Refuting “Faith Alone” using SOLA SCRIPTURA!

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Syllabus for Seraphim’s course:

1: Why Answer Protestantism from the Bible?
2: The Arc of Biblical Theology: Creation, Covenant, Redemption, Glorification
3: How Does Christ Purchase Salvation?
4: Justification, Deification, and Imputation
5: Justification, Deification, and Imputation (2)
6: Liturgical Worship in Biblical Theology
7: What Happens in Baptism and the Eucharist?
8: Apostolic Succession, the Holy Priesthood, and the Visibility of the Church
9: The Communion of Saints: Veneration and Intercession
10: The Woman: The Virgin Mary in Scripture
11: Now Mine Eyes Have Seen: Iconography and Idolatry
12: The Biblical Doctrine of Tradition
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John 6:38 _- 40_
_"38 For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. 39 This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. 40 And_ *_this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day._* ”

We should not complicate the _simplicity_ of Christ with philosophical word salad; otherwise, we would still mislead and confuse some and lead them to put their trust in dead works.


The Lutheran position is that we are saved by Grace alone through faith alone, not by Grace alone and by faith alone


Thief on the cross?? As a protestant, I respectfully disagree with you. Don't overcomplicate it.


Justification and Sanctification are two different things. One is through Jesus' righteousness (2 Cor. 5:21) and the other through the guidance of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:15).


After 1500 years as the “sole, perfect authority” on the Bible, the Roman Catholic Magisterium still was oblivious to the obvious evil of chattel slavery. Exodus 21:16 makes it clear it is a mortal sin both to kidnap a person and to hold a kidnapped person. Without these two it is impossible to have chattel slavery. Then in the New Testament, Timothy 1:10 clarifies that slavery is incompatible with the Christian faith. But even without these clear teachings against slavery, the two greatest commands - to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself - also on their own make it clear slavery is a great, great evil. Yet the Catholic Church, believing it has within it perfect authority over the reading of the Scriptures, never apparently noticed the obvious fact that chattel slavery is incompatible with an obvious understanding of God’s word. But then the Protestant Reformation occurred (clearly driven by the increased availability of the Bible, made possible by the printing press), and about the time when common lay people started being able to own and read the Bible - something the Catholic Church discouraged, to the point of murdering John Tynsdale, the first translator of the Bible - those English readers of the Bible were the ones who FINALLY noticed that stealing men and turning them into slaves was evil - it was those men reading the Bible on their own, free to read its truth directly, who started one of the most important humanitarian movements in the history of the world - the global movement to end slavery. It is well known that the people who initiated this were Protestant Evangelicals, such as Charles Wilberforce, who ended slavery in the UK, where the Evangelicals gathered over a million signatures petitioning the British government to end slavery, which they did. This was followed by the French, then the US. Catholics delude themselves into thinking Sola Scriptura is the reason for Protestantism, whereas a reasonable person’s reading of the Bible forces one to realize that, though there may be admirable things about the Catholic Church, a talent for understanding the scripture doesn’t appear to be one of them - and the world has suffered greatly from their desire to put their own authority ahead of the Bible’s. It took time, but slavery was ended around the world, not by Catholic led understandings of the Bible, but by millions of people reading and understanding it themselves. Sola Scriptura came to be a thing because of the Catholic Church’s obviously terrible interpretation of the Scripture, and this over the millennia left people enslaved, imprisoned, tortured and executed - despite Jesus’s example at his own arrest, showing the Christian faith is not to be furthered by force. Indeed, if heresy is a crime in Christianity worth doing any of these things, imprisonment, torture or execution, clearly the vast majority of the world would be condemned to imprisonment, torture or death. Catholic apologists ignore that Popes have in fact apologized for these things - famously John Paul II in 1992 and 2000. If the greater Catholic Church acknowledged this in the same way as their Popes have, I myself would consider joining. But Catholic apologists don’t seem to accept the truth Pope John Paul II apologized for. Rather, if one writes something as plainly backed by history as this, Catholic apologists start complaining about it being OK to persecute Catholics, instead of dealing with the historic realities which show the Magisterium has done a terrible job interpreting scripture - and the proof is in ruined lives around the world. The fact is the Catholic Church would not have survived this long if it did not have God’s blessing, and that is the truth. But If you are going to argue and assert that the Catholic Church has authority to tell Christendom how to interpret scripture (which in and of itself demonstrates a profoundly low level of faith in either God or his Word), there is a very long, very ugly history - well explained and forgiven by asserting the Catholic Church has often done a bad job interpreting scripture -that you have to explain in a way that proves the Catholic Church hasn’t been wrong. And you are going to have to explain the Popes’ acknowledgements of these problems, such as John Paul II made.


a word of advice a better way to refute that once saved always saved lie and that belief/faith alone saved lie

is to preach mathew, mark, luke and john Jesus Christ's own spoken words

but you isn't wrong that faith alone doctrine is a false lie


Long ass denial of the plain meaning of scripture. Works are the proof of faith. We have no good apart from God.
