Why Provisionists Are Monergists

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, responds to Calvinist Theologian, Herman Bavinck. Flowers explains why Provisionists are Monergists and, in fact, how the Calvinistic systematic promotes Synergism.

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I'm trying to piece things together still, but I think I still understand a little of what you're saying 🙂 I came from a calvinistic background and have come out of that this last month, so I'm having to unlearn & relearn certain things, which can be difficult at times. Thanks for another video short this weekend ❤ Have a blessed Lord's day, brother Leighton! ☺️✝️


After reading some of the comments I feel the need to explain something. I understand and agree that the monergism/synergism labels are just made up by Calvinists to reframe the debate to make it appear they are giving more credit to God than the “synergist” is. I make that point elsewhere in fact. But in this particular clip I’m making an argument by using their own labels to demonstrate how their view is the only one that is actually promoting a synergistic worldview regarding salvation because they are the ones who are conflating man’s choice to repent in faith with God’s choice to save those who do so.


Dang, Leighton is one jacked theologian


To conflate Calvinism with synergism and provisionism with monergism, leaves no meaningful definitions of these terms.


Yes! I believe that I, a non-Calvinist, am a monergist by any biblical use of the term.


_"Welcome to Westminster Used Cars where _*_whatsoever_*_ vehicle we sell is 100% new, straight off the assembly line; _*_yet so as that_*_ it's really a 50 year-old jallopy you won't be able to drive off the lot..."_


love this ministry.... amazing work.... stable christian that has a family and isn't a mind control slave.... very unique for you tube!


Exactly!! 💯 and love the thumbnail!! 😂👍


*NOBODY* is ever saved until they stand before the Great White Throne; ergo, the *FACT* that it is only YHVH who saves *IS NOT* the issue; the issue is what is the established biblical process, i.e. the order of things that *MUST* happen on the road to Salvation; *there are 8 steps and 5 requirements that MUST be met* in order to qualify for YHVH's *SYNERGISTIC CONDITIONAL COVENANT.*


On calvinism, God wants every man, woman and child who ever existed to desire to sin. This is 100% antithetical to Biblical Christianity.


So there are now two 'callings' of God, along with two loves, two graces, two wills, etc. I see. And the first 'calling' is useless (so not really a calling by definition) to bring anyone to a knowledge of God? So how is it a calling? That's like saying that I called for the cattle to come home, but since the cattle are all deaf (like a dead man), my 'calling' is useless, and worse, mocking of the poor dumb lost cattle.


Any call from God that is not genuine, is a lie.


@Soteriology101 - Your comments on "divine lottery" are also very telling. Would it be fair to describe your view as "a game of skill" where you... by your wits, determination, and prowess have achieved success and salvation" whereas others have not? Isn't that the distinction you are trying to draw?


Now I know people say stick to the scriptures but I can't accept Calvinism. Calvinism sounds like Islam to me. Successor to Muhammed said something to the effect of "I'd be afraid to step foot into heaven because Allah is deceptive. He could through me into hell if he wants to". God just arbitrarily make decisions because of a perverse definition of sovereignty. Forget about His holiness, love and mercy. Whether it's concern or challenge, both the same in the eyes of Calvinism don't question God!


Since capitalism developed in many countries influenced by Calvinism, if Provisionists are Monergists, would this mean that Calvinists are Moneythrifts like the Scots? However, if I believed that by an eternal degree God elected some to be saved and some to be damned, all without the consent and cooperation of their free will, I could rightly be accused of being a Moneygrift in the economy of salvation.


Is God impressed with theological dissertation and exe-jesus?


There are 2 callings in the NT:

whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 2:14

There is the Gospel call which goes out to them that here the Gospel.

I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
Ephesians 4:1

This is the vocational call in which God calls the believer to do something. Any calling in the NT falls in one of these 2 catagories. You may notice while reading your Bible that there is no inward and outward call, no effectual and ineffectual call. That is because they were made up by Calvinists to draw you away from what Scripture says and in to man's philosophy.


@Soteriology101 - This is a really important video. You have hit the nail on the head in a sense. However, at the beginning you make the wrong distinction between law and gospel. The distinction is not between "obedience" and "belief in Christ". It is between "perfect obedience" and "belief in Christ". Belief in Christ is ALSO commanded and belief in Christ IS obedience. When you don't understand the distinction correctly you make the very mistake you are making here.

As Calvinists, we simply believe that ANY OBEDIENCE on our part is a gift of God. Why? Because God is the one who works ALL GOOD in the world. So, if we respond in obedience, it is God at work. Thus, it is all Monergistic in that God gets all of the credit ultimately for all good things.

You believe that you can be obedient to God... by believing in His Son... and it is not God at work... it is you at work independently of God. As a result, because there are distinct "works of God' and "works of man" it is synergistic. I know you will probably deny that... but you mock the idea that our choice is "DEPENDENT" on God's choice at 3:50. You think we (i.e. Calvinists) conflate man's choice with God's choice. No, we simply say our choice DEPENDS on God's choice. You think that is non-sense... you think your choice to be obedient is IN-DEPENDENT of God's choice. You think you can be good and obedient INDEPENDENT of God's choice. That is why this video is so important. You clearly state it.


God is the initiator. But there is still synergy. Faith and grace are categorically independent factors, but faith is dependent on grace. Grace is a gift, only from God. Faith is a choice of man after hearing the gospel, which is the power of God. (Romans 1:16)


Do Calvinists say that God *has* to forgive us because we believe?
