Why Your Ex Must Come To YOU

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Coach Lee explains why your ex must come to you after a breakup if you want them back both short and long term.

Though it's tempting to try to help them along or to reach out, the numbers over the last two decades have been clear - let your ex come to you to get them back. It's not just something that sounds good, it actually works.

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If someone really loves you and wanna be with you, they will come to you. Don't ruin your lives for anyone.


The strongest negotiating position is being able to walk away and mean it


If they broke up with you, never ever contact them. The moment you do, they will never respect you and you will appear weak in their eyes. When they do contact, act cool but not too friendly, keep it simple. During the NC Stage, u will realise they’re not that extraordinary or special. Always watch Coach Lee when u fell like breaking the NC rule👍🏿


Despite my broken heart, I'm extremely proud of myself for NOT reaching out. I won't. I know he's expecting me to, and he's going to be surprised every day that I don't.


My anxiety goes through the roof just thinking about my ex. I miss her and love her with all my heart and truly believe in a future with her. Your videos ease my anxiety instantly thank you coach.


This is week 5 for me.. I refuse to call. I will never call him again, ( without him making contact first ) but that being said I’d love to get back together with him. I love him but I just can’t reach out. Not after the way he broke it off which I know in my heart he regrets. I’m hoping that the no contact works but either way I am moving forward in my life. I think of him every day and I keep positive and send him love often, I manifest as well. I hope you all get back the ones you love also 🥰🥰🥰


My best advice is to move on and wait on no one.. Live your life and meet new people and work on yourself. Just cuz you love someone don't mean y'all belong together. Love is not enough. Trust is important too amongst other things. If its meant to be let it be if not move on. And 99. 9 exes always return when you move on with someone else. True story but too little too late. Stay safe. ❤


Be careful what you wish for wanting them back. They might come back, and it might be a disaster and something you regret very much. Remember what you feel right now, isn't what you'll feel tomorrow, the next week, month, year, etc.. No matter how much pain, sorrow, and how much you feel you can't live without them (trust me I felt all that too).


I don't want him back, I'm healing and finally loving my life without him.


The best condensed advice, from the files of Coach Lee and countless other life coaches who preach Law of Attraction/Assumption is to detach from the ex and work on YOU. Build self love. Build self respect. When you find love for and within yourself, nothing can replace that. You will exude confidence and magnetism that eventually your ex will feel. I believe that an ex can feel when you stop sending them energy. I've seen it a million times. When you've detached emotionally, they will know it, and it will rattle most of them awake. Your world within (your mind) is your world outside. Instead of focusing on changing them, focus on changing YOU. Most often, THAT is what will change them. Best of luck and good vibes for everyone going through a rough time. There is light on the other side.


Why do they come back?
-to strake their ego
-they are bored
-to make sure you still there and you didn't move on
-the person with whom they moved on had left them


He hurt me so bad. Week 12 radio silence- no contact. He reached out at week 6. I was indifferent, i did not have the desire to respond at all. I was enjoying my healing, it has been unbelievably amazing and so fulfilling. I do not even desire him chasing me -honestly. I seem so long done with him! I AM A HAPPY SINGLE WOMAN ... Thanks Lee and other coaches! I look forward to a great person in the future


I got my ex back thanks coach lee I love you coach


She came back to my life After 5 month in No contact rule!
Thank you for Your Help!!!


It’s been 5 months, and she is with someone new. so yeah she isn’t coming back. It’s painful for the first 2-3 months but it gets better. Excited to find a better partner!


I know, this video only hooks me up more in the idea of my ex coming back, instead of moving on, but I still watch it.
Those ideas are addictive.


Just like the prodigical son. The father waited for his son to hit rock bottom and come back to him.


almost 8 months no contact she's been in a rebound doubt I will hear from her again thanks coach lee for the videos as always


When they find someone else I think that’s when you realise they won’t come back. It’s over, move on. Clearly didn’t love you if they don’t come back.


My husband is leaving me after 25 years of marriage. I found you at the right moment, you’re a blessing to me. Thank you 🙏🏻
