5 Stages of Spiritual Awakening... Which Stage Are You In?

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In my experience, spiritual awakening doesn’t happen in a linear line where one phase happens after the next. Just like our DNA is unique, our spiritual walk will be tailor made to fit us differently. So in this video, I wanted to share with you the 5 stages of spiritual awakening that I went through, and hopefully you’ll be see some similarities with your own.


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#animations #spiritualawakening #ascension
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We're not humans having a spiritual experience, we're spirit having a human experience.


I've always felt a compelling urge to play a part in humanity's grand endeavors, aiming to harness the levers of influence, secrets to optimal well-being, and safeguarding. The longing for acknowledgment has remained steadfast, not born of vanity or excess, but rooted in a profound sense of self and mission. Inside, there's an insatiable thirst to explore the intricacies of human comprehension, pursuing insights reserved for the chosen few. My goal is to embrace the wisdom that our forebears ardently hoped we'd grasp.


realizing i passed through all these stages before 20 years of age and am now in a constant cycle between all the stages sounds actually insane


The only thing I hate about being awaken is that eternal feeling of loneliness. You just start to realize how many of us don't care enough about others. There's too much convenience for today's love. In other, more positive things, when your vibration rises and strangers smile at you is the cutest thing :3 love y'all, god bless! thank you soooo much for posting! sharing <3


If you're reading this, remember that each step you take brings you closer to your dreams. Even during the toughest times, hold onto hope and believe in your own resilience. Celebrate every milestone, no matter how small, and trust that your journey is shaping you into a stronger and wiser person. Keep going, for the best is yet to come! 🦋🌟


purging out old emotional wounds and psychological trauma is so rough. You're right even the most minute ones. This was incredibly validating. Thank you.


What a comforting feeling it is to know that we are not alone in this life path and in the spiritual awakening journey, regardless of what stage we are in. We are really truth seekers. Wishing you all love and light❤


To anyone reading this, you are so loved <3


I feel like I'm in the ending of stage 4. My traumas are starting to bother me less and less and I'm starting to live internally than worrying about the external.


I fluctuate between 1, 2, 3. It can be quite exhausting. I slip backwards sometimes cause I'm scared of the unknown. You are doing nice work Rei.


I’m in stage 3-5 right now and I definitely know I will be losing a lot of people in my life because they are connected to my ego not who I actually am. I have no control over nobody but myself and I am not responsible for how others perceive me. I live my truth and so do they, nobody is above or below were all human. Sending love and light to everyone on this journey 💚


You know you're at stage 3 if you're watching this video lol


I was unconscious until 2021 and then in just 15 months, I got cancer - fought and beat it, my brother died suddenly as well as my dad. I feel like I’ve been thrown into wakefulness and all of a sudden I understand what it is to be alive in this body. I fluctuate between all stages but mostly remain in stages 4 and 5. Meditation feels like a life force and somehow through meditation I see more with every practice and yet I’m acutely aware that at this moment I am not as awake as I will be in my future. There’s so much more to learn in this life.


I went from unconscious right to the search. Since i was a child, I felt life was not right, and I don't belong here which prompted that. From there, it's constant back and forth between ego death, search, and authentic self. Those three go back and forth. A little ego dies, a little authentic self revealed, more confusion, and depression leads to more searching, and the cycle repeats. This has gone on for many, many years. Something tells me I'm about to break through to the final stage soon. I feel it will be sometime this year. I'm not sure why I feel that. I just do.


I’m in the purging stage. I’m catching myself breaking down and wailing like a child reliving pain and trauma. Cried all day, and happened to stumble upon this video. And it’s so crazy how I’m going through these stages


Awakening is the most difficult, and simultaneously, most rewarding experience I can remember having. I have noticed that my ability to stay present is most influenced by my level of rest, which is my energy. When I am not rested, I am less present, and it seems much more difficult to maintain the clarity of perception. In turn, as a result of diminished presence, I am more prone to negative perceptions and emotions. There is however an underlying awareness that all is well. I attempted at one point to go back to unawareness again, because I convinced myself that the discomfort (which is merely false perception anyway) of not being able to relate to the world, or anyone not on a spiritual path was too great. I felt isolated and alone, and wanted it to end. What I found, is that there is no going back. I simply cannot be unaware ever again. My suffering was a result of resisting the change that was happening in me. I decided that this process I'm going through, is the very purpose I'm a human being right now. So, if this process is my purpose, anything I do not toward that purpose is a waste of time. That realization caused an internal shift. I cannot go back, and more importantly, I do not desire to go back. I am moving forward. Now, and forever. Liberation comes through self awareness. Awareness is the lens of perception. I love you. You are me. We are all. All are one. Whoever read this entire comment, bless you, and infinite unconditional love to you. It is so, now and always. You are okay. You are perfect. ❤️🙏


It's nice to know I'm not feeling crazy! 😅 in the beginning, I was all over the place. Releasing traumas has been a journey. I'm in the isolation phase atm. I'm excited for what's to come.


4 & 5 purging and gaining clarity and can feel my new self aligning. This feels weird, because its foreign to what I have been use to all my life, but in a good way! I feel connected with myself more than I could ever remember. You begin learning to trust and surrender to the journey. Keep going everyone I know it isn’t easy but your energy is literally changing for the better that is why it is so tough! 🙏🏼✨✨


Stage 4 is exactly what I was looking for a description of because ever since 2022, I was highly in that stage because I felt like I had such high self awareness that I became dissociated in life. I couldn't handle the multiple faces I was having and i wanted to only be my authentic self so badly to the point where I felt the need to quit everything and isolate myself. It's a really scary phase, especially for a teenager, but I think it's so life changing because you come out a completely different person and it truly feels like your childhood feeling is back. Every aspect of life starts to become so beautiful and the feeling becomes so hard to describe to anyone who hasn't experienced it. Luckily I feel like I'm near the end of phase 4 but it makes you feel like you're living an entirely different lifetime where you had to start from scratch and build yourself back up.


Ohhh wow, you literally said everything I’ve been going through and I thought I’m going crazy, I have booked a psychiatrist appointment because I felt like I must have some mood disorder or adhd.
I’ve been through all stages and sometimes jumping back a stage or going forward. Life started feeling to hard for me until one day I thought “you got this it’s easy just one step at a time and the difference is trust yourself that you got your own back this time”.
