The Ultimate 9-5 Escape Plan - How to Quit Your Job in 6 Months

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But I have to warn you. The ideas I share here aren't sexy. I'm not promising you that you'll get to rub shoulders with celebrities, sit on the beach while your business runs on auto-pilot, or any other BS that only gets sheep to buy training programs that will never get them results.

In this video you'll learn...

The type of businesses you want to avoid like the plague if you're serious about ever leaving your day job.

The type of business to focus on that will allow you to start generating cash flow within the next couple of weeks using your existing set of skills.

An interesting quirk about other business owners that gives anybody with a bit of motivation a tremendous edge.

Plus, a bulletproof plan for starting a business that gives you the freedom and security you need to tell your boss you quit for good.

I've personally built several businesses over the last 7 years and I had to learn this the hard way. Just like millions of American's I was stuck in a soul-crushing job that wrecked my health. If you're stuck in a job you hate, then I hope this lights a new path for you to go down.
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I dont know whats worse counting the hours to leave everyday, or counting the days till Friday.


A few key points to add to this is in order to quit your 9-5 job, lower your cost of living. In other words, pay off all debts, learn to live well but frugally, don't get sucked into consumerism and be self sufficient as much as possible


Best way to get rich quick? Sell books and courses about how to get rich quick.


Started a small service business going on 22 years now. Best thing I ever did. The keys for me were: honesty, reliability, consistency, quality and reasonable prices. But when you work for yourself, there is no pension coming so you must prepare for that also. I bought 5 rental homes that bring me good retirement income but you have to take care of them also and do your own maintenance whenever possible. Other important things to your money, rise early (you will never be successful sleeping in), put your phone away when your working....wastes your time), and stay away from drugs and alcohol.


"some people are just not meant to live in a cage"


Just some of the reasons why I hate office jobs;
- They will always overload you with more work than is possible to do in the 9-5 hours so you have to work overtime for nothing or be judged for not getting everything done
- Office politics are vicious! In my experience colleagues are so two faced. They'll be your best friend to your face and then try and get you sacked behind your back
- The above takes a huge toll on mental health
- Physical health suffers from being stuck to a desk for 10 hours a day and only being allowed to eat or snack during certain hours
- Pay is so sporadic - what i mean by this is, is that in my experience its never the best colleagues that earn the most or get the promotions. Usually it's the ones who brown nose the managers or get lucky. Also I have found out what a few of my colleagues earn (by seeing their job advertised before they started etc) so essentially two people doing the same job in the same company can have VERY different salaries
- you feel like a caged animal and are very replaceable to the business so never get any recognition for anything


I appreciate this video, I’m quitting my job and staring a service business by the end of this year. Your video came right on time! Not everyone is meant to be caged in a cubicle all day.


Love your perspective. When I quit my 9-5 I encountered a lot of get rich quick ideas and I realized it's all about utilizing and leveraging your own skills. Thanks again for sharing! Also, the major reason I quit was because of the freedom I desired!


This is the first realistic and helpful “how to quit your job” video I’ve ever heard. Good work


This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 5 months ago about self development. Now I have 317 subs and almost > 100 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I couldn’t have learned without getting started in the 1st place.


9-5 is a slavery we don't talk about enough, I'm happy people are trying to get out of the chain.
Many people, especially the younger generation are engaging in a variety of unorthodox activities to make a living.
Side hustle and hobbies, content-creating online. Social media is a fast growing market rn I applaud them.
2020 was mu turning point and investing pit me on the right track.


My first Income I do a normal 9-5 job, my second income I put it back to work to make more money because I'm not just after the money but the freedom to live on my terms Lol 😁


Spending your own time building your own business knowing your time is going 100% to your future is the best feeling there is. It doesn’t matter if you make $30, 000 a year and can barely survive for a few years until you grow. It’s way more stressful than working for someone else though because you don’t just show up and clock in. You have to work hard all day every day but you’re working for yourself


People: "Just work hard."

Reality: "It's hard to see things clearly, when you only hear from the winners. This creates an *illusion that everybody who works hard, succeeds. That's not the case.*


Thanks for not sugar coating the reality. I have been thinking about this for a long time and you are very right. Yeah, the job you gave yourself may not be glamorous but YOU chose it


You hit the nail on the head brother! I was scared to death when I started my business because there was so much competition but I learned real quick that most people just talk a big game and are not big on actions. I run a farm and I sell at a market that has six vendors that sell the same thing I do. Last week I almost sold out of everything I had and even had additional orders while the couple next to me made $40. It's as much about marketing as it is about doing the physical labor. If you truly put in the time and effort you will be successful.


I thought this was going to be annoying but turns out it's some good insight


Honestly this is the single best advice vid on this topic Ive seen to date.


"If it was that easy... Everybody would F%cking do it." Didn't expect the F bomb thrown up in here. Hahaha Subscribed


Pooper scooper business? That's freaking genius. Every apartment and park around here is covered in it. Could get contracts from the city and the property management companies
