I quit my 9-5 job. THEN I burned out

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I quit my 9-5 corporate job to do my own thing. Then I burnt out.
Today I'm sharing my experience with quitting a safe 9-5 job and its negative consequences on my mental health. I talk about my story that led me here, about what I mean by "burnout" and what my mental and physical symptoms are/were, what I could have done better to avoid this, and what I'm changing.
If you're considering leaving your job to start your own business, you should definitely watch this so that you can maybe learn from my mistakes:)


00:00 Intro
00:20 Background story
01:30 What I mean by "burnout"
06:09 Naivete
07:49 Shiny object syndrome
09:20 Backup plan
10:15 Loving work too much
12:30 What I'm changing
14:32 Takeaway


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The burn out is real. Slow down but never give up. Everything is gonna work out perfectly, the way it supposed to. The best way to achieve our dreams is to have patience, consistency and discipline. The more you overstress yourself, the more likely that you will give up or lose momentum. Slow down 🌹


The unrealistic expectations and trying to do too many things at once will get you. I had to learn the hard way. I'm happy you're sharing your experiences and letting everyone learn from them.


I quit my full-time job in 2015 and everything you say is correct. You become acutely aware of time and limitations on your energy in a way I never considered before. Shiny Object Syndrome usually manifests from a lapse in confidence and direction and its best to beat it back as early as possible.


Same here. Trapped in a cycle for four years and I’m now in depths of major burn out number 4. Stepping back from it all for 12 months. So many truths here. Thank you 😊


This is identical to what happened to me when I quit my 9-5. It took so much mental effort to get out of my chair and it took immense concentration just to wash a dish. Thank you for sharing, first time I’d ever heard this in the context of leaving the workforce (so antithetical to what I had expected!)


This is beyond helpful for me at this time. The self diagnosis culture is sad, but the fact that you did actually hit burnout is representative how the ‘keep pushing’ mentality is for the few. I really hope you get what you want. I've been pushing for 21 years now (music business first and then architectural practices) and achieved great things, but still haven't hit my ‘goal’ as it slides up hill…I feel the rollercoaster isn't put across enough in the hustle culture and videos like this help to make people like me (who probably fall into that bracket 🙄) feel more human. Thank you so much and if you ever put a group together then make sure you add me! 💪 Keep your head up and staying mindful of your health. 💌


I quit my job 3 months ago to follow my dreams and I’m still recovering from burnout 😅 I had this grand idea that I was going to be so motivated after quitting my job, but I have slept SO much. Im still struggling with motivation, but allowing ourselves to rest is huge. I agree with you!
I’m proud of you for listening to yourself and your body 🩷


Highly relatable. I experienced burned out too because I love what I do. I also have to force myself to take a break and workout or not to work till late nights. All the best to you Hannah and thanks for sharing!


Thank you for sharing your experience! After 2 years of struggling I really considered of quitting my job right now. I hate my daily routine and got stuck in avolition, couldn't complete any simple task in my daily life, and I just got so thrilled when watched many YouTube videos saying everything will be okay after quitting your job. I'm grateful to see the other side of the story, maybe what I need now is to slow my life down and regenerate my health and energy before making some important decisions. Thank you again Hannah wish you all the best~


I find myself almost in the exact same situation since I finished school (0/10 horrible experience) and absolutely dread the thought of further education. So my life depended on my gap year where I try so hard to do everything at once which was all completely new and quickly find success at the same time (with this channel and I'm still at the preparations phase), while struggling with disabilities and almost no reliable jobs I can do to earn money, which adds a lot of stress.

Now I'm slowly choosing the education path to escape this shitty job market which I kinda hate myself for since everything I worked for so far was so I could do the opposite and never touch a one-size-fits-all education building again in my life while also not turning into a jobless family disappointment...

Accepting the fact that the first things you create will suck and that it takes longer is hard but necessary.

Thank you for making this video, you articulated all those feelings and struggles so well and opened my eyes.
I wish you good luck in whatever you do now 💝💖


Thanks for sharing your experience, hope you are doing fine now !


Great video, Hannah! I had a similar experience, although I didn't quit my job "for good". I took a 6-month sabbatical between jobs last year and was gonna do so much for my channel but it took me 3 months just to recover from my previous job. I slept 10 hours a night and could hardly focus. So rather than posting more, I ended up not posting at all for 2 months. Looking back, I think that's completely normal and I would plan in at least 3 months of recovery & exploration next time rather than expecting to be productive right away 🥲
Great to hear that you found a way to reduce stress and keep going. I look forward to learning more about how you're managing your life doing your own thing!


Burn-Out wird oft nur in Verbindung mit ganz viel negativem Stress oder Druck "auf Arbeit" besprochen, aber man kann auch genau das tun, was man will und sich dabei selbst überfordern, ohne es zu merken. Wichtiges Videos bzw. wichtige Perspektive! Viel Glück & Erfolg für die Zukunft


Great video, you hit on so many critical topics for those looking to build something outside their 9-5


You bring a really good point about pacing yourself. I am notoriously bad at this. I think on a subconscious level is part of the reason why I didn't yet do as you did. Also, I started working from home since Covid, and since then, I have basicly zero stress from work, last 4 years. I will most likely tend to some areas I need to improve first, then in a year start slowly working at the same time, while keeping my current job, until my other gig takes off.

Otherwise, it will be as it has always been. I will just become obsessed, never stop.. I know myself, and I am confident by now, that I have no control, over things I love.

Having insomnia my whole life, usually plays into that too..

Thanks for the thought. Subbed.


This was a great video! Love the perspective of seeing and appreciating corporate jobs for what they are and reinforcing the necessity of taking breaks 💗 Thank you for sharing your experience.


Thanks for making this video. Keep taking care of yourself.


I keep finger crossed for you Hannah
I know what burn out is - my body did’t know what it means to rest
Now I quit my 9-7 job, found another for less money and less time and I am going to work for my future little business after hours.
Quitting wasn’t wrong - you did your best what you felt at that time on the past.


I quit at age 45, after 25 years in tech.
My plan was to start developing my own app, after the weekend.

I couldn’t sit infront of computer for 18month. Made me feel sick.


I defineletly agree with what you said, i've been through the same thing same symtomes same fears same... at the end we are humans and because here in social media people don't show this part of their life, we feel incapable lazy and so on. Thank you so much and for everyone who's true ❤❤❤❤
