How To Do A Pendlay Row

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The pendlay row is a powerful movement that requires good back and core strength. It challenges the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, and erector spinae, and is typically used for improving back strength and power rather than for hypertrophy.

How To Do A Pendlay Row

1. Load a barbell using bumper plates, then take a hip width stance with your shoelaces directly under the barbell.
2. Take a slight bend in the knee and then push the hips back until you’re at a 90-degree angle with torso parallel to the floor, then grip the barbell using an overhand, pronated grip.
3. Maintain a neutral spine by bringing the hips down a little, pulling the shoulder blades back, and bracing your core.
4. Take a deep breath before rowing the barbell towards your belly button. It can be helpful to think about pulling your elbows back towards your hips.
5. Return the barbell to the floor by slowly extending your arms, making sure to keep your elbows tucked close to your side.
6. Before starting the next rep, repeat step 3.

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