Do You Need a Break from Social Media?

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You should probably get off social media if it is affecting your mental health, or is causing you to sin.

Studies have shown that teens and young adults have experienced thirteen to sixty-six percent more depression since the dawn of the social media revolution.

There’s also a sixty-five percent increase in suicide among girls between 2010 and 2015, and the links between those suicides and social media are staggering.

Jackie Angel mentions many other statistics in this video, from studies that prove how social media has increased depression and anxiety, especially among young people.

She suggests an alternative: Scripture!

Especially the New Testament, because it’s a great reminder of who you really are in God’s eyes. God wants to bear fruit in you; so if social media is preventing that fruit from flourishing, it’s just not worth it.

Cut it off, or at least take a break from it.

“A tranquil mind gives life to the flesh,
but passion makes the bones rot.” (Proverbs 14:30)



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Deactivated Facebook several months ago. I can’t believe what a positive affect it has had on me mentally and emotionally.


What people fail to understand is that many young people grew up with social media. This is all they know. Computer's, laptops, cell phones, this is all they know. They don't have the skills to interact but look into a screen and smile. Go to a restaurant and see how quiet it is. Why because everyone at the dinner table is hooked up to a tablet or cellphone. The adults are just as addicted. One doesn't have to be young. You go to a Target or the Post office and they are plugged in to their electronics. These things are slowly destroying our culture with swaying bad beliefs and erroneous ideals.


When I was younger, being bored meant staying bored and being productive. I would draw, read, write little stories, watch tv, play with the neighborhood homies. These days being bored puts me on social media sometimes. But it's cool to sometimes just be bored and be with yourself and not a social platform like the old days. Life feels more at peace and quiet. Boredom takes you places if you face it head on.


Downloaded the app, "stay focused" tracked my social media use.... 50 plus hours per month just on facebook. Off social media now only on for holidays. Best feeling ever. Peace is our goal. We are stewards of our time and energy. " stay focused " is the App. Thank you... Amen. ❤❤❤


Social media free for 3 months now. First month i realized just how addicted i was. The depression was incredibly high. 2nd month, i found myself more focused at work, and over all just feel happier! She knows what shes talking about. Im living proof.


God's Good.. I got this Notification 6 mins after I placed my Data off Lol.. I was actually Journalling and While Journalling I mentioned That I need to reduce my time on social media and at that very moment I got the notification.. what a Sign Still amazed.. Yeah Social media is somewhat addictive and does get me depressed and down in so many ways.. There's more to life and I was here complaining on how life sucked when I dug my own grave.. Thanks for the Video


It is really enjoy when you leave social media .. not because you are antisocial, but you just need to look into your real life 😊


Thank you. I didn't think I'd be watching this video today. But I think I really might try deleting a couple apps!


Im a bit late to this video but I deleted my facebook a few years ago and felt SO much better. Then I noticed not only how much TIME I spent on instagram but how it felt obligated to be viewing posts, liking photos, messaging people, it was taking time away from my family and housework. 
I had a much harder time deleting IG but ive honestly never felt better- so if you're someone who's thinking they could never go without it TRUST me its such a relief when you hit that deactivate button.
I was sitting watching my family, Christmas 2020 and could only see the tops of their heads looking at their phones while I was trying to be in the moment. Its a struggle.


I've been two weeks without social media so far. I felt like it was getting in the way of school and productivity. If any of you guys feel the same way, don't be afraid to take a break. Thanks for spreading the word!


Social media/ internet is a tool used for learning and developing creativity. If they don't provide this, you should think about the way you use it. If it makes you feel bad, stop using it. The life it what happens while you scroll down the feed!


Actually, for me it did the opposite. I consciously only follow inspiring people, which has made me a much much more positive person than I used to be. :)


I’ve been thinking about this so much and this video helped me come to a final decision. I just don’t enjoy it, no matter how much I try, so I’m going to stay off of certain platforms. Thank you 😀


So good! Thank you 😊. Love that you are encouraging people to speak with psychologist or psychiatrist. As fresh new psychologist in my country (Croatia) i've noticed that people are ashamed to admit that they have mental problems and they don't believe that someone can help them. Which is really sad, but I hope that this things will change over time.


Social media is not worth it for me any longer. It’s encouraging to not only watch this but read the comments. Thank you, thank you!


Never had Facebook or Twitter and glad about that.


This was a great reminder and a super helpful message . Happy New Year!


Crazy this video popped up today. I been thinking hard about social media the last couple days. I'm literally wasting my life looking at memes.


I deleted my Facebook! :) I’m also considering axeing my Instagram too.


Too much social media is bad. I timed out from Instagram when I sense I am going to sin. I have timed out from it 2x already and somewhat this Christmas by not posting anything, it’s freeing. I will not hesitate to do this again because social media does not define me. Whatever happens, prayer is my top priority.
