You need more anesthesia... 🌱

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Many things can change your anesthesia requirements so that you do not wake up (or overdose) during surgery. just some examples are substance use, mental health, and physical health. mental health can increase, or otherwise change, or anesthesia your requirements, heavily based on the medications that we are taking to treat ourselves. this is why it is so important to speak with your anesthesiologist, and optimize your mental health and mindset, before surgery!
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I am glad to hear I am not alone as someone who requires higher doses of anesthesia due to having multiple medical problems, pain problems, ptsd, and repeatedly waking up mid-surgery. Havi g brown hair does not help in getting overlooked as pain // fear management is crucial for healing.


That’s definitely me. Red head ✅ Genetically metabolizes anesthetics and pain meds ✅

Lots of awareness during surgery. 😬


Love the facial and hand expressions you use to emphasize info. You woukd make a great teacher.


I was taking a lot of substances as the time when I was getting surgery. The last thing I remember hearing is wow, he’s still going. And they dosed me over and over. Rlly is the truth


Forty years ago we had a patient come in the ER who had been shanked in prison. It cut into his heart. The thoracic surgeon said two things that stuck in my mind. When he opened him up his heart was empty. and, He was able to tolerate this dire event because of his drug use.
He arrived in the ER about 5pm. After surgery he was in ICU. A guard sat outside the door. By the time I left at midnight the guard had moved to his bedside. He was taken back to the prison hospital the next day.


Not the same, but I woke up during a root canal when I was 16, I still remember they were talking about weekend plans😭 I’ve had chronic pain since I was a kid so on opioids all my life so that understandably probably contributed as I wasn’t the “average” kid and my tolerance was higher.

But TMI had a colonoscopy to check for an ulcer a few years ago and her team got it right! Woke afterwards from what felt like a sudden and refreshing nap 😂 didn’t know it was considered a surgery until well after!


My late husband was a big, strong man, 6ft6in 240. He woke, fought and yanked out the scope so many times during endoscopy dialations that his doctor stopped using sedation. He moved the procedures to the hospital, began strapping my husband down and used anesthesia. We moved and had a new doctor, the gastro doc made the appropriate arrangements, but the anesthesiologist was arrogant and refused to listen to us or take chart notes seriously. He acted as if it was a game. Of course my husband woke and tried to rip the scope out. The stent they placed ripped a blood vessel and his hemoglobin was at 4 when they realized he was bleeding out from his esophagus. My husband didn't think he would be believed and didn't tell me something was wrong until there was whole undigested blood in his J-tube and poop.


i would second that being autistic can potentially make it harder too, while i havent had general anesthesia i noticed that local anesthesia never seems to work quite right and quite as long on me as for other people. And i am not an anxious person, i think it has to do with the genetic likeliness for connective tissue issues.


I'm a redhead with high anxiety. fml lol Maybe a video on us gingers and anesthesia??


I'm not a drug user nor am I taking any anxiety meds or antidepressants... and it still takes a lot of anesthesia... not always the case!!


I have to have extra anesthesia for any surgical or dental procedures due to weed and pain management for 18 years


I've tried to tell this to my pain management doctor when I'm suppose to be given sedation, and I barely feel anything and end up going into a panic attack on the table when he's trying to give me injections in my spine. I told him that I also required more than norm people.


I can attest to that. They have me versed before wheeling me back, it did not work at all, I mean, maybe, I wasn't anxious. But I remember all the conversations, equipment music and some lame quip I made coz I was embarrassed. It's not good, they were not nice to me.


Reason number 500 through 720 why I will never ever ever go into anesthesia again thank you so much


I am a redhead. It takes alot to put me out and I don't stay under very long.


I vape about a gram of concentrate THC over the course of every 2-3 days, every day. I take no medication for my anxiety after 4-5 of them had no noticable effect. I am terrified to every require anesthesia, however I know statistically I will need it at some point in my life. 😱


We are methadone patient the scariest thought is surgery and Pain Management


This is 100% true ❤
TELL THEM! I’ve even had a doctor tell me BEFORE my procedure to still go ahead and take my anxiety medicine.


And don’t forget those of us that have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Many of us are difficult to anesthetize.


Great I don’t take anything but I have high anxiety just thinking about knee replacement surgery🎉
