodiness, oh right it's her depression so she gets, a pass ? It was over I was done, you can't unsee a, spectacle like that ! Their sense of entitlement, their complete lack of caring, the insolent attitude, and complete lack of appreciation, no values, no.morals, no understanding , or meaning, only their own self gratification, nothing else they care about . No conscience ! Leeches can store up to 5 times there body weight, as it says, the dissatisfied are like the grave, a barren womb, the dry ground, and a fire . They only crave, and are never satiated ! So likec dragging a 500 lb stone through life, exhausting !


Every word you have said Andrew is absolutely 💯 true. The narc are good actors until the mask falls off and they reveal how fake they are. Thank you for all your time and videos, I watch as many as possible every day to keep educating myself. Thank you ❤


It's so sick. I wished him peace, joy, and love!


So sick how we fall for them and stayed there!! Thanks for this content! Education it’s very important, it’s helps to break free and to move on and heal!!!


it was very important to me to have a partner who put faith in God a priority and the love bomb stage is true. I have all these written notes, emails and letters about his faith and even how he participated in things prior for serving God when all in all this was a sham that I didn't know about in full for 5 years when I found out he had lived a double life with me all that time. I've been through deaths in the family, even a child, been through alot of traumatic things but this relationship did a number on me that I can't even fathom anymore.


I wish I had known what narcissism was yrs ago. I had no idea what was going on and thought I was going crazy🙄


Tell a narc you don't want these compliments and see their reaction...
