The Missing Evidence Against 'Faith Alone'

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While Catholics and Protestants often debate what St. Paul and St. James mean about justification, what if we're missing the sola fide silver bullet? Here are four basic questions that cut to the heart of the debate over "faith alone" and how we're saved.

00:00 - Overview
04:11 - Catholic/Protestant Misunderstanding
09:00 - Different Ideas of Justification
23:10 - Confusing Biblical Evidence
29:00 - Harmonizing Paul and James
36:59 - 4 Simple Biblical Questions to Ask
56:07 - Final Thoughts
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Perhaps the best single video explanation of the Protestant vs Catholic views on this topic, finding common ground and promoting unity without avoiding the real differences, with special focus on harmonizing James vs Paul in a very systematic way. Very well done as usual!


Have to stop this before my job interview. Pray for me everyone. Joe thank you so much for your help. You've taught me so much about the faith! I hope I can support in a few weeks


I recently listened to a 30 min video by the late RC Sproul on reconciling Paul and James and, again, after 30 minutes of explanation, Sproul was able to work it out from his view of justification, but he unknowingly decimated the idea of perspicuity… because no normal, barely literate human (I.e. 99 percent of people who ever lived) would get it without someone holding a PhD explaining it to them. So Sproul ended up making an excellent case for an authoritative teaching magisterium.


I seriously get excited for any new drop from this channel


Anyone who prays “Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us” literally asks God NOT to save them by faith alone.


I was halfway through listening to Joe's interview on the Cordial Catholic about Calvinism and this popped up. I highly recommend that show on Cordial Catholic too. 😊 This is very thorough.God Bless!


Wonderful quote from C S Lewis about which blade of a scissores is the most important.


I grew up with “if you just believe in Jesus you’re fine” Protestantism. Thats why we never went to church, it was entirely optional.


What helped me get over the "hump" of faith and works was realizing that it really is Faith and obedience


Perfect timing for my drive to work! I always appreciate the depth of research you put into every one of these episodes, thank you!


Great analysis, Joe. To our Protestant brethren, also check out former Protestant and truly genius historian Dr. David Anders. He also does a terrific job explaining the disconnect between the Bible and Protestantism. As a former Protestant, Dr. Anders explains how the starting point makes all the difference. Dr Anders used to START with a Calvinist or Lutheran perspective and then read the Bible through that lens. Everyone should be doing the opposite: START with the teachings of Jesus and how they were understood by the Apostles and those whom they taught, then assess Calvin/Luther through that lens. Otherwise, you are really putting humans (Calvin/Luther) ahead of the word of God.

Starting from diifferent points explains why Protestants and Catholics often talk past each other.


I converted from protestantism this summer and this was a big hurdle for me. I didn't realize I believed differently/wrongly until I spoke with the priest at our local parish about what confession and the Eucharist is for. You are spot on with your analysis of the spiritual abuse that can happen due to this false teaching.


Excellent episode today! As a former Baptist, I would also like to add a common misconception about Catholics… And it’s actually a twist on the Catholic misconception regarding protestants.

Many Protestants believe that Catholics can willfully sin as much as they desire so long as they get to confession. Sort of a “mafia Catholicism“

The comedian, Jim Gaffigan, has a bit where he says “can we get this confession wrapped up? I’ve got some sinning to do!“

This is very similar to the Catholic misconception, that protestants can sin as much as they want in light of their “once saved, always saved” mentality.


As a Catholic, I really appreciate your approach to this topic and focusing on how much we have in common with our Protestant brothers. This challenges me to think about how to interact charitably on these topics.


The Missing Evidence Against "Faith Alone"
How about this?
1. On his own authority in his 1522 German translation of the New Testament, Martin Luther added the word ALONE (Allein) to Romans 3:28 to read, "For we hold that a man is justified by faith ALONE (Allein)" to justify his doctrine of Sola Fide, i.e., Justification by Faith Alone. [Michael Davies, Cranmer's Godly Order (Ft. Collins, Colorado, 1995), p.25.]

2. He wrote the following regarding his addition of the word ALONE (Allein) to Romans 3:28: "If your papist worries you about the word 'alone', just tell him plainly that Dr. Martin Luther will have it so, and says: 'Papist and donkey are one and the same thing; sic volo, sic jubeo, stat pro ratione voluntas.' ["I wish it, I command it. Let my will take the place of a reason." (Luther quoting the Latin from 1st-2nd AD author Juvenal's satirical poems Satyrai)] For we must not be the pupils or disciples of the papists, but on the contrary their masters and judges. We ought to swagger and hammer on their donkey-heads, and, as Paul challenged the sanctimonious fools of his day, so I will also challenge these donkeys of mine." [G.W. Bromiley, Thomas Cranmer Theologian (London, 1956), p.36.]

3. In addition to the above concerning Romans 3:28, Luther also wrote: "I am sorry now that I did not add the word 'all' so that it would read 'without all works of all laws', and thus ring out loudly and completely. However, it shall stand as it is in my New Testament, and though all the Papist-donkeys go mad about it, they shall not move me from this." [A. Hilliard Atteridge, Martin Luther (London, 1940), pp.19-20.]

4. Although subsequent translations removed the word ALONE (Allein) from Romans 3:28 to accurately transmit in German what St. Paul originally wrote in Greek, Luther steadfastly held on to the doctrine of Sola Fide derived from his additional word. Luther's doctrine subsequently was adopted by the major 16th century Protestant Reformers who initiated movements that continue on to the present day and which include: (A) John Calvin (Reformed) in his Institutes of the Christian Religion, (B) Thomas Cranmer (Church of England/Anglicanism) in No. 9 of 39 Articles of Religion in his Book of Common Prayer, and (C) Calvin's student John Knox (Presbyterianism) in his book On Justification By Faith Alone.

5. John Calvin even admitted in his Institutes that the word 'alone' never follows the word 'faith' in the Bible but still went and followed Luther in the new Protestant doctrine:
"The reader now perceives with what fairness the Sophists of the present day cavil at our doctrine, when we say that a man is justified by faith alone (Rom. 4:2). They dare not deny that he is justified by faith, seeing Scripture so often declares it; but as the word alone is nowhere expressly used they will not tolerate its being added."
[John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book III, Chapter 11, No. 19; Beveridge translation, p. 459; nts library website, Institutes pdf 467 of 944]


Having once been Episcopalian, I can assure you the Episcopal Church approves of sin, and even promotes and celebrates certain sin like homosexuality, adultery via divorce and remarriage, and murder by supporting a 'woman's right to choose'.


"If you wish to enter into life, then keep the commandments ", ( Matthew 19:17), for even if one has ALL FAITH, but does not LOVE, IT IS USELESS. ( Corinthians 13:2). Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is true food and Blood true drink


Loving these videos on the protestant Solas. Thanks Joe!!


If Christ doesn't actually transform us and He only covers up our sin, would that imply that heaven is full of sin? At what point would anyone become righteous before entering heaven?


Thanks Joe for this, the more videos that also argue against Lutheranism (rather than just Calvinism) is always appreciated!
