How To Build a Thick Back With Perfect Rowing Technique (Pendlay Row/ Helms Row)

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In this video we're looking at proper technique on the Pendlay Row and Helms Row to maximize muscular development of the back while avoiding injury.

Support Technique Tuesday: I am choosing to leave the entire Technique Tuesday Series COMPLETELY UNSPONSORED so I can focus all of my attention on delivering the relevant information. *Each episode takes ~30-40 hours to write, produce and edit.* If you're learning from these videos every week, consider supporting my work by trying one of my science-based training programs that best suits your goals. ($9.99 - $39.99)

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If you're eager to learn more about proper technique, I recommend subscribing to the 3DMJ Lifting Library:

Filmed at Body and Soul Gym in Kelowna, BC - my favourite 24 hr gym in the Okanagan!

Intro Music:

Filmed and edited by Rashaun R and me using Final Cut Pro X and Sony A7R3

Rashaun's YouTube:


About me: I'm a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I've been training for 12 years drug-free. I'm 5'5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).


Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.
Рекомендации по теме

Welcome to episode 2 of Technique Tuesday!! Here are the timestamps! (I'll have them every week)

0:29 - Pendlay Row Intro: What is it?
0:55 - Muscle and Joint Actions Targeted
1:47 - How to Set Up the Row (& how heavy to go)
3:05 - Proper Stance and Grip Width
3:49 - Execution of the Row
5:58 - 2 Most Common Errors (Fix these!)
6:54 - Exercise Substitution (The Helms Row)

Please share any of the videos you find helpful with your friends and social media so we can make this THE go to spot for exercise technique videos on the internet. I want this series to be much more than just a "how to" series but really dig into the detail for every movement.

Also, I am always open to suggestions that will improve the series moving forward. IF there was anything you liked or didn't like about the presentation or information here, please let me know!! Happy rowing!


“Adding weight to the bar only counts as true progressive overload when the form is consistent.” That might be the truest shit I’ve heard in a minute.


As a 6ft 5 male, I like the added commentary for longer limbs. Please keep that up !!


Has anyone else been to Heavy? I believe it’s an old, old fishing community off the coast of Canada. Doesn’t even have a gym let alone a barbell for doing pendlay rows! That’s totally what I meant by Error #1: “Going To Heavy”.

Seriously, it was just an error in editing. You can’t edit videos once they’re published and imo it isn’t worth reuploading for. *OCD intensifies*


Truly excellent guide. You're raising the bar (ha) on fitness guides here on youtube. I feel like I owe you money.


In the decade I've been going to gyms and lifting, I've noticed a significant shift towards good form and corresponding weight to keep it. I think channels like this one, among others, have been great contributors to this healthier, safer, and less ego-driven approach to lifting. If people are going to be judging others in the gym, might as well be on their form rather than the weight on the bar. Thanks, Jeff, for adding a significant drop in the bucket of helpful education!

Today I learned I've been flaring my elbows too much on rows, and that's why my shoulders feel compromised :)


Loving this series! I’ve been lifting seriously for 3years now and it’s nice to be be able to make small tweaks in the gym to get that form 100%. Thanks Jeff


Been following you for about two years now, and man has your videos developed to something beyond greatness


Consistently helpful content... concise, articulate, with good visual guides. All you can ask for.


That panning shot of you flexing was really cool!


Loving the videos and information. Guys go and support Jeff Nippard. These videos take time and lots of research to produce. Jeff's killing it with this content


Really loving the arrows and lines to help explain and help us feel how the lift should be. Also loving the rotoscope of you flexing your back to show the back musculature, it's really cool! The color grading and video sharpess is also very much commendable. In conclusion I really love this video! Keep up the great work, Jeff!


Thank you so much for mentioning the bit about longer legs. Im 6'5" and i had to figure out that i had to move my legs a little further and point my toes differently through trial and error. Doing the narrow toes pointed forward stance was so uncomfortable for me and I couldn't figure out why.


Hey jeff! I have used your program and it's awesome. I have went up with 10kg in bench press in 1 month, and I have added 50kg to my squats. I've added 30kg to my deadlift. Thank you!


Straight out. These episodes are top quality and so helpful


Jeff you are a life saver! I've started a bulking program with no videos and you and Steph are just wonderful! Thank you guys for making this content!


This is exactly what i needed, been looking for a proper tutorial for weeks!
Keep up the good work with this series, Jef!


I really appreciate this dudes work. He has a solid delivery and remains humble.


i know there are more important ones to get through first, but i'd love to see a technique tuesday video on the dip. I always get mixed up with torso lean, what to do with legs, grip, upper arm angle, scapular involvement etc.


I dunno why I look anywhere else for technique or form on Youtube when theres Jeff's channel. ALways finding gems. Great stuff as always!
