Does James 2:24 refute the doctrine of justification by faith alone?

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James 2:24 says that “a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.” Does this verse refute the doctrine of justification by faith alone? From one of our live events, Stephen Nichols, Steven Lawson, and Burk Parsons examine this text in its context.

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we are saved by grace through faith ALONE, TRUE FAITH PRODUCES WORK OF FAITH


Justification is your introduction to God. The works that follow are the result of God changing you to be like Christ. God gives you the desire to bear fruit that is pleasing to him.


No it does not contradict justification by Faith Alone

1- James, the Epistle's Author condemned the Judaizers at the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 who were seeking to add requirements to the cross of Christ for Salvation

2- James is writing to saved people. In James 1:2, he addresses them as "My Brethren".

3- Verse 2:14 says, "Can that Faith save him". It is obvious that James is distinguishing a dead faith and a living faith. A dead faith which is cheap grace cannot save but a living faith can. A living faith is seen by it's fruits. See James 2:15-17.

Both James and Paul in Romans 3-4 refer to the Patriarch Abraham as an example. James refers to Abraham's willingness to offer up Isaac in Genesis 22. Yet prior to this, even prior to his circumcision in genesis 17, Abraham had already been declared justified by God for believing the promise in genesis 15:6.

So no, James 2:24 is not condemning justification by faith alone, rather James is condemning antinomianism. James is showing that a claim to regeneration is verified/vindicated by it's fruits.


Steven Lawson brought up a very good point. If we are not justified in this life, we will never be. Christ saves to the uttermost (Hebrews 7;25).


Please upload more of these! There are so many great questions in the q/a sessions but sometimes I just don't have time to watch them as they are usually over an hour.


" and one of you says to them ' depart in peace be warmed and filled but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit"
James 2:16



I agree in a since. But I wouldn't say it's insurable cause what if Abraham died before they work he did? He was already justified in the sight of God so he would have went to heaven.


If you are counting on your let me know HOW MUCH WORK WILL IT TAKE TO PLEASE GOD ‼️




1:25 - "We have to be very careful not to say 'justification by faith' and then smuggle works in the back door."

2:49 - "And the two [faith and works] are inseparably bound together, heads and tails of the same coin."

When you say that faith and works are heads and tails of the same coin, you're smuggling works into the back door.


Some Protestant Reformers believe that "BEFORE and AFTER" they received their FAITH in Christ thru GOD'S GRACE, that they DO NOT need ANY GOOD WORKS/DEEDS (Charity of Love)... But the vast majority of Christian Churches including Greek and Roman Catholics worldwide, believe only in "BEFORE" they receive "FAITH in Christ thru God's GRACE, " which does not need any amount of Good Works/deeds (Charity of Love) or sacrifices (animal) or to follow any commandments of the Law of Moses for it is all useless to God, after Christ's sacrifice His own BLOOD and died on the Cross for the Sins of Mankind... for it is a FREE GIFT of God, just like our FREEWILL...
But "AFTER" we (Christians) received our FAITH thru God's Grace, we need to follow and practice the Commandments of Christ about doing Good Works/Deeds (Charity of Love) for thy neighbors and foes alike... to MANIFEST/JUSTIFY our FAITH with our CHARITY OF LOVE...

Christ said, (John 15/paraphrased)..."I AM (Christ) the True VINE, you are the BRANCHES (Believers/Christians), my Father is the GARDENER (God), anyone who is "ATTACHED" to the VINE (Christ) that does not BEAR FRUITS, even after the Gardener (God) had PRUNED the Branches BUT still does not BEAR FRUITS, will be CUT-OFF/TAKEN AWAY the Branch/es (believer/s) and THROW them in the FIRE (punishment of Hell/not saved)... Take note: BEAR FRUITS means to "DO" (verb=action) the CHARITY OF LOVE based upon Christ's Teachings and Commandments...
For "FAITH ALONE without GOOD WORKS/DEEDS (Charity of Love) is a DEAD FAITH" (not saved)... James 2:14-26/paraphrased...

St. Paul himself attested and wrote before he was executed (beheaded), that "St. Paul had RAN (done good work/deeds) to the FULLNESS (Fullest) to FINISH the RACE"... St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans was taken out of context and meaning by some Pastors... During the time of St. Paul preaching the Gospel, most of his audience are Gentiles and Jews, most of them knew the Law of Moses, that one must need to do GOOD Works and Animal Sacrifices in order to have favor or be accepted by God... but the New Gospel that St. Paul is teaching is the Law of Christ, that after Christ sacrifice His own Blood at the Cross, died, resurrected and ascended back to Heaven again... All good works/deeds and any Sacrifices are NO longer pleasing (useless) in God's Eyes... God wants us now, to believe, accept, repent, and baptize in the Holy Trinity, to Christ Jesus as our Savior/Messiah and the Son of God and Man, thru God's Grace "FIRST" without (NO) any Good Works, and Sacrifices (Law of Moses) required/necessary/needed for us to "BOAST OF"... that is the true context and meaning of St. Paul's Epistles (letters) to the Romans and Corinthians...

But "AFTER" we received our FAITH in Christ thru the Grace of God, this is the time we are "ATTACHED" to the True/Real VINE (Christ) and we must/need to BEAR FRUITS (to do Good works/ pleasing to the Eyes of God, even if or after God had PRUNED the branches), we (Christians) must/should PICK UP (verb=Action) our own CROSS (LIFE's journey on Earth w/ Christ) and follow/ obey Christ... St. Paul set (made) an example for ALL OF US believers... "RUN (Verb=Works/Deeds) TO THE FULLEST TO FINISH THE RACE"... Facts and Truth, Biblically speaking... Amen.


" you see then that a man is justified by works and not by faith only"

The CONTEXT of this verse follows on the argument started from James 2:14. The argu.ment is if you say you have faith you will have the fruits to show.
This is evident throughout all of scripture. By their fruits you will know them


FAITH must come alone in accepting/believing Christ Jesus thru God's Grace without any Man's way of work... but after FAITH has been established then it is ESSENTIAL to do or apply Good WORKS/ACTS/DEEDS to our neighbors/foes alike to justify our FAITH in Christ Jesus thru God's grace by Hope and Love...
Christ Jesus said (John 14:15/paraphrased), "If you LOVE Me (Christ), you must KEEP (verb = do, obey, follow, practice) my Commandments... St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians (Cor. 16:22/paraphrased)... "If anyone has NO LOVE (does not keep Christ's Commandments) for the LORD (Christ Jesus), let him be CURSED."... SALVATION is a PROCESS... Amen.


Let us not put God in the "BOX"!... who are we to decide for God whom He will give salvation?... The Thief on the Cross with Christ Jesus was guaranteed salvation by Christ Himself, with only his (Thief) genuine/truthful Faith ALONE thru God's Grace... The Thief was not Baptized, nor even have the Charity of Love (Works/Deeds)... When we initially received FAITH from God, it does not necessarily mean that we are already Truly in Love with God at once from that moment we accepted God... "True Love" develops thru our works/deeds as time goes by...

FAITH Alone thru the Grace of God had opened the mind, heart, and soul of the dying Thief to believe/accept/repent his sins against God and Christ Jesus accepted him (Thief) without Baptism, without Good Works/Deeds of Charity of love... and Christ promised him with salvation at the judgment day of God Almighty...

After FAITH Alone, thru God's Grace that comes first to a person, Faith alone will open our mind, heart, and soul to "TRUST by believing, " followed by "acceptance and repentance" to our sins BEFORE "Baptism and Good Work/love/hope/charity begins/starts"... "Baptism" and "Good Works" are not necessarily needed/required for salvation in "some circumstances" (exemptions) like Jews/Atheist/Gentiles dying in bed, hospital, battlefield, places of accidents, and imminent death... We can still be forgiven for our sins and receive Salvation while we are still in our "last breath of life" (dying imminently) without Baptism and Good Works/Deeds (Charity of Love)... Biblically facts...

No human beings would be able to believe or accept/repent or to love, nor to undergo Baptism and to do Good works... without the FAITH Alone thru God's Grace that comes first to every person... Only a low I.Q. person with low comprehension would say otherwise... We do not need the I.Q. of Einstein to understand logically and reasonably what I have written...

There is a saying, "for a close mind, heart, and soul person, NO ANSWER POSSIBLE, but for an open mind, heart and soul person, NO POSSIBLE ANSWER NEEDED/REQUIRED."

Facts and Truth, biblically and logically speaking... Praise and thanks be to God, in Christ Jesus... Amen.


Good works show up as a result of salvation. And true salvation is based not on the individual's faith, but on Christ's.


Faith alone without acting on it is a good description of Buddhism. Faith and works are our responsibility as Christians. Abraham acted on his faith. Paul doesn’t deny the need for us to act on our faith. He tells the Jews of his time, that expecting salvation by only following the law isn’t enough. Christs’ message to us is to act on our faith, and it is found in Christs’ first parable, that of the Good Samaritan. Both Paul and James would agree on this. It is a powerful message to all of us. Christ is clear in his message, he expects each us, to act on our faith. As for Justification, that is solely up to God. So leave that to him. Embrace our faith, follow Gods commandments and follow the golden rule. It is not complicated.


The verse will literally say not by faith alone and you guys still respectfully deny it, and I’m a Protestant admitting this.


But nowhere in the entire word of God will you ever read that it you are saved by faith alone it says you are saved by grace and you guys the guy that's talking at the beginning of this video is of his father the devil. It says not faith alone. And I absolutely could care less what John Calvin thought. Once said he didn't come around until about 500 years ago and you guys have been preaching a false doctor ever since


Definition of justification: "The action of declaring or making righteous in the sight of God". The first dude twists it to also mean "justifying" our faith to other humans by our works. Huh? Provide a scriptural support of that tale. The contortions you guys are resorting to, as well as eisegesis, shoe horning the scriptures into your pet belief that all that is needed is faith. My goodness, James 2:19 says that the demons believe and shudder, they have faith in God that he will do all he sets out to do, in fact most likely more faith than any imperfect human. They have been in God's presence and witnessed the material world being created, are they saved too? With this faith and works discussion, I feel like I'm in crazy town with you guys and your ilk. How much plainer can it be than James 2:24 "Ye see, then, that out of works is man declared righteous, and not out of faith only." Young's literal translation. You say the exact opposite! 🤪


First, let me say this: You cannot say (as a blanket statement) that every verse needs to be evaluated in light of the whole of the bible. There's no basis for this conclusion. What did Jesus say, "On this hangs all the Law and the Prophets"?

Mt. 22:40 - On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

In other words, "Love God and love your neighbor" is the verse that determines your whole understanding of the word and nature of God.

In general, you need to take into account the context of the whole canon but to say that we NEVER do this is to deny the teaching of the Savior. In fact, the Savior Himself is the single point upon which the whole canon hinges. Without Jesus none of that text is worth anything. The reason for nation of Israel itself goes away without the Messiah.


The real interpretation is that Paul says that we are justified by faith, not by works of the LAW and James says that we are justified by GOOD works and not faith alone.

Theres nothing in James that indicates that the justification hes talking about simply refers to only vindication amongst men.

Another thing too is that Paul is talking about being born again (which is by faith alone) and James is talking about our growth in justification by good works after we are born again.
