The 5 Life-Changing Stages Of Spiritual Awakening | Which One Are You In?

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While spiritual awakening can be painful and difficult, for many people, it is also a transformative and enriching experience. Feeling lost, confused, alone, anxious during a spiritual awakening is entirely normal.
There are certain stages within the spiritual awakening journey, each with its own set of experiences, challenges, and gifts. Understanding these stages can help you better navigate your own spiritual path and provide invaluable life lessons along the way.
Here are The 5 Life-Changing Stages Of Spiritual Awakening. Which One Are You In?
Learn more and watch the full video🙏🏼

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The fact that nobody talks about the book whispers of manifestation on borlest speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance


You are not reading this by accident. If you're reading this, EVERYTHING'S GOING TO BE ALRIGHT. Good energy is being sent to you from all over the universe. Be thankful and pay it forward


I struggled with drug addiction for 18 years, it brought me to levels of suffering never imagined being homeless in Detroit, lost my mom, sister, and 2 brothers and only by God and nothing short of a miracle have I been free of drug addiction for 9 months and am in a program designed to wake up my spirit to get back to my true nature and these videos have really been helping understand who I am becoming. I believe I am a light worker and my mission is to carry my message to help others.


Compelling content has always fueled my desire to advance mankind's loftiest endeavors, aiming to harness the levers of influence, authority, and the mysteries of optimal well-being and safety. The craving for acknowledgment isn't driven by vanity or excess but by a profound connection to who I am and my mission. Inwardly, I ache to explore the intricacies of human comprehension, pursuing wisdom reserved for the chosen few. My ambition is to embrace the enlightenment that our forebears passionately hoped we would achieve.


Stage 1: Chaos or spontaneous awakening: unexpected events.
Stage 2: Bliss: heart awakening
Stage 3: Dark night of soul: recalibration phase
Stage 4: Groundness: newfound wisdom and stabilisation.

I have experienced all fours stages. It was both beautiful and difficult experiences. I have started my spiritual journey at the age of 33. It is an amazing journey.

I wish you ALL, all the best! ❤


i suffered from severe PTSD for 14 years. it even lead to suicide attempts. once i began Buddhism, i feel like my 3rd eye opened the first week of practice. i had mental clarity, could see my own emotions play out on a TV in front of me, my intuition massively improved. i can feel people's emotions before they even open their mouths now. my spirituality has increased 10-fold. i have never been happier in my life. Buddha literally saved my life. Namo Buddhaya!


I’m in this weird stage of my life where I’m overwhelmed by constant anxiety and overthinking, I feel neglected and an outcast I do not fit in society, I’m shunned most of the time by my peers or strangers, it’s tiring but I know god works through me, I know he is testing me. I will succeed it’s only a matter of his timing. All is done through his grace and mercy. Praise to the most high.


I'm definitely in the void. I absolutely hate where I live. The one thing I had was my sanctuary of my home. Now with my new extremely loud upstairs neighbors, I have lost that too. So I've decided to break my lease, buy a camper and drive to the Grand Canyon!! Just GO for 2 months, me and my kitty! I've never felt stronger about anything, I wanna get outta here and go see the country!! Thank you for this video!! It's very affirming!❤️


Whomever is watching this video, Im praying for you to be Wealthy FASTER than you think, Amin 💚🌈🙏🏻


I was an alcoholic for 35 years … everyday I had to drink … compulsive drinking… despite pain I’m causing to my family … I regretted drinking but I had to drink … then one day … I just stopped … I still don’t understand how !! I believe it’s Gods miracle in my life … it’s been almost 2 years now … and I don’t even have the urge to drink anymore … praise God !!


The void phase of awakening is the most difficult and usually quite tumultuous. It will take as long or as short a time as you decide to make it. You will know you're coming out of it when you realize you were the creator of your own pain. You begin to shed all of your thoughts, beliefs, ideas of life how life should be. You let go of all of that doesn't serve you. You begin to see your oneness with all of life. Everything begins to fall into place. You realize you are and have always been the creator of your life.


One thing I have experienced is not all these phases are linear. You may go in and out of multiple phases at the same time. Awesome video 🙏❣️


Pain is not suffering.
Pain is ego.
Suffering is won.


I came out of the void today. I have finally forgiven my past self for all the mistakes he did.

Simply he wanted to do the right thing but he was operating through his unconscious mind. I wept for him, felt sad and yet proud at the same time.

Every new day, ever hour, every minute.. a new me is born. Its the infinite and constant present moment that defines who I am. My intentions, my actions. Not labels, thoughts or emotions.


As a former Buddhist monk I've spent quite some time observing the "maps" and stages of enlightenment. The problem is that just in Buddhism alone there are probably 50 definitions of what it means and how to determine if one is Enlightend. There are also various factors and abilities that one is supposed to gain during this progression.
After having spoken to hundreds if not thousands of people on the subject there definetley are patterns that repeat themselves when one starts to meditate and look inside. But as far as progression I'd say that the main thing to look for is "How much joy do I feel inside of me no matter what my outer or inner circumstances are like?"
A sense of joy and wellbeing seems to be the real fruit of spiritual awakening and with it comes a lessening of the sense of self and sense of taking all of this seriously.
So like Bobby McFerrin says "don't worry, be happy"


Is there a phase were you get mad that everything you knew was a lie?

Edit: For those curious I'm no longer angry, I was for a few weeks but I'm over it now, I've moved on. Also 126 likes is way more than I deserve so thank you, all of you. I hope you all find peace on your journey.


Lately Not only have I been feeling down, but in the process I’ve been giving gratitude for all experiences


Ive been on my 'spiritual path' for about 8 years now but only just feel like I'm awakening, I believe in the power of divine timing and I am as scared as I am excited,
Saturn return is on the rise, for the first time in my life I'm interested in myself, who I am, my health, wanting to stop smoking and spend more time devoted to growth, here's to change, growth, fun, fear and all that comes along with the ride, I'm strapping in my seatbelt!
May we all grow, and may the lessons be as painless as possible ❤


I'm going through the void and I'm embracing it.
Thank you Wisdom Nuggets. 🙏
I needed to hear this 💯🙌


Where have you been all my life? You have described my life just as I would have, if I was able to put it all into words. I feel fabulous, oozing with love, happy, joyous and finally free! 😂 ❤ Thank you, SDJP
