How to light the pilot on a Rheem gas water heater

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Here Here’s how to light the pilot light on a Rheem gas water heater. On a modern Rheem gas water heater, it is very easy to light the pilot light. First, turn the gas off for five minutes to let any residual gas clear out. Then turn the heat dial to the pilot setting, and push the knob in towards the water heater, and push the igniter button over and over until the pilot light is lit. You can tell if the pilot light is lit by looking at the blue indicator light, which Will start flashing after the pilot light is lit. After that, just turn the temperature dial to your desired heat setting, and you are done. That is how to light the pilot light on a Rheem gas water heater.
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As a first time homeowner who freaked out today when I woke up to cold water, I never felt so proud reigniting my water heater. Thank you!!


First, I want to say thank you for getting straight to the point with your video!
One YouTube video was 11 min
Just to light a water

This was my first time to light a water heater.
I was super nervous, but I did it, thanks to you!

My husband who recently passed away would have been so proud of me!



This is the perfect video. No introductions, no, “today we’re going to XXX” just a minute and five seconds of explanation, and then you stop. Absolutely perfect. thank you.


I'm a pretty good "general fix it" kind of guy, but I've had an irrational fear of water heaters since I was four or five years old... My mom told me to "never touch the red button" on our 1960's era water heater or it would "blow up the house".. So it took great bravery for me to attempt to relight the pilot light on my own Rheem water heater...your video saved the day and erased a lifelong terror of the water heater. Thanks so much for taking the time to make this!


Thanks, got it working. Just for reference, I had to press the button 60 times before it finally lit, so if it feels like a lot, just keep plugging away and should eventually light.


Life saver. After hours of trying to figure it out myself, I followed your video and it worked! I seriously thought I was going to blow up clicking on it around 50 times


Dude you were a life saver today!!! You never realize how much you take HOT water for granted until it's NOT!!! Thanks for the clear and concise instructions with minimal were straight to the point!!!


First of all THANK YOU for getting to the point, also, THANK You for the video! our water heater is in the Laundry of the apartment (so everyone has access) and one of the neighbors keeps turning it off before midnight (not manager or LL) and i get home from work at 3 am and always take a shower before bed, i was so happy to find this video AND i learned something i’ll never forget so thanks!


THANK YOU! I was so glad to see this was the first video in my search. Keep making these videos cause your doing the Lord's work! ❤


I can't tell you enough how grateful I am for this video! My neighbors water heater went out last night and I figured out one of the wall fuses had burnt out (we have those old glass fuses) and changed that, but didn't know how to relight the pilot. Your video immediately got to the point and gave perfect instructions with the demonstration. I appreciate how quickly you got right to the point because people usually say " like my video and subscribe !" and then they tell a funny story which is great unless you're laying on the floor at 11 at night trying to figure out your neighbor's water heater.
I will definitely "like" and subscribe though!
Thank you!


Thanks for this video! When you say you need to press the igniter button a bunch of times, I had to press it over 20 times to get it to light. Even then it flashed a red error light seven times. It took another 10 attempts to get to a steady pilot light. For anyone with this problem, try this process exactly and press the igniter button until your blue in the face and then try it a few times more.


You are a KING for this simple and to the point video. Thank


If you're having to click the igniter a lot. You probably just have air in line. Simply open your union for about 2 seconds or even better the cap on the bottom of the short pipe coming out of the bottom of the T right before the water heater control box. Gas will come out and you will smell it but it's only 2 seconds it won't hurt anything


Thanks for this straightforward tutorial. Saved me a bunch of headaches trying to get a water heater re-lit in less than ideal circumstances.


Took me two attempts. I tried it once, felt uncomfortable after 9 pushes and then came to watch this video. Second attempt took 20 pushes. Thanks community.


Thank you, I did shut mine hot water heater off yesterday, trying to replace my whole house water filtration cartridge. Now I don't know how to get the heat back on. This information is very helpful. Thank you


Thank you!!!! it after a few clicks..pilot light started flashing and it lit 3 secs later...thanks a bunch


I am so grateful for this video. We had our anode rod changed today and they forgot to re light the heater, so we are able to get it done off your video. Thank you.


I have watched several videos about the same honeywell thermostat, but this video tells me to keep pushing the reset button several times, i did push several times & it lit!! Thank you for this detailed video!


Thank you for making this video! Your video walked me through how to lit my hot water heater 7 am this morning and it was a smooth process 😊.
