James White Baptismal Regeneration

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He keeps talking about different types of Lutherans. Confessional Lutherans are one on baptismal regeneration.


I honestly struggle to see how those who deny Baptismal regeneration can be considered orthodox. It is so clearly taught in Scripture and was affirmed by all the fathers. We affirm it in the Nicene Creed even. It is one of the major reasons I left the Reformed tradition and became Lutheran.

In terms of a huge amount of material you would need to consume to understand what Lutherans believe, it is simple. Read our confessions, The Book of Concord. If you want to go deeper, look at the citations in The Book of Concord of the Scriptures and the fathers.


I just listened to the entire video and realize that he could have said " I don't know " and saved us all that time.


In baptism we are clothed with Christ (Galatians 3:27), put to death, buried, and raised with Christ (Romans 6, 4, Colossians 2), we are regenerated (Titus 3:5), sins are washed away (Acts 22:16), and it doth now save us (1 Peter 3:21).


I don't see how you deny baptismal regeneration. That's literally one of the only things that the Early Church Father's were all consistent about.


The baptists condemn Luther as a heretic because he held to baptismal regeneration that means they condemn St. Augustine as well and all the Saints of the past. So, the original church started from 1500's from the anabaptist with that logic.


The assumption that Lutherans believe what Luther wrote is WRONG!  A Lutheran is one who believes in the Book of COncord (aka The Lutheran Confessions).  ALL Lutherans believe in Baptismal regeneration (Titus 3:5-8) if they have been well catechized.  ...   What is sad is that this program did NOT ONE reference to Holy Scriptures and never mentioned the Small Catechism.   ...  So sad that Dr.White would not debate a Lutheran.


Luther consistently believed in Baptismal regeneration.


Holy Baptism has consistently been held as necessary and salvific untill the time of zwingli and calvin


What an individual Lutheran thinks matters not. My experience with Lutheran's is that they ALL profess belief in salvific, sacramental baptism. Haven't met anyone on the fence on this topic. Lutheran's follow the confessions. Link here:

Which is consisent with Martin Luther's words:

This is a contradiction for James and the Lutheran belief is very Catholic and thus, very apostolic.

To this point, I'll believe the faith taught by the apostles to their descendants, and not a man-made doctrine from the 16th c by Calvin. Here's what those early Catholic Christians professed.

Saint Justin Martyr below. Note, he even states this is the faith received from the apostles.

“I will also relate the manner in which we dedicated ourselves to God when we had been made new through Christ; lest, if we omit this, we seem to be unfair in the explanation we are making. As many as are persuaded and believe that what we teach and say is true, and undertake to be able to live accordingly, are instructed to pray and to entreat God with fasting, for the remission of their sins that are past, we praying and fasting with them. They then are brought by us where there is water, and are regenerated in the same manner in which we were ourselves regenerated. For, in the name of God, the Father and Lord of the universe, and of our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, they then receive the washing with water. . . . The reason for this we have received from the Apostles.” (Chapter 61)

St Irenaeus calls baptism regenerative.

"And when we come to refute them [i.e. those heretics], we shall show in its fitting-place, that this class of men have been instigated by Satan to a denial of that baptism which is regeneration to God, and thus to a renunciation of the whole [Christian] faith. (A.H., I.21)"

St. Irenaeus too notes that salvific baptism has been handed down from the APOSTLES.

“Now, this is what faith does for us, as the elders, the disciples of the apostles, have handed down to us

St Cyprian writes that through baptism, we receive SAVING GRACE.

But I wonder that some are so obstinate as to think that repentance is not to be granted to the lapsed, or to suppose that pardon is to be denied to the penitent, when it is written, “Remember whence you are fallen, and repent, and do the first works, ” (Revelation 2:5) which certainly is said to him who evidently has fallen, and whom the Lord exhorts to rise up again by his works, because it is written, “Alms do deliver from death, ” Tobit 4:10 and not, assuredly, from that death which once the blood of Christ extinguished, and from which the saving grace of baptism and of our Redeemer has delivered us, but from that which subsequently creeps in through sins. (Epistle 51.22)

Neither James White ... nor anyone has any authority to say that the apostles taught their descendants in error.


God has regenerated his people by the Spirit since the first person believed, both in Old and New Testaments. Why would he then make regeneration dependent on baptism in the New Testament? Was Abraham baptist, no, yet he was most certainly regenerated by the Spirit. Romans 6 is not speaking of water baptism, but the thing water baptism symbolizes, namely, the believer's incorporation into the body of Christ-union with Christ.


"I don't understand Lutheranism, so I'm going to assume that they are papists for holding to baptismal regeneration, and thus prove that I've never understood baptismal regeneration whatsoever."


The Calvinists view uses a valid syllogism that carries an incorrect assumption:

1. Baptism is a work of man;
2. Works of man cannot save;
3. Therefore baptism is a work that cannot save.

Valid, yes. But it assumes that baptism is a work of man because it is carried out by man. You could make the exact same argument for the hearing of the Gospel, which all Christians agree is required for converting an unbeliever. By the way, baptism is also Gospel preached, heard, and done.

Here’s another syllogism, but this time it’s based on Scripture:

1. Baptism is a work that saves;
2. Works that save can only be performed by God.
3. Therefore baptism is a work of God.


It depends also if your talking to an lutheran scholar like Althaus or Lohse or to a calvinist apologist like White. Reform? but Luther and even Calvin believed that baptism saves yes it is right there in Luther's Large Catechism and Calvin's Institutes and short Catechism. Maybe we have to see White's theology at his last breath to know for sure what White's theology really is...or not?


Ran into the ICOC cult today who believes that a person much undergo full submersion in baptism in order to get into Heaven, and admitted that a person would go to Hell if they had repented of sins and believed in Jesus, but was hit by a car on their way to get baptized


Thank you brother for uploading this video, please upload more videos so that Christians may learn the truth, God bless!


Luther has affirmed Baptismal Regeneration all his life, no exception.


If Doug Wilson is your “brother”, and he doesn’t believe in justification by faith alone, in Christ alone, but believes as the Federal Vision men do, in faith alone and obedience for their justification, you are on a sticky wicket, James. Doug Wilson’s “soup “vocabulary is always a fog. When he was asked are we saved by faith or by faith and obedience, his answer was YES.
He may be your friend, but his theology is very disturbing, to say the least.


6:15 Took me a moment to realise James was saying 'Voilà'.


confessional lutherans believe in baptismal regeneration
