Melatonin for Sleep: DOES IT ACTUALLY WORK?! | Doctor ER

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Melatonin for Sleep: DOES IT ACTUALLY WORK?! | Doctor ER. Real doctor explains everything you need to know about melatonin sleep aid supplement and how it affects sleep. Doctor ER Jordan Wagner is back to explain melatonin side effects, melatonin dosage, melatonin benefits, melatonin overdose, how to take melatonin, and more. What does melatonin do? What is melatonin used for? How does melatonin work? In this video, Doctor Wagner, a real life emergency physician discusses the facts about melatonin gummies and melatonin tablets and the truth behind melatonin release when you can't sleep. If you suffer from insomnia and can't fall asleep fast you might have tried various over-the-counter natural sleep aids and remedies such as melatonin sleep support supplements or asmr. However, is melatonin a good sleep aid? Is it OK to take melatonin every night? Melatonin is most commonly used for insomnia and improving sleep in different conditions. It is used for jet lag, for adjusting sleep-wake cycles. Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland. That's a pea-sized gland found just above the middle of your brain. It helps your body know when it's time to sleep and wake up. Melatonin is a derivative of serotonin best known for its role as a hormone. Doctors are also studying to see if melatonin can help with Alzheimer's disease, cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), high nighttime blood pressure, sleep problems in children with autism spectrum disorders, and more science behind it. Do you use any natural sleep aids or remedies to help you fall asleep? Let Doctor Wagner know in the comments if you've used any melatonin supplements in the past. What was your experience like? Leave any melatonin reviews or life hacks below in the comments!


@Mayo Clinic - Mayo Clinic Minute: Is melatonin the right sleep aid for me?

@Dr. Eric Berg DC - Is Melatonin A Good Sleep Aid?: Dr.Berg On Melatonin Side Effects


@AbrahamThePharmacist - How To Treat Insomnia Naturally Without Medication Fix Sleeping Problems | Best Way To Sleep Better

@Andrew Huberman - Master Your Sleep & Be More Alert When Awake | Huberman Lab Podcast #2

@Thomas DeLauer - Rethink Melatonin: 3 Sleep Aid Alternatives- Thomas DeLauer



Doctor ER Dr. Jordan Wagner, DO

#Melatonin #SleepAid #DoctorJordanWagner


Melatonin and Sleep | Sleep Foundation

Melatonin: What You Need To Know | NCCIH

Melatonin for Sleep: Does It Work? | Johns Hopkins Medicine

How Melatonin Can Help You Sleep and Feel Better | Healthline

Is melatonin safe for kids? Here's what the experts say | CNN

Melatonin | NHS

Melatonin: Pharmacology, Functions and Therapeutic Benefits | Curr Neuropharmacol.

A review of sleep disorders and melatonin | Neurol Res.

The effectiveness of melatonin for promoting healthy sleep: a rapid evidence assessment of the literature | Nutr J.

Melatonin | DrugBank

If you feel like you are actually experiencing a real-life medical emergency, immediately stop watching and call 9-11 or contact a medical professional. The information in this video is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The satirical nature presented in the video is for entertainment purposes and does not endorse the actions displayed. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace an appointment with your own personal doctor.
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Do you take melatonin or any other sleep aid supplements?


When I was a teenager, I developed a bipolar disorder that led to a crippling insomnia. After a decade of that lifestyle, I finally went to a psychiatrist following the advices of a friend. On top of a mood regulating treatment, the psychiatrist also prescribed me 5mg of melatonin every night to fight insomnia, on top of new sleeping discipline. The effect on me was spectacular, the hormone knocking me down to sleep after only 40 minutes the first time I took it. After a year of such treatment, I only needed a pill every three days, and six months later, I had a healthy sleeping schedule without any melatonin. It has now been three years I've stopped using it and the insomnia is gone, apart from some nights when I'm experiencing some hypomaniac phases combined with some personal turmoils. But that's nothing compared to not being able to sleep until absolute exhaustion, sometimes happening only after several sleepless nights. I'm sharing this personal experience in case it could help someone to seek help and not go for some self medication to fight insomnia. Take care, peeps!


After a year of insomnia, difficulty falling asleep then waking at 2/3am I've started taking 5mg of melatonin in an evening. I feel sleepy in the sofa, take myself to bed and sleep like a baby until my alarm goes off. I have some weird dreams but nothing disturbing. I did take 10mg one night and the a wild dream that felt so real I thought I was awake all night and woke up knackered. Dosage is crucial. Start low and work up and you'll find your sweet spot.


We take melatonin off and on. Sometimes I feel it, sometimes it just makes me feel like I’m ready to sleep only to roll around for two hours eyes half open.


I usually feel rather tired the next morning, no matter the amount of sleep, but I tend to be more active at night in general (I also seem to experience "reverse seasonal affective disorder). It does knock me out really well, but I don't dream as often.
I actually really enjoy my dreams as they tend to be somewhat controlled lucid experiences.


I've taken melatonin in the past, but I avoid it now because it always puts me out too hard. I have trouble waking back up and I'm usually really drowsy the next day. Great video, I found it really interesting


Can we have a long ass monologue about a gym nutrition and supplements? I mean, I think it’s really important for people to know how all those pre-workouts, mass gainers, whey protein, BCAAs, creatine monohydrates and vitamins work


I've tried melatonin a couple of times. Every time it made me feel weird, like something was out of whack, and it's debatable whether it helped me fall asleep quicker or not. So I don't take it anymore.


Have used Melatonin for many years. Travelled frequently with different time zones. A great help. Draw back not available in South Africa.


I do indeed take melatonin very regularly. I've had bouts of insomnia most of my life, and a good 3 mg dose of melatonin each night was enough to finally normalize my sleep habits comfortably.


This guy is amazing the way he does his videos man


Love this video. I would like to see something for people (like myself) who work overnight shifts and stuggle to sleep in the day.


As an aspiring doctor you're a really cool channel.


I have a lot of love ones taking it, glad it's safe to take.


As someone who has worked a midnight shift for almost 20 years, I found taking melatonin helpful for setting a regular sleep schedule. My doctor advised trying it after I was showing a lot of stress symptoms, with my liver being big concern. Now It's been easier to regularly get 6-8 hours of sleep on work nights.

Not sure yet on the stress reduction though.


No importa quién seas: Si lees esto‚ te quiero mucho‚ eres un ser súper valioso‚ hermoso y eres capaz de hacer todo lo que te propongas.


A lot of this information is very important for those who has trouble sleeping. And it is true. Just like eating a snack before bed, it is good to make a habit to stay up for an hour or two after taking melatonin while doing something relaxing, like reading a book or a video or two. After one to two hours, (and this is important for me!) turn off all electronics/get off your phone or anything that produces blue lights, as it actually helps sleeping even more.

That is something that has helped with my insomnia issues and someone who takes 5 mg of melatonin when needed.

I do feel like I am one of those cases that if I take too much for a long term (once a day for a month straight.) I try to take a two week break from it, so I don't build up a tolerance for it. It's rough on those two weeks, but it vastly helps if you catch yourself taking it everyday.

EDIT: Note: This is from my experience of taking melatonin, and not a medical advise, as I am not a medical professional. If you want to know more, this video helps, but it is best to talk to your Primary Care Physician and see if Melatonin is right for you if you have problems sleeping!


I read a couple things about COVID and melatonin, and that older folks produce less. Research indicated it wouldn't hurt me, so I got some. I was surprised when I started falling asleep so easily. Now I take it a few times a week, and will talk to my Dr. about it next check up.


Hey Doc! What do you think about “blackout” curtains and the effects of waking up in the morning? Its great to keep my room cooler during the summer but I think has been effecting my sleep cycle.


I find that melatonin makes me feel groggy the next day. So I take it sparingly. I do however take up to 10 mg, so that might be a factor. I prefer my sleep aid prescribed from my doctor because I do suffer from shift work disorder. I work graveyard shift.
