Baptismal Regeneration EASILY Debunked | Another Gospel Exposed

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Is Water Baptism necessary for salvation? "Baptismal Regeneration" teaches that regeneration is effected in and through water baptism. Be sure to like, comment and subscribe! God bless.

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Praising GOD for your Great Video!! Addressing this subject is much needed because ‘water baptism’ even divides the ‘church’! Love the verses that you used to address this - Romans 4:5-6! (And all of Romans 4 is Amazing on this subject.) So Appreciate you posting this video!


Thank you, blessings on you and the HS!


How right you are! God has always been regenerating his people, from the beginning. He did not decide, at a later time, to make regeneration dependent on the rite of baptism. Abraham was made regenerate before he was circumcised, in the same way, believers are regenerated prior to any external rite.


I think I’ll side with the early church and their interpretation over a YouTuber. “Baptism now saves you”


Amen. I know a person in Church of Christ who says we must be baptized to be saved.


1 Corinthians 1:17 "Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel..."


You didn't even scratch baptismal regeneration with this argument. No believer in baptismal regeneration would deny that the baptism of Saint John the Baptist is a work of righteousness, therefore not the formal principle of justification. However, the gospels and thousands of years of Church tradition highlight and contrast the difference between the baptism of Saint John with the baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The latter, made clear by the Gospels and by the universal teaching of christian tradition, that it saves, regenerates and is and is a sacramental instrument of justification, the former doesn't. That is what differentiates the baptism of penance from the baptism of the Spirit. To pick a verse about the baptism of penance and to apply it to the salvific economy context of the Baptism of Spirit is an insult to christian orthodoxy.
In fact, you presented a verse that testifies that the salvation of Our Lord is brought to the world through the water of regeneration, which is baptism.


Heh Onorato, hope you can answer this question, i asked for the baptism of fire to fill me as I closed my eyes . I seen this shadow go from my left to right like fast and I felt God Power, so saying that I thought it was something that would help or was to do , but now not sure because some say that it can lead to retribution God of judgment ?, I sure hope not, is this something I repent from ? Almost like they were saying it could effect a person salvation. Like I said I definitely felt God presence, like his power, it never felt wrong, what is your take on it ? I’m saved I believe Jesus is the only way but there this issue I just want to clear up, maybe you could do a video on baptism of fire, thanks for your time .


Amen Brother water Baptism is a part of Law of Moses.


Do you or have you made any videos refuting SDA gospel on salvation
Or Catholicism on salvation

Got family in both of those churches and trying to show them
I’m finding sda is harder to expose


How would you interpret Matthew 5:30 "if thy right hand offend the cut it off, if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee. It is profitable to loose these than for thy whole body to be cast into hell" this to some would seem to indicate strict control of behavior in order to avoid being cast into hell. I.e maintaining good behavior in order to avoid loosing salvation.


Your video makes no sense. This has nothing to do with baptismal regeneration, that says that baptism saves us, which was taught by the church fathers right from Theophilus and Justin Martyr. In the book of acts, while households were baptised, not just the adults. St.Peter says that baptism saves you. Baptism replaces the circumcision of the old covenant. Pls go read scripture and understand what the early church has taught about this topic. God bless !


Baptism is not a work. It's God's work on us.
If you believe Baptism is a work then in a similar vain, hearing the gospel preached is also work. Or you asking for repentance is your work.
All texts on Baptism are passive for the recipient, and God doing work on them.


Does 1 Cor 5 teach loss of salvation? Would really appreciate a response to this.


Also people who deny baptismal regeneration and infant baptism. Tell me can infants be saved? Is there no salvation in Christ for children infants or maybe all humans are born saved and there’s an age of accountability? So all humans are born saved outside of Christ? All humans are born saved outside of Christ until they turn a specific age and then they need Christ?
Or is it everyone can be saved expect children. Which is it?


This is easily countered. Baptism is not understood by anyone who believes in baptismal regeneration to be a work of man. Baptism is a work, yes, but it is a work of God.
Just as if I go into emergency open heart surgery where a skillful surgeon operates on me and saves my life, I don't leave that operating room saying "Wow I really did great work in there." The work was done by the surgeon, not by me being operated on.

You also believe we are saved by works...just not our own works. We are saved by the work of Christ's physical death and resurrection, delivered to us in faith and baptism.


Baptism was only a "work" of righteousness within the context of the Kingdom Gospel, not the Gospel of grace preached by Paul. ONLY Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles, and nowhere did Paul command Gentiles to be baptized as a work of righteousness, nor as something required of Gentiles. We can be baptized if we so desire as a show of our being believers in the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus for our salvation, but it does not add anything to our salvation nor to our rewards! Learn to rightly divide the word of truth. Only Paul was sent to the Gentiles, not Peter, not James and not John. ONLY Paul had the Gospel to the Gentiles, which is contained in the books from Romans to Philemon. All the other epistles written by the apostles assigned by Jesus to minister to Israel, those epistles are for Jews, not Gentiles. The Jews who are saved because of their faith in Christ Jesus, they are no longer Jews, and Gentiles are no longer Gentiles. We are all one body under the Headship of Christ Jesus, the resurrected and glorified Lord.


“Truly Truly I say to you, unless one is born of water and spirit the cannot inherit the kingdom of God” John 3:5
No one can be saved unless they are born again of water and Spirit and baptism by Faith saves
“Corresponding to that baptism now saves you- not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscious- through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” 1st Peter 3:21
And “He who has believed and been baptized will be saved”
Mark 16.
Do not let men with no understanding like this deceive you for they will try to have endless words to take away the clear understanding of the truth in these scriptures and interpret the meaning away. Some of you will say what about the thief on the cross but Jesus had not ascended yet and the new covenant had not started fully Roman’s 10:9 as well as before Jesus ascended he descended Ephesians 4:10
1 Peter 3:19/20 1 Peter 4:6
And people of the old covenant before the death and resurrection of Jesus were saved in hades when His soul descended and preached to them.


Your wrong, and if you would like to debate the subject, i will accommodate you
