Detach & Build your Self Esteem in 4 Steps

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1) Do not chase people who don't associate or love you.

2) How you show up for yourself
•What you think about yourself ?
•What you're saying to yourself in general ?

3) Let go of the opinions of others.
Why he did not wanna be with you
your father, mother or boss?

4)What is your daily ritual ?
• See if your actions align with the vision of the person you wanna be.


I want to thank you.. Tonight my husband of 20 years told me he wants to divorce me and he hates everything about the life we made together.. I’m absolutely crushed and wanted to keep asking why, when I try so hard and love him so much.. Instead I just stopped fighting and went in the other room and decided to watch YouTube to keep
Me from being a crying hot mess..I hoped that as I watched the right message will come thru because I am so lost inside.
It feels so unfair but I didn’t beg, i swallowed it down and realized i need to handle this smarter . I really really needed this video tonight. So thank you. I feel like an absolute wreck but I felt like you spoke to my soul and told me I am worth more.


My mom has developed an auto immune disease from the stress/trauma of her marriage. She tells me every day to listen to what my body is telling me. Thank you for bringing light to the physical toll of emotional trauma. I'm bawling over here


You are whole. You are enough. You are worthy. And you are so loved.❤️


Currently heartbroken. My heart completely shattered. I bought both of your masterclasses and hope I will fall for lovebombing again. Thank you for being you, sending love from Germany ❤


“I was meant for other things, I was meant for better things” Wow I needed this. I have been making up a story in my head that it was my fault I was rejected for the last 7 months, literally torturing myself. 😖


Every time I listen to you I am more confident 😂❤
I appreciate you


Thank you so much for this! I struggle with Borderline Personality Disorder and, among other struggles, I deal with extremely low self esteem and insecurity. One surprising thing that has helped me significantly has been simply showing up for myself - waking up at the time that I said I was going to, going to the gym when I said I was going to, eating healthy. The little rituals and habits really do make a huge difference!


I’m 22 years old and I love listening to you.
I feel like listening to a mom or a big sister I never had
Thank you margarita for helping with your videos !!🩷🩷


Never stop empowering us, Margarita! Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom! ❤


So thankful I cut off the fake friendships. So thankful women are healing and detaching from males.


Just saying, that we men also watch your videos, you help a lot, especially about confidence & detachment (from where or who we must). Plus your calmness gives such an amazing energy


Yes. yes. yes. Make and keep the promises you make to yourself, if you don't your soul will know and feel it.


Detaching and building self-esteem in 4 steps – your guide is a game-changer! Your insights are a roadmap to personal empowerment. Time to let go and cultivate a stronger sense of self. Thanks for the transformative wisdom.


Margarita my dear, thank you so much for your words! I’ve been following you since I was 15 and now I’m almost 18, and you don’t have idea how much you’ve helped me understand and mature my way of thinking ❤️ Kisses from Brazil 🇧🇷


So well said! Thank you! I needed to hear this about not chasing friends. The hard thing is that the people who do want to hang out with me aren’t as fun to be around and I don’t connect with them as much. But I guess I just need to hang out with them anyways and maybe focus on doing fun activities so I’ll still have fun even if they’re more boring people.


Hello Margarita! Im also a man here, and these videos are very beneficial to us too.
I definitely struggled with self esteem growing up, because I had more feminine qualities, and was insecure about myself. I realized that there's nothing wrong, but I was around the wrong types of people.


You are so on point! Even though I just turned 60, I still am thinking of who I want to evolve into and am working as if I am already that person!


Good advice and funny! I'm a 26 year old man who has struggled with self-esteem his whole life. But it has become more pronounced over the past year since starting my current job. I've been struggling with severe imposter syndrome for the past year because I am almost a licensed engineer and people seem to think I know more than I really do. I'm pretty honest about what I do and don't know. But I feel the biggest reason for my self-esteem issues is how much I internalize everything. I don't have the energy for this shit, yet I cannot seem to stop myself wtf


Both my parents didn’t want anything to do with me. My dad has now died and mom doesn’t call or text. I’m constantly questioning why in my head 😢 I try so hard to let go and have spent so much money on therapy but my heart hurts. Needed to hear this, thank you.
