The Narcissist Tone: How To Spot A Manipulative Person

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There are people in this world that are looking to take advantage of you. Many of these signs are subtle and take a trained eye to catch them.

Today we will dive into the mind of a narcissist so you can learn what signs to look out for when meeting someone.


1:23 - Sign #1: Obsessed With Their Image
1:56 - Sign #2: Lie About Ridiculous Things
3:27 - Sign #3: Different Relationship With Lying
7:03 - Sign #4: They Don’t Give Up On Their Lies
8:32 - Sign #5: They Will Dismiss You

#Narcissist #CharismaOnCommand #SelfDevelopment

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When a narcissist can no longer control you, they will instead try to control how others see you.


anyone else extremely creeped out by elizabeth's eyes ?


The thing I picked up on in life is that they treat strangers like friends and their closest family like enemies, even on trivial matters.


Narcissists are often so likeable and such a pleasure to be around that its as if they radiate an energy that you can't help but be drawn to. They often surround themselves only with complete strangers or aquantnances because long time friends have all seen past the charisma and lies. And narcissists will not take criticism from anyone, no matter how close of a relationship they have with the person that is criticizing them.


I used to be a narcissist, but now I’m perfect.


“A narcissist is the hero and victim of every story they tell” - Brian Callen.


My childhood best friend was a narcissist and I was the best man at his wedding to a woman I knew he was cheating on. I decided to completely cut him out of my life when I was 25 and I’m 44 now. I remember the first time I heard someone referred to as “toxic” and I immediately knew what they meant because I had front row seats to toxic for years and years. Just found out through my sister that he fraudulently took out a mortgage in his sister’s name and took her credit score down to the 300’s and she’s so afraid of what he’s capable of she’s super hesitant to escalate the issue. This video checked every box for that dude. He drives a Lamborghini or Ferrari from what my sister told me because he’s so obsessed with how he’s perceived. Keeping that dude as a best friend would have been awful for my life and the past 20 years have been awesome because I made so many rad friends.


It’s so funny when you’re used to this and see it very quickly. Not every narcissist is “good” at it


"An honest person always looks you straight into your eyes", my dad told me. My experience is that honest people very rarely look you straight into your eyes over time. But crooks/narcissists do!


I'm not a narcissist. I'm too perfect to have a big flaw like that


Advice to anyone dealing with a narc... don't expend any energy trying to understand them or why they say or do the things they do. It isn't logical, it will never make sense. They don't think like a human being. The don't reason like one and they have ZERO and I mean ZERO ability to accept accountability or feel remorse.


For narcissists and sociopaths, not being caught lying is the same as having told the truth.


I used to be a narcissist. Now I'm a self-aware narcissist, thank you


One thing I notice about narcissists: when they initially see that you have something they want they can't hide their intense jealousy.


My exs brother gaslit me into thinking that I was a narcissist. I actually believed it. I always thought I did my best in the relationship but he convinced me I wasn't a good person. After watching this, I'm just now realising that he is the narcissist. He is very fixated on his image and compulsively lies to his wife.


It's pretty clear the people that have had a real clinical narcissist in their lives and those who confuse narcissistic actions or tendencies with a true personality disorder. Narcissism is so much more than being obsessed with yourself. I lived with a narcissist for 7 years and he nearly destroyed me emotionally. I have never met anyone like him in my entire life and I am 56 years old, I pray that I never do again. My ex was a very terrible liar and when I would question inconsistencies or things that were obviously impossible to be true he would get very angry and accuse me of interrogating him. I have been free of this monster for 8 years and I am still healing from his reign of terror in my life. I appreciate those who have taken the time and effort to inform and educate people about the monsters that are out there looking for lives to terrorize.


The only way to defeat a narcissist is completely cut them out of your life. It crushes them. They can't live with the fact that you want nothing to do with them. Make them dead to you


Her eyes are from the same robot company that made Zuckenberg's eyes


There was this girl at school who was lying a lot, and badly, but she would never admit it, no matter how obviously she was caught. She would always come up with another, more ridiculous explanation


She actually seems inhuman. Her eyes make me freak the hell out.
