10min Hourglass Abs Workout 🔥 | Smaller Waist & Burn Belly Fat | 100% RESULT

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#absworkout #smallwaist #homeworkout

10min a day to cinch your waist! Do go blindly to train your abs, let's do it in a smart way. Repeat this workout to get the hourglass abs easily.

🔥New Workout Program 2024 is out! Check them out in playlist! 🔥

Links to each programs:


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it actually works out
i have been doin this and belly fat burn exercise with fix hips n dips
results r out just after 1 week i do it 5 times a week


This's the only one out of many that actually worked! 😭I can see results in 5 days!!!! 🧡💛


Doing it for a week (and more probably;3)
Waist now: 68
Day2✅ (x2)
I measured my waist and OMG GUYS IM DOWN 1, 5 cm IN ONE WEEK!! Totally recommend this!


I genuinely love how she explains briefly how the different workout effect the different results


Hailey c I have been a fan for 1 year and I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEE YOUUU😭💗💗💋💋


I started this workout yesterday and it felt amazing!! Im going to do this and Lilly Sabri’s workout right before and update
Weight: 53.5 kg
Waist: 67 cm
Day 1:✅
Day 2:✅
Day 3:✅
Day 4:✅ got my period but still did it 💪
Day 5:✅
Day 6:✅ god my arms hurt so much while doing the plank ones
Day 7:✅
Results(for the first week):
I weigh 0.2 kg less and GUYS I LOST 1CM OFF MY WAIST too(its 66 cm omgg). Also since i am underage i didnt have a diet so maybe if you count your calories unlike me youll get faster results. Im going to keep doing this workout!!
Day 8:✅
Day 9:✅ i was feeling so down today but managed to do it smh
Day 10:✅ getting soo much easier
Day 11:✅
Day 12:✅ i got interrupted so many times so i had more breaks than usual :(
Day 13:✅ i ate many sweets today lol
Day 14:✅
Results(for the second week):
MY WAIST IS 64.5 CM!! Also i weight 52.7 kg! I tried some other random waist training stuff too this week but i dont think they were rlly effective. Im sticking to this workout routine till i get a hourglass shape 💪
Day 15:✅
Day 16:✅
Day 17:✅
Day 18:✅
Day 19:✅
Day 20:✅ i ate a lot today whoopsie
Day 21:✅
Results(for the third week)
Not a big result this week, im thinking of adding another 10 min workout to my routine, my waist is still 64.5 cm but i weigh less(52.5 kg)
Day 22:✅
Day 23:✅
Day 24:✅
Day 25:✅
Day 26:✅
Day 27:✅
Day 28:✅
Results(for the first month):
I lost 3 cm off my waist this month(67 to 64 cm) and my weight is 52.3 kg. This is the first time i lost this much weight!! Im so happy. But i think that I should add another workout to my routine since im used to these by now. Definitely recommend this!!
Day 29:✅
Day 30:✅
Day 31:✅
Day 32:✅
Day 33:✅ idk but it was really hard today than normal
Day 34:❌ sorry guys im ill and couldnt do it
Day 35:❌ my illness only got worse i will do the exercise as soon as i recover
Day 36:✅❌ i was feeling a little ok so i only did one of my 10 min exercises(i have 3x 10 min exercises in my routine so its actually 30 min exercise routine)
Day 37:✅ managed to do it!! Everywhere except my abs hurt rn 😭
Day 38:✅
Day 39:✅
Day 40:✅
Day 41:✅
Day 42:✅
Edit: i weight 51.6 kg !!
Day 43:✅
Day 44:✅
Day 45:✅
Day 46:✅
Day 47:❌ i did a 45 min 1000 calorie burn exercise instead of my daily routine cuz i was bored of my normal routine lol
Day 48:✅
Day 49:✅
Edit: my waist seems smaller but my legs are still sore from that exercise on day 47 😭

Sorry guys i wont be able to do the exercises this week cuz we are going on holidayy
Hi guys im back and i will continue from day 50
Day 50:✅
Day 51:✅
Day 52:✅
Day 53:✅
Day 54:✅
Day 55:✅
Day 56:✅
Waist is 63.5 cm currently!! And i weigh 51.5 kg. I am so happy with the results!! Definitely continuing this.
Day 57:✅
Day 58:✅
Day 59:✅
Day 60:✅
Day 61:✅edit: guys i was impatient and measured my waist. And its 63 cm 🥹
Day 62:✅
Day 63:✅
Day 64:✅
Day 65:✅
Day 66:✅
Day 67:✅
Day 68:✅
Day 69:✅
Day 70:✅
Update: all my measurements and weight is same
Day 71:✅ i look really bloated today so im kinda upset
Day 72:✅ my mom made my fav dishes i ate a lot-
Day 73:✅
Day 74:✅
Day 75:✅ we are getting close to day 100 💪💪
Day 76:✅
Day 77:✅
Weight and measurements are same but idk waist seems smaller maybe the hips workout i did made my hips bigger so that could be it
Day 78:✅
Day 79:✅
Day 80:✅ i ate a lot today too i have a stomach ache rn
Day 81:✅ i also fasted for Ramadan today ❤❤
Day 82:✅ its day 2 of fasting!! But i dont think i will be able to fast during weekdays
Day 83:✅ day 3 of fasting
Day 84:✅ i didnt fast today but i will tomorrow
Day 85:✅ day 4 of fasting 🙋‍♀️
Day 86:✅ day 5 of fasting
Day 87:✅ day 6 of fasting 🤓
Update: i am losing weight (51.3 kg) but its water weight i think since i have been fasting for some time now
Day 86:✅ first week of fasting complete!
Day 87:✅ day 8 of fasting


Tysm Hailey. İ wanted to say that you helped me sooo much. You made me achieve my goals, now İ have healty body thanks to you. İ love youu🥰❤


Tried this and my wrists are in pain 😭but the core is on 🔥🔥🔥


Hi hailey, please make more videos on cardio, much needed✨


Day 3✅im adding this just now but tomorrow is rest day bcs this is actually my third day working out


I did the belly fat I forgot what it's called and I did it 2 times now I'm doing this one and then I'ma do the belly fat burn ❤️‍🔥 tysm I love your videos yours are the only one that work the ather ones are scams ❤❤❤


hi Hailey, please can you make more cardio workouts, much needed ❣


i love so much that she doesnt use sneakers its so comfortable this is my favorite chanel of fitness workouts


I love your videos but can you make a video about chest reduction but 10 min cause your previous video is good but long


Your workouts are very effective i love them so much!


I am going to do it for 27 days and apdate
(Day 1) 31, 5
(Day2) 31, 4
(Day3) 31, 1


Week 7
Day 2 Exercise 1 done
I couldn't do yesterday one 🙂


Doing this for 10 days
Day 1: ✅
Day 2: ✅


i really like your exercise thank youu😭🎀


Hii im doing the 2024 program for abs in this week
