3 Signs It's Time to See Your Doctor about Hemorrhoids

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✅✅IBS treatment: These are the treatments I recommend to my IBS patients✅✅

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What questions do you have about hemorroids?


Thanks for addressing this openly and with clarity - for those who have these, it’s a pretty miserable experience, so having someone help us out is really great. Thank you.


Thank you so much for this very informative video. 👏


I started having a high fibre breakfast every day and the bleeding stopped after 3 or 4 days and the swelling went down. Increase your fibre intake and drink lots of water. It helps. Also, don't sit on the toilet for more than 3 minutes. Come back a few minutes later of you have to, but don't sit on it for long because it only increases the swelling.


I have one on the outside and, i have had it for a couple of days. I will add more fibre and water to my diet and if this has not solved the problem i will go to my Doctor . Thanks for the video Doctor .


Great video. My hemorrhoids burst today on the toilet. Scared me to death. I mean lots of blood. Thanks for the good info


The title of this video basically answers my question! I have IBS and have had a recent bout of constipation which aggravated my hemorrhoids. I am very health conscious and eat very nutritiously, exercise and drink plenty of water. I had to strain the other day and am in agony. My gastroenterology appointment isn't for another 2 weeks and I don't know if I can endure till then. I don't have bleeding, but can't tell if it is a prolapse... I wish this can be healed soon. I have eliminated gluten, eat a low FODMAP diet, and get enough fiber. My breakfast was oatmeal with strawberries, my lunch was a soup of baby carrots, green beans, tomato, red bell pepper and a corn tortilla. No matter what I do my condition doesn't improve!


I know a young lady who had persistently painful hemorrhoids, before especially during pregnancy and after delivering. It was discovered to be cancer and malignant (colon cancer).


Thank you Doctor for the Professionalism with which you do your work. You listen to your customer and always put their needs first. God bless you Dr doctor. I celebrate the way you do your work. doctor igho, God bless you for helping me eradicate hemorrhoid naturally.😅


I was suffering from similar issues in the past, but I'm glad it has been fixed by Dr Edos.


I first got a hemorrhoid back when I was on Peritoneal Dialysis, got Peritonitis and had to switch to Hemo Dialysis. You would think dialysis would not effect the butt but it was the Peritonitis that had an effect from the Peritoneum on the intestines and bowels. It went away pretty quick on its own but boy this Doctor is right about once you had them they will come back. 20 years later they came back and lasted for a year and got worse and I had to just get them banded today. Did not hurt but I guess women for some reason have less pain getting the banding than men do. I don't know why. Can you answer that doc?


Hahaha, I thought I heard you say your name was Dr Smear and considering the topic of conversation it had me going. I see now, you are Dr Sameer. Thank you for saving asses. :)


What do you recommend for truck drivers who have external hemorrhoids, Several times a year?
Thank you for your videos


Thank you doctor for the professionalism with which you do your work. You listen to your client and you always put their needs first, to ensure they live another day healthily and vibrant. Cheers to you my doctor, I celebrate the way you do your job. If it was up to me I would give you the award of being the best doctor. Thank you doctor for all you Doctor Osaye for curing my hemorrhoids.


I am a nigerian, do you have any refferal here so i can go and get rid of it once and for all. And thank you for the heads up, Good video


Good information! And it was delivered well by Dr Sameer. A piece of advice regarding the annoying, distracting, repetitive poop and diarrhea on the screen: Comedy comes in 3s not 3000s. You are delivering information to adults, not children


😂😂😂🙏🙏🙏👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 informative and funny. Thanks


After you put the Epsom salt/glycerin mixture on for 15-20 minutes, do you rinse it off?
Thank you!


What about hydrocortisone cream? Do they work? THANK YOU


I had a flareup that was pretty awful for a couple of months. Kept it manageable with the usual ointments but then seemed to just be treating symptoms. Then I thought about the core issue...swelling. What do we use to reduce swelling? Ice! I sat on an ice pack every evening off and on for 20 or 30 minutes while at the computer before bed. This, along with just simple hydrocortisone creme and my star fish tightened right back into quite fine shape in about a week. The ice numbs the area, greatly slows the blood flow into the tissues and the pressure of body weight motivates the tissues to go back up where they belong. It's been over a month now with no pain, just a slight twinge every now and then like right before needing to do a BM, but that's it. No itching, no burning, just feeling fine. I'm increasing fiber intake as well...metamucil and bran buds....really helps a lot.
