There’s 5 stages of being ugly

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Revenge is easy because she never had be ugly


Ik she wasn’t really ugly guys. But lets give her credit for gaining confidence and working hard to make herself happy 🎉


That's how u know u were never ugly. Cause the rest of us never get out the 5 stages, even when our skin clears up. Lol 🙈


For anyone who needs to hear this:

I love your hair or lack of
I love your forehead
I love your eyebrows or lack of
I love your eyelashes or lack of
I love your eyes
I love your ears
I love your nose
I love your cheeks
I love your mouth
I love your laugh
I love your teeth or lack of
I love your chin
I love your neck
I love your shoulders
I love your chest
I love your arms
I love your hands
I love your tummy
I love your hips
I love your thighs
I love your knees
I love your shins
I love your feet (not in that way.)
I love your moles/marks
I love your scars
I love your voice
I love what you do
I love your personality
I love you on your good days
I love you on your bad days
I love you when you when you wear makeup
I love you when you don’t wear makeup.
I love your skin
I love you when you’re sad
I love you when you’re mad
I love you when you’re happy
I love you when you hate me
I love you when you love me
I love you when you forget me
I’m proud of you for getting some sleep
I’m proud of you for trying to sleep
I’m proud of you for waking up
I’m proud of you for getting up
I’m proud of you for brushing your teeth
I proud of you for tending toward your braces
I’m proud of you for doing your hair
I’m proud of you for washing your face
I’m proud of you for doing skin care
I love you for doing your makeup (if you wear it)
I’m proud of you that you got out of your room
I’m proud of you for getting dressed
I’m proud of you TRYING to eat breakfast.
I’m proud of you for being clean
I’m proud of you for trying to be clean
I’m proud of you for being alive
I’m proud of you for being a good friend
I’m proud of you for trying to be a good friend
I won’t judge you for your looks
I won’t judge you from your race
I won’t judge you for your life
I won’t judge you for your family
I won’t judge you for your past/childhood
I won’t judge you for your body
I won’t judge you for your tears
I won't judge you for your age
I won’t judge you for your sexual orientation
I won't judge you for your gender
I won't judge you for your money
I won’t judge you for where you come from
I won’t judge you for your language
You aren’t ugly
You aren’t too fat
You aren’t too skinny
You aren’t annoying
You aren’t mean
You aren’t evil
You aren’t crazy
You aren’t weird
You aren’t worthless
You aren’t scary
You aren’t selfish
You aren’t too feminine
You aren’t too masculine
You aren’t too young
You aren’t too old
You aren’t disgusting
You aren’t a doormat
You aren’t a toy
You aren’t a monster
You are beautiful
You are pretty
You are handsome
You are kind
You are cool
You are everything you want to be
You aren’t perfect, nobody is, but you are perfect in my eyes :)
I wont judge you for anything
I'm so proud of you
I love You


Bro wasn’t even ugly, she just looked uncomfortable in her own body and had no makeup on.. I think people are forgetting what being natural actually looks like. In all of the photos at the end she had makeup on and lost weight which is good but that just shows what society is showing how we should look. She reminds me of every girl I see on social media now, cookie cutters.


If you're ugly, then I'm not even a human ig


If you are getting called ugly, well i must be a potato


There's nothing I hate more than attractive people feeling sorry for thinking they are ugly and thus making actual ugly people feel like sht.


She went from cute to generic influencer


im still in the 5 stages and I’ll never get out, im stuck


This ain’t revenge, you changed yourself to fit the beauty standards, i ain’t saying it’s a bad thing cause as long you are confident and happy do what you want but please don’t call it revenge


If this gal considered herself ugly
Then what am I? 😂


We all would have been "considered" pretty if there were no "beauty standards".


well i was fat cause i like food. people called me ugly and i didnt give a fuck. i wanted to change a bit and be healthier so i changed my diet and walked my dog twice as much and did planks every morning for 2 minutes. it took only 4 month to look good. now people complement me all the time cause i looks younger and better. and guess what still dont give a fuck. lol


What ugly? If thats ugly im a fucking blobfish


A lot of people aren’t even ugly they just don’t know what clothes and hairstyles they look the cutest in or just need to get more active and eat healthier and their natural beauty comes out on its own


I feel you. i feel ugly. My friends say im a 7, i do not believe that for 1 second. I barely have any personality, but i got too much personality in my waist haha.


Girl was never ugly. She just wasn't taking care of herself 😂


Girl, you were absolutely beautiful before and after. I am so confused about where the ugly was. You’re stunning. I don’t know what those people must’ve been on to think you were ugly, but I don’t want it. ❤


being ugly is like being cursed forever you can't remove that ugly shape
