How To Light The Pilot Light On A Gas Heater

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This Video shows you how to light the pilot light on a gas heater. Most gas heaters have a pilot light that burns all the time, and you turn it off in the summer and turn it on in the winter. Here’s how to light the pilot light on your gas wall heater.
1. Turn the gas off for 5 minutes.
2. Turn it to the Pilot setting.
3. Push the gas knob towards the wall.
4. Light the pilot with a match or lighter.
5. Keep pushing the gas knob down fir a minute.
6. Release the gas knob and make sure the pilot stays lit.
7. Turn up the thermostat and make sure it lights up the heater.
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a billion thank yousfor this video 🎉 i live a lone and always had to wait for someone to re light it, i had tried but didnt realize the trick of holding it down for a whole minute, thank you from the beautiful Sierra Nevadas feom ky dogs and i❤


Thank you Sir my heater is back on and my family is very happy. It is unusually cold in California right now.


Woke up to my house being 50° and the pilot out! I couldn't figure out why i couldn't get the pilot to stay on.
I wasn't turning it to on 😂😂😂
Thank goodness for people like yourself wjo saved my feet and mt pups this freezing rain morning!

First time i ever tried to relight the pilot. I forgot to turn turn the heat so it wouldn't be calling for heat...when i relit the pilot fireball took out my eyebrows, nose hairs, eyelashes and the babyhairs that make your hairline thick 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Needless to say, i will never make that mistake again 😂😂😂😂


Neato, Hope you and the clownfart have a happy Christmas.


This video has gotten me the furthest so it’s just user error at this point. Thanks for sharing.


Hoohoohoblin: I have watched both your 2011 video & this one. My WarmMorning IN LIVING Room heater has a slightly different config than what you show. The door to rhe inside & the Dial are on the right side of the unit while the actual burner thing, where all the little flames come up runs along the Front of the unit on the bottom of the unit abt 1-1.5" elevation from the floor, not up like you show. During the 1st year we found matches on the floor in front of the Center of the Unit's front, indicating that previous renters had tried to light the Burner unit from it's center point. IF this was truly the way to light the pilot (it's not) it would take 2 people to get the pilot lit; one to manage the dial settings on the riight side & a 2nd in front to supply the flame, lighter.

I have lit this Pilot correctly several times in the past 8 years, but this year I just can't find or recognize where the darn pilot point actually IS. Your suggested "trick" of following the gas line might just be the ticket I need, but IF not, I'm stumped as I've never been able to find a manufacturer's site, at least not one with PHOTOS, & there is not plate anywhere that a person could access with any type of unit/model number &/or year of manufacture.

I'm going to try 1 more time using the follow the gasline idea, but if I'm unsuccesful I may need additional ideas or guidance. Unfortunately I do not have a device with which I could send pics, no cell or tablet. I will right back whether or not I'm successful.

Anyone else reading this page & watching the Videos is welcome to comment or contact if you are more familiar with WarmMorning heating units than I. I realize that you might not see this for days, weeks or even months. But, your videos did sort of help me accomplish the Pilot Loghting Task, lol. Please forgive any imprecision in my writing. At 69 yrs & 9 months of age, I find I routinely can't access the word for a common item that I know well at the moment I need it. It doesn't happen all the time or constantly, but enough for me to sometimes use words like "thing" or "thingie" to get my point across. Welcome to the Land of Getting Older, 🙂


Mine had a red button. I thought this was the one to hold down but it is just to provide spark to light the gas. The actual button that says PILOT on it is the one to hold down. Thank you though I was still able to figure it out.


can i bend the sensor down more into the flame .


bro can you pls help me
i saw your old video, conversion of royal enfield gear shift position
am looking for convert my bike gear from right to left


I turned on my thermostat and big blue fire doesn’t come out, I have a William furnace and the pilot stays on but the cylinder thing doesn’t, please help


What kind of furnace do I have mine doesn’t look like this shit at all


Don't you turn the thermostat on low before you start?


is it supposed to keep making that lil hissing sound even after its lit and u switch the pilot to ON ???


Thank you. Out of all videos this one was the only one that gave more detail on how to help me with getting my heater to be turned back on 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🫶🏻 thank you.
