Dr. Cooper is wrong about Baptismal Regeneration

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I have discussed this topic before with Mike Blume, who also has a channel. My first point was that there is no such thing as Baptismal Regeneration or simply "baptism for the remission of sins." It is correctly, a "baptism of repentance for the remission of sins." After I made this point, Mike vanished, never to be seen again. Let's see what Dr. Cooper will do with this information.
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I’m reading your book as I’m writing this.
My question to you is what is your thoughts
On Jesus pre existence.


Water baptism is always related to repentance and is an outward symbol of an inward decision to "turn around" and go the right way. Jesus baptizes with the spirit, and a refiners fire. Fire in the O T had to do with sacrifices. It is the blood of Jesus that remits sin. You can't be saved by sacraments, you are saved by Jesus' blood and you prove his Lordship by obeying what he tells you to do.


Not that you'll listen to God's word but yes we need to repent, but we also need to have faith that works, James 2:19-25. Jesus said he that believes and is baptized shall be saved in Mark 16:16. Baptism is into the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, as in Romans 6:3-5. In order to put on Christ as in Galatians 3:27. If you love me keep my commandments, John 14:15. Baptism is a command of Jesus. You must be born again of the water and spirit, in John 3:5. Most scholars agree that refers to water baptism and holy spirit infilling. What saves a person then? The water? No, the active obedience. We need the water, spirit and the blood to be saved in 1 John 5:6. Confession of Christ alone, the sinners prayer or anything else alone will not save you. The devils believe in one God and they aren't saved, because they can't obey the gospel, they're reprobates. Sound familiar? Anyone who disagrees with God's word is on that path. Nowhere is anyone saved by water alone, declaration alone or easy believism. The blood alone saves nobody. All elements must be put together. To say anything against this is to disagree with God. I stand for it, how about you?
