Baptismal Regeneration - is it Biblical or a False Teaching?

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Live Hot Topic followed by a Q&A on the topic of Baptismal Regeneration. If you have a Question, write it in the Comment section after "Q" or "Question." (Please review your Question to ensure its clarity.)

0:00 Introduction
2:47 The Bible teaches we are saved by grace and not works (Ephesians 2:8-10)
6:16 From the International Church of Christ webpage
9:56 John 20:31 - These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God
10:24 John 3:16-18 - He who believes in Him is not condemned
11:35 Romans 10:9-11 - Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame
12:19 John 1:12 - As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God
13:08 Romans 4:5 - His faith is accounted for righteousness
14:01 Romans 4:2-4 - To him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt
14:47 Titus 3:5-8 - Those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good work
16:18 1 Corinthians 1:14-17 - Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel
17:54 Romans 1:16-17 - The just shall live by faith
18:57 Acts 2:38 - Because of the remission of sins
21:21 Romans 6:3-4 - As many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death
22:51 1 Peter 3:21 - There is also an antitype which now saves us—baptism
31:40 Could you explain the baptism of John the Baptist and the baptism of Christians after the resurrection are 2 different baptisms?
35:05 Wouldn't it follow that the debate over baptism is used by Satan just as he used God's commandment to Adam and Eve concerning the tree of knowledge?
38:59 Will baptism be preferred for new believers in the Millennial Kingdom as it is today?
41:00 When John the Baptist was baptizing, what did that symbolize versus baptism after Jesus' death and resurrection?
42:30 Why do some Pentecostals believe you're not saved if you're not baptized in Jesus' name only?
45:39 Why does there seem to be so many more false teachings now?
47:22 If you strayed away and came back to Christ, do you get baptized once again?
49:59 If you get Baptized in another faith does it matter if you have to get baptized again?
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future q and a hot topic what about those in the old testament ? why wasn't there a work that you must be baptized? could Abraham have been baptized if he wanted to Factchechands goes forward in time I'm going back in time lol thanks pastor Robert


All those people out there who think that they can claim that everything in the Bible is applicable to us in the Church age, and yet they themselves pick and choose what they think applies to us all, especially THEM, that's nothing but hypocrisy, because failure to rightly divide the word of truth is such a common practice, encouraged by those who have letters attached to their names, enslaving professing believers with those things that were intended only for's tiring to say the least! Paul alone was the apostle to the Gentiles, and 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 is the Gospel to the Gentiles, and any other Gospel, such as the Kingdom Gospel, touted as being active for Gentiles, that is another Gospel, the teachers of which are to be accursed!


This speaker is using a snuck premise.
He spends no time or effort connecting Baptism to works. He states that as a foregone conclusion as though it's already been established.
You can't legitimately jump to that assumption without establishing it first Biblically. Saying "A work is just anything you do", would not be establishing it Biblically, it's just stating a belief.

This speaker builds a lot of his argument on this
not Biblically established assumption. All of his works arguments are invalidated because this has not been Biblically established.

All of the other doctrinal arguments against baptism's role in being saved are recycled (e.g. - John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10, 1 Corinthians 1:17, Acts 2:38 because of argument, Mark 16:16b argument, etc), are used ad nauseum and have long since been debunked. Almost no one addresses the responses. It would be nice to hear more people do this.

Where in scripture does it state baptism in Jesus's name is intended as a symbol of a life change?


that is a false teaching. nobody is saved just simply by being baptized

we have to actually obey Jesus and obey Jesus's gospel and actually get to know God or perish in hell if you don't.

the book of acts, the book of thomas, mathew, mark, luke and john. is Jesus's gospel.

2 thessalonians 2:8-10. 2 thessalonians 1:8-10. titus 1:16. hebrews 10:26-27. james 2:15-25. hebrews 4:12. revelations 21:8. 1 corinthians 6:9-11. john 10:25-30. john 5:38-44. james 2:15-25
