Self Lymphatic Drainage Massage for Breast Cancer Related Lymphoedema

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In this video, I demonstrate how to perform Self Lymphatic Drainage Massage if you have Lymphoedema as a side effect of Breast Cancer treatment. Lymphoedema is a common side effect of Breast Cancer which can create swelling in the arm after lymph nodes have been removed from the armpit, or radiation treatment has been performed to the lymph nodes in the armpit.

Self Lymphatic Drainage is a massage technique that aims to shift excess lymphatic fluid from the arm that has lymphoedema, into the central part of the body. Self Lymphatic Drainage is performed by the person with lymphoedema, whereas Manual Lymphatic Drainage is the same technique but is performed by someone else on the arm of the person with Lymphoedema.

You will be educated on how to perform the correct sequence of Self Lymphatic Drainage, how often you should perform the massage, and whether or not this massage can actually PREVENT lymphoedema.

The technique of Self Lymphatic Drainage Massage has changed dramatically since 2019 following research at Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, and I explain why. It is vital that people with Breast Cancer Related Lymphoedema are educated on the correct way to perform Self Lymphatic Drainage.

I educate you on when NOT to perform Self Lymphatic Drainage, as well as provide tips on how to enhance the effectiveness of Self Lymphatic Drainage.

I provide recommendations on how long and how regularly Self Lymphatic Drainage should be performed, and why it is important to make these decisions based on the individual.

When people are diagnosed with Breast Cancer they become very busy! There are so many appointments to attend for procedures, tests, scans and treatment. I explain how you can make Self Lymphatic Drainage fit into your day.

I welcome you to ask questions, participate and join me as we explore the intricacies of Breast Cancer and help YOU return to your most optimal health following surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

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I’m so grateful to have found your account. I’m six months into treatment and two weeks post bilateral mastectomy. Your clear and positive videos have been so helpful. I was feeling overwhelmed and needed some clarity. Your videos directly address all of the questions I have. So much easier than wading through the piles of hospital pamphlets. It’s such a challenging journey help like this is invaluable especially during COVID when services are compromised or closed. Thank you!


Thank you so much Jen. I get more direct and clear advice from you than from my medical team. You're a lifesaver


I go to this clinic for physio for lymphoedema and I have to say that they have been great. I have learnt how to do self lymph drainage and incorporate it into my day starting from in the shower and then a couple of times throughout the day. They have been a great source of help and information.


Great to get the latest info on this Jen. Very informative and well presented. Thanks for all you do for us BC patients.


Thank you for detailed information including new study results!


Hi Jen,
I tune in to your weekly facebook sessions and find them so informative.
Thank you for all you are doing for me and all the women suffering this dreaded disease.
I feel very fortunate to have found you and please, keep doing what you're doing.
We need you.
Best wishes,
Louise Lightworker


This is extremely well done video and invaluable as I progress through my breast cancer treatment. I had 3 clusters of lymph nodes removed during my lumpectomy last week and the numbness/swelling seems to be minimal so far. Thanks for these videos I am now looking for someone like you here in the states. Thanks again!


Thanks for all the info! Love your videos. One question: If someone has had cancer and had it removed, then has a recurrence in the lymph nodes but does not know it….. could this massage spread the recurrence further within the body and into more nodes?
Am asking because I currently do not have lymphedema but want to be proactive to make sure I don’t get it….. but on the same side, I am a bit nervous about helping a new recurrence to spread. What do you think?


hello Jen, I am in Dunedin South Island NZ and found your practical suggestions really useful and motivating . Thank you from Heidi ( your site was recently posted on our Breast Cancer Foundation NZ online support by participant member)


Two lumpectomy, chemo and radiation in 2019 to 2020, now lymphedema. 15 nodes were taken out and 14 of them were cancerous. I was struggling to find you my angel. I have become very forgetful so was struggling to find an easy to follow regime. All other videos are making it so complicated. You might find it strange that I was thinking why can, t I just do that, now study is proving that simple method is the best. My left hand and forearm is swollen for three days.


Thank you Jen. There is always something to learn when I see your videos. I will now start deep breathing while I am doing the lymphatic drainage.


Long story short -
Diagnosis of bc right breast 2015
Mastectomy and auxiliary clearance
4 positive nodes
6 weeks rads
Approx 4 months after op developed lymphodema in right arm
My hubby has performed manual lymphatic drainage on my arm every evening for the last six years apart from a couple of nights when away on business - I know he is amazing!
Learning that the technique we have been adhering to all this time has now drastically changed is quite mind blowing.
Due to hormone blockers for last six years - the last twelve months I was sweating so profusely and having multiple hot flushes that compression sleeve was unbearable to me so I have stopped wearing. Also even though I was wearing an all in one arm sleeve and gauntlet my hand and fingers were becoming really swollen. My right arm has increased in size lately, but I have also been less active and have gained weight. Just about to turn 66.
I know I need to do better.

Just listening and watching your video on the new mld technique has made my day. It sounds so much more sensible and practical. I have been using Sorbolene cream on my arm religiously since radiation began and to now know that I can do this before massage is great.

Thank you for presenting in such a clear and gentle manner.

If possible it would be really amazing if you could post a video of mld performed by another person on the offending arm!

I have given up on therapists as I really felt I was getting nowhere and waisting money - I wish you lived close by because I would definitely come to see you.

Thanks again


Thank you so much. All your video's are so informative, easily explained and extremely helpful. It's all very much appreciated. Thank you for what you do.


I was hoping it'd be a video where we could massage the whole sequence along with you! Maybe just a short one; 5 to 10 minutes, so we know we are doing it correctly and we have a timed sequence to follow. Could you do a massage along video like that please? Thanks though for the thorough explanation. Now I know why I have to start my lymph exercise sequence with deep stomach breathing! It's to activate the main lymph pump in the stomach area! :D I will follow these guidelines. I get professional lymph drainage sessions at the local hospital, after my mastectomy & removal of 4 lymph nodes for testing, but their calendar is usually so full, that I sometimes have to go without a session for a few weeks, and can then feel a build up of fluid in my upper arm. The lymph drainage exercises I do at home (found here on youtube), help, but I do need a massage at least once a week, so I am grateful for this. At our hospital the therapists still do the light touch massaging, without oil.


developed lymphedema after, i thought it was shoulder blade arthritis but it's not. thanks for the information. very helpful. thanks


Thank you for explaining lymphatic drainage very interesting and helpful as I am new at this l


Thank you so much for demonstrating and explaining the technique so well. 🙏🙏🙏


Your info is invaluable. You seem to be up on all the latest research and that makes a huge difference. Thanks so much.


Great information! I do not have a problem with my arm but am experiencing swelling of my breast. I would like to know how to do self lymphatic drainage massage for Breast Lymphoedema. I appreciate your up-to-date and though information. I am so glad I found your channel, I don't feel as alone on this journey! Thank you for your help and support!


Very clear, practical and helpful. Thanks very much Jen
