How To Light A Furnace Pilot Light (DIY! Save $$ and Time)

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In principle, lighting a furnace Pilot Light is not terribly complicated. Turn off the thermostat, remove a few panels to locate the pilot light, light it and put it back together. About 10 minutes work start to finish.
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I just learned something new and was able to avoid calling anyone for help or assistance. Thanks, Dad.


single mom on budget here and you literally saved me hundreds of dollars. thank you!!!!


I just wanted to say thank you. I have been without heat all winter. I'm so used to electric central heat that I had no idea that I had to manually ignite my gas furnace in my new apartment. I came home and it was 57F in here and I was fed up. Now I don't need to wear a coat to bed. I'm so very thankful.


Currently 7 degrees in NJ and I just woke up to one of a husband/father's worst nightmares on Christmas Eve of all days. Thanks a million for the quick tutorial!


Bought my first house recently (the HVAC system is older & is a gas fed unit). Didn’t realize I had to relight the pilot. Thanks a million


I have a good idea of how to do this stuff, but I watch this video EVERY year when it’s time to fire up the furnace. Just to be safe. Thanks man!


This actually cured my depression. It fixed my furnace. God bless 😊


Just helped me out! My dad who has passed use to do this for us, now it’s my turn! I called different heating people and it would’ve cost 100+. Thanks so much such a life saver!


You saved my life I went to replace the filter and clean the furnace last night and I didn't nocite the pilot turn off and we didn't have heat all night until I woke up this morning and turned the heat on and nothing, so I looked in YouTube and your video came out and watched and I did everything you said and it worked thank God and thank you


Whew, you've lowered my anxiety by reminding me how to do this. (A professional came years ago and showed me.) Thank you.


I believe I used this video in the past to light my pilot. Today, I woke up to my house 49° and saw the pilot out again. I had to remove the outer plate (slides off) and another metal one behind that (held in by 2 hex heads) in order to see and access where to light the pilot. I followed the video instructions, but every time I let go of the red button, the pilot would go right out before turning to on. After an hour and a half trying and failing repeatedly, I was finally able to get it to light and stay on by very, very, slowly releasing up on the red button (40 seconds later) with my right hand as I turned the knob from PILOT to ON with my left hand. Without doing that, it would just go out after lighting. Just adding this in there in case it could help someone else like me. Thank you for your informative video, I finally have heat! 🙏


Check this video every year before goofing with that old furnace of mine. Thanks, man


Woke up this morning to no heat. Went down and yep, the pilot was out. Thanks for warming up my house, my daughter is sure happy about it.


I knew how to turn OFF my furnace, but I was having trouble turning it back ON. This saved me. Thanks!


Great video and explaining!! Very easy for anyone to understand and will save you so much time trying to fix the problem or pay someone for something as simple as this. Quick vid, thorough instructions in very simple terms. You will have heat asap after this clip! Thanks!!


Dude! Thank you so much. In the past we’ve had to call a service guy to come out. You saved me money and time! Really, thank you so much!


Thank you for this help. Only thing I would add is: Turn up the thermostat once the pilot light is lit. On my old Homart furnace, the burners did NOT light until I TURNED THE THERMOSTAT UP. Thank you again. Your video lowered my anxiety enough that I could realize this!


I used this video to help me out last winter. Came back to refresh to use it for this winter


I am very grateful for this video. Even though it's 4 years old, I have the same problems and just follow up on his instructions. I got a furnace running. Thanks a million PuraVida


This video gave me the confidence to light the furnace myself! You really explained everything I needed to know to feel comfortable lighting it myself, AND you saved me $150+ on a service call! Thank you!!
