What other errors does baptismal regeneration promote?

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The error of Baptismal Regeneration is not alone. Other errors are associated with it.
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This is a great format! You should do more of these!


Thank you SO much for this you are such an enormous help! Just came out of the Church of Christ, was a 4th gen family member, thankfully i see the truth and am using your videos to help others see truth now as well!


Coming from the church of christ, they technically dont even believe you're saved even after baptism. According to them, you must also continue to do works. There really is never any security of a person's salvation in this church. Not all churches of christ are the same.. thankfully. Faith is sadly not enough for most of these churches.


Thank you for doing this. I was raised in the Boston movement


Thanks alot for succinctly handling the topic biblically. Have been studying the Bible and searching for clear explanation, this is so far the most comprehensive explanation I have been graced to get. By the way left the movement(ICOC) due to doctrine of election, regeneration, and eternal security(was in constant fear of not living upto the moral and spiritual standards) as seen in scripture were not lining up. May our Lord Jesus bless you and your ministry


hello I'm brazilian
I spent 23 years of my life together with them here in Brazil. They are not very well known in our country and they work discreetly. I met the gospel in a Baptist church and was very curious in addition to having doubts about Pentecostal doctrines. I met 2 missionaries who explained to me these doctrines about baptism with the Holy Spirit, and I was delighted I left the Baptist church I was a part of and accepted baptism as they preached to me. Today I am returning to the Baptist Church where I left.
And out of their midst many things of the denomination church of Christ are still in me.
so I'm trying harder every day to learn all their tactics and how to refute them. pity that only american brothers have helped me with the problem and that i do not speak english i depend a lot on google translator.
God bless you always for this great video.


Thank you. I agree with you. When Jesus got crucified on the cross, there was one person on the left and one on the writh and the one on the left ask Jesus to remember him when he get in paredise. Jesus told him, today you will be with me in paredise also. He did not ask him if he was baptise before doing so.


if one believe that baptism is a must, are they saved?


Hello I am currently at Church of Christ member. I am having trouble holding two Sola Fide I found your video very helpful. Can you please help me understand the promise given and Acts 2:38 of the Holy Spirit given to all that are far off as many as our Lord God will call. That alone paired with the sermons and discourses by the ante-nicene fathers who appear to have taught or at least thought that baptismal regeneration was a thing is very convincing. I've read your article on this and I see direct quotes from Ephesians 2 but that is only the apostolic fathers quoting scripture. From what I see these father were saying, is that water regenerates a person. I personally believe regeneration precedes faith but I am having a hard time with reconciling Acts 2:38 the promise and the overwhelming body of evidence at least I feel that the church fathers who would have had direct access to the apostles believed that you are regenerated buy water baptism. I only Googled ante Nicene Church fathers on baptism and found many many quotes that seem to point this way thank you


This argument may apply to the coc baptism doctrine. It does not apply to the Lutheran baptismal regeneration doctrine. So you have not refuted baptismal regeneration but one false denominations doctrine about the topic. Which you should know since you attended a Lutheran seminary


If one choose not be baptised, are they considered to obey or disobey?


What's this in my feed????!

Well, hello, Matt Slick! This is cool..


1 Peter 1:3-5 (NASB) 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.


To me, there are these 3 errors in the reasoning that Matt Slick is presenting here:

The first is his contention that the repentant thief who was crucified with Jesus was never baptized. John the Baptist had baptized many people in the land. See Matthew 3:5-6 for the scope of people who received his baptism. In addition, the disciples of Jesus baptized persons. There is no scriptures that implies that people who later got crucified were outside of the scope of such baptisms.

Second, his contention that baptism is a work, and therefore cannot promote grace is likened to a belief that the voicing of a prayer is a work and therefore cannot promote grace or salvation. What about the works of listening to sermons, and the works of turning pages in a Bible, along with the movement and focusing of eyeballs to understand the words of scripture? Do such works prevent the reception of God's graces?

Thirdly, the Bible does not teach salvation by faith ALONE. This is contrary to James 2. Grace that is distinct from works is likened to luck that is distinct from human skills. There is a dichotomy between faith and works; much like there is a dichotomy between luck and skill. For example, luck is necessary to win a lottery, but this luck does not means no skills can also be involved. To win a lottery, the skills of checking numbers, showing of a winning lottery ticket for redemption, and cashing a check are required for such winnings, but skills ALONE can not produce such an increase in money.


Do you know how I know the church fathers, the councils, the synods, and the holy scriptures are inherent? I'll tell you a story. I was 18 years old, and my son had just died. I was having a really hard time handling it. I was distraught. I prayed to God for answers. He swept me away to the heavens, and there was the Bible the councils the synods and the church fathers and Jesus told me "all of these are true." That is my justification on why all of that is true. That's good justification right? The Holy Spirit told me.
Because that's literally Matt Slick's justification for the bible being true. He's having a spiritual delusion while emotionally distraught, and that gives him justification for the Bible being true. Matt Slick and David Koresh are just as correct. The spirit told Koresh so as well. His debate with Father Deacon ananias is why my sister left protestantism for lesbian atheism. Literally his answers were so terrible, and based on nothing but emotion, that she left protestantism for lesbian atheism. But it did bring me to Orthodoxy so I'm super grateful.
Nothing Matt says is justifiably true, because he has absolutely no sense of what the Bible actually is. The Bible is given to him in a spiritual delusion, therefore all of his interpretations are also delusions.


Thank you for making this video! Little known fact, Martin Luther unquestionably taught baptismal regeneration and all confessional Lutherans believe in and teach this heresy. May the truth of the word of God prevail!


You call them knowledgeable but I doubt they finished high school personally and what they said isn't what the CoC teaches in seminary or at most churches. You cite Romans 3:28 but the context is works of the law of Moses all over from verses 20 to 28. Now you cite Romans 4:1-4 first lets address so let's first address faith "pistis" and believe "pisteuo." "In the case of "pistis" in Iliad 2.124 was what troops did when they ceased fighting pledged to a truce. In "pisteuo" in the "Commentary on Sophocles:" of "Philoctetes" chapter 986 "pisteuo" was the pledge and act of guarding people all night. John 3:36 the opposite of "believe" or "pisteuo" is to obey and if you don't obey you won't be saved. Now lets do a history lesson in Genesis now Luther and you guys are biblically illiterate and have only read Genesis 15:6 lets go back to Genesis 12:1-5 here God tells Abraham what to do and that he is going to give him a vision and inheritance if he obeys him and he does and it continues all the way until Genesis 15 with stuff had to do to obey God not just work but with a pledge. Work outside of your pledge or fidelity to "fide" (to show Luther didn't know Greek or Latin well) won't save you. Now back to Romans verses 1-2 are talking about initial justification which man has does no work and this is another area where Protestants don't read context go read Ephesians 2:1-6 with 8-10 you're first unable to undo you wrongs and need an act of God and then without way to work he saves then you are delivered to works. Romans 2:6-9 says your rendered salvation according to your works and you will suffer the consequences for not doing them. Romans 6:22 says your saved by sanctification and James 2:24 says you're saved by works, not by faith alone. If one of you says it is working before men read the chapter and see there two separate unrelated parts with a different context and those words are not on the same end. Romans 5:1 doesn't say "alone. and Galatians 2:16 is another verse about the law of Moses. Your argument about the thief the cross doesn't work because of 6 verses 1 being Romans 4:25 which says that justification didn't because and until the resurrection. Your election and predestination verses aren't all salvation or absolution or limited. In John 12:32 Jesus says he will draw all people to himself so is election absolute? Galatians and Timothy say it's not.


The bible is very clear, to test EVERYTHING, and to hold on to what is good! 1 Thessalonians 5:21... one mentions how they probably didn’t graduate from High School... does that statement makes you better? And do you know them to make those comments? Is the what the Holy Spirit is asking you to say? Did those that agreed without doing it yourself, can you take this guy’s word just because he has videos in youtube? Even when i was studying to become a paster for the assemblies of god, under the course for reaching out and salvation they teach baptism of water and spirit bit the sweep it under the rug due to a 17th century that evolved in the sinner’s prayer, and also studying through assemblies of god, sample after sample of baptisms in the book of acts and then doing my own studies and questioning everything else, I was able to come to my own conclusions and that was with being born i to a roman catholic environment, so as another statement says “i was raised in the boston movement”, i’m sure you had a bible you could open and read everything for yourself, why didn’t you? And those that were liberated from their teaching... why didn’t you question things? Imm sure everyone is aware how satan deceived Eve and Adam, because they never called upon His name to get things straighten out with God and the snake (satan) in the first place, oh please!none of the apostles had an equivalent of a diploma, yet see what they did, don’t minimize someone because of their education either. Everyone who is lead by the Spirit of God is aware of humility and grace when preaching the gospel of Christ, arrogance is never from the Lord.


Amen! ✝️ Although I strongly disagree with Calvinism, this is still a great explanation of why baptismal regeneration is problematic.


"Heresy is never by itself. It always has company" - Proceeds to teach the heresy of T.U.L.I.P.
