Red hair and more anesthesia anxiety?

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Patients ask me all the time about the risk of not getting enough anesthesia. Being awake for surgery is a scary thought! Fortunately, it's awfully rare. BUT, some groups are more likely than others to have awareness under anesthesia. Some call it "resistance to anesthesia" or having "higher anesthesia requirements."

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Are you one of them? Redtops and people who use certain drugs do appear to have HIGHER anesthesia requirements. But it's not that simple, because it's not resistance to all types of anesthesia.

For example, having red hair, or being a ginger, might make you more resistant to anesthesia gas, but not to other anesthetic agents, like propofol.

But the increased resistance to anesthesia is less than the effects of increased ANXIETY resulting from this concern.

And more ANXIETY before surgery and anesthesia can have serious side effects, like more pain, post-operative depression, and even more nausea.
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I am also a redhead, but the only one in my family (generation throw back). I knew none of this growing up. I always hated the dentist as a kid because it always hurt when they did procedures and when I mentioned it, they said there was no way I could feel anything and to be quiet.

As a teen I needed to see a specialist after my hand got caught in a closing door. That doctor ended up using three times the normal amount of lidocaine and kept getting flustered when I said I can still feel him working on my hand.

In my twenties I had a root canal and the dentist doing the work happened to be another redhead. I mentioned I typically need more then the normal amount of numbing agent and he just smiled and said thats normal. I was taken aback and he then explained it was because I was a redhead.

This was the first I had heard of it. My system eats up and chews threw the meds quickly.
After seeing the dentist, the 'numb' sensation is mostly gone by the time I get home (15-20 min) after leaving.

Had some work done on my foot in my 30's with a walk-in/out procedure and they thanked me for sharing that news. Verses waiting several minutes for the lidocaine to 'kick in' they all but started work right away and worked quickly before it wore off and that worked.

Was at a university hospital/training school and one of the younger doctors jokingly stated they had a redhead when I walked in. I was a little startled by the comment. He politely explained that some doctors groan when a 'natural' redhead comes in for a procedure, but really it just means that they (we) need a little extra care/attention because of how our bodies metabolize the meds. He made the comment to make the younger staff aware of the situation. Some knew and others were surprised.

I think its a mixed bag with those in the medical profession. Some know and others do not. When seeing someone new I always mention it as I never know if they are aware of it or not.

As for anesthesia, it takes me a long time to come out of that. I am always very out of it and muddled from anesthesia. Possibly due to the higher amount needed. You could tell me you were the President when I am coming around and I'd probably believe you. 😅

Seeing videos like this that bring attention to something that even a lot of redheads don't know (I didn't) is great to hear and see. Thank you for this and your other videos too. "They are much appreciated!"


Redhead here. I am extremely resistant to novocaine. It seems to take double the amount and it wears off quickly. Ditto for things like muscle relaxers, etc. Not sure about how I do during surgery, never have asked for feedback, lol!


I'm a natural redhead and I have EDS (people with EDS are resistant to some anaesthetics). I didn't know about the redhair resistance thing (and hadn't been diagnosed with EDS) when I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth (2 were impacted) removed under local anaesthetic. By the time the dentist got to chopping up my 2nd impacted tooth the numbing had worn off!


I have anesthesia problems. I have woken up during surgery twice. I had a c-aection and when the doctor cut me open after the block, I felt it. It takes me much longer and more numbing meds before dental treatment and they wear off very fast and usually have to re-treat me during the treatment. I am also a mother of two redheads. I have EDS, MCAS and POTS and some other major health problems. I have had chronic pain and have been seen at a pain clinic for 20 years. 15 years ago, the pain doctor didn't believe that the amount of meds he was giving me wasn't working for my pain, so the had me do a genetic test. My test came back that I do have that gene…but then he wouldn't raise my medication. Infact, with the opiod crisis, they have cut my pain medication by 70% and still make me feel guilty every month for needing so much. I have some pretty major pain, but I can't get the pain medication I need…what can I do about this? I am not mentally addicted to my pain meds, but my pain is so bad I just need relief.


Thanks for the In depth explanation and it was very understandable. You rock!🙌🏼


I have red hair and not particularly stressed out but dentists always have to give me double the amount of local numbing injections. I never tell them before because im always hopeful it'll work this time but it never does and its always interesting to hear them huff and puff as they're scratching their heads. Then I tell them I'm a red head. Its crazy


There are three of us in my social group who have long-term pain that responds poorly to treatment. Two are natural redheads, and, while they have suffered for many years, they are some of the kindest and most wonderful people you could ever meet.


As a strawberry, I feel like this should have been a much longer video… I've had this problem for a very long time and recently discovered my hair color could contribute to my post surgery panic and pain. Anesthesiologists, since I now tell them, seemed to recognize it and respond and dose me correctly and appropriately. Has made life much easier. Don't underestimate this. Longer video please!!!


A big part of the anxiety is feeling gaslit by doctors who don't believe you. Knowing you need treatment but because of who you are, you're likely to be walking into unnecessary agony.


I have the red hair gene mutation. I'm partially resistant to local anaesthetic and midazolam.


I need more local anesthesia like for dental procedures, but it doesn't wear off very fast. I do recover from general anesthesia much quicker than the average patient. Don't really do the "stoned mumbling and rambling", just straight to sober and awake. Feel like I'm cheating whichever person kindly volunteered to be my post-op babysitter. Also high tolerance for opioids vs pain, but muscle relaxers will knock me out.


Before discovery of this gene, had 3 level spinal fusion. Surgeon said he had used Marcain, and I shouldn't have much pain for up to 72 hours. At 20ish hours my husband said he could hear me screaming when he got off the elevator. Studies show redheads metabolize local anesthetics veryyy quickly. My surgeon thought I was being dramatic or drug seeking. Marcain should be enough and that was that. Hated him then, hate him now. That gene expresses itself in another way. We are able to make our own vit D. There's interesting things about this little mutation but you might not find it unless you check out the articles in the different genetics journals. That's where I read that until this discovery, it was known that the segment of society least likely to seek dental treatment were the redheaded. They couldn't figure it out but the data was clear. Makes sense.


Red head here. I’ve been wide awake during a couple of procedures. One was getting my wisdom teeth out. I had to pee during the surgery. I told the doctors that and actually got up from the chair walked to the restroom alone. With colonoscopy I am fully awake, despite the anesthesia, just a bit relaxed. Last time I had a colonoscopy they actually asked me if I felt anything. I told them I felt the entire procedure. They told me for my next colonoscopy they want to send me to the hospital- as opposed to a surgery center at the actual GI office, because they can administer the stronger pain killer by an anesthesiologist.


I have auburn hair. I hated the dentist as a child because even after 6-7 shots, I would not be numb. I woke up during a colonoscopy, and numbing agents don’t work on me.


As a red head that has ehlers danlos syndrome, Mast cell activation disorder, POTS, as well as allergies to morphine and tramadol to name a couple, lidocaine and versaid do not work on me. It's awful. Haven't had any surgeries since finding out my diagnoses but it makes sense now the aftermath.


I have an anxiety and trauma disorder and needed more anesthesia for that reason. It didnt put me to sleep


I am a medium auburn haired woman. I was resistant to novocaine when I had some work done on my teeth so after about 4 or 5 shots of novocaine, he then said he was going to give me a dose and a half of lidocaine. That worked. Now, since just now learning about red heads being drug resistant, would this apply to tear gas? I was in basic training and when we went through the gas chamber, I was the exception that they mentioned in class. They said you will experience choking, coughing, vomiting, runny and burning eyes, nose, etc...BUT some people (like 1% or whatever) come out laughing!! That was me. I came out unscathed while everyone around me was bent over coughing, choking, snot running down their nose, etc. Would this be because I am a red head?


I’m not a bright red ginger. More like auburn. But they called my Irish grandpa “Red”. I have woken up during many/most procedures I’ve had done. Even grabbing the doc’s arm on more than one occasion. Like during my colonoscopy for example. And I even warned them about it ahead of time! Also usually need more pain meds for dental procedures too. I try to take as little prescription pain meds after as possible after though. Because they make me horribly nauseated.


Thank you I’m losing weight for a maybe a major big hernia in the stomach thanks again I have natural red hair and you answered my question I was going to ask have a blessed weekend


I have red hair and anxiety about medical procedures. I came out of anesthesia last week screaming after colonoscopy. Not hurt, just freaked out. Low blood pressure too. And apparently it took me longer to wake up. This all makes me more anxious for a next time.
