Speaking in Tongues 1 Corinthians 14:1 to 40 What the Bible says About Speaking in Tongues

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I grew up in the Pentecostal movement and its taken me a while to unlearn and relearn what the Bible is saying. Thank you


Your videos are a True Godsend! I am new in my walk with Christ, baptized in October!! Praise God!! But I have been struggling with going to the Charismatic church my friend goes to. much of it just seemed "off" and i have found the scriptures i had been seeking through your work to break away!!! Whew!! Saved by Grace. ✌️❣️🙏


One of the best sermons I've ever heard speaking about tongues. Thank you brother we all appreciate you and give thanks to the Lord Almighty for you. Amen


Pastor Breaker, I have learned so much from your studies. I was in a apostolic church for 5 years!! I see the breakdown and your teachings, Thank you Jesus for your truth and saving me!!


I was raised in a Pentecostal church, so I know the doctrine about speaking in tongues "requirement" they think it is a sign to the congregation that a person is filled with the holy spirit. Sadly to this day my sisters still think that way. I don't remember if the gospel was shared with me but I was not saved until a few months ago when I had so many questions about Christianity. I never doubted Jesus is the only way or even tried any other false religions but I knew if I wanted to reinforce my faith I needed to read the Bible on my own and ask God for the answers in his word and that is exactly what I did. I read the gospel, repented and I am continually learning. God bless!


The LORD has blessed me with the gift of speaking in tongues on August 3rd 2020 after three days of prayer and fasting for the gift of tongues, my English praying turned into tongue that was given about 8 at night that lasted into the early morning hours... I am not apart of any Pentecostal church or any church that practices speaking in tongues. The LORD JESUS has also given me the gift of interpretation and understanding what I say. I love to pray in other tongues.
Praying in tongues is beautiful.


I am saved by faith not works. Thanks for confirming what the lord has sowed in my heart


I grew up in assembly of God church... Even the adults were committing adultery with each other. 2 years ago I joined a church after a long prodical life... The elders were doing yoga, and having babies out of wedlock, when I question them they literally turned on me.... I left never been back. 2nd church the kundali I spirit was evident.... One guy doing magic saying it was the Holy Spirit.... Now I home church.... Online... And I am so grateful that I have been led to your channel... I am relearning so many lies I was taught.... Thank you so so so much.... Your. Inistey has been a real bless g to. Y husband and myself🙏🏽 may God really bless you in 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


Amen Brother! Thank you for preaching the truth. I was saved in a Pentecostal church but God brought me out after years of confusion and continuing to pray for God to not let me deceived. God so graciously brought preachers like yourself to me through YouTube when I became totally frustrated with “church” and realizing that what I saw was not the church of the Bible. One Pentecostal preacher told me I didn’t need to read my Bible...that was the final straw.


I was praying 🙏 and as I was praying 🙏 it felt like water coming out of my belly I spoke in other tongues it was a wonderful experience it really changed my prayer life


Paster Breaker I learn more from you teaching the Bible than anyone I have ever listened to. Thank you


I advice you in the authority of Jesus Christ!!! Speak in tounges!!! It is the greatest gift you can get from the Lord!!! It is a mighty power in the Lord Jesus Christ, for Spirit, Body and soul. It empowers the whole person in complete. Don't judge. Because what you are judjing in, in the same matter you will be judged, in the same measure. I am so blessed speaking in tongues. I am so blessed. So be careful what you are speaking, my bro in Jesus Christ!!! Amen Hallelu-yah!!! Best regards in Jesus Christ from Germany in Jesus Christ, Evangelist Uwe Paul Glur


Thank you so much for your teachings about tongues. I was also brought up in a pentecostal church with a lot of applied pressure, which was clearly deceiving me. As a woman, this is definitely not something to be angry about, but rather to be incredibly thankful to God for, for sending someone like you to help us understand the real meaning of scriptures. I am so grateful for the wisdom and knowledge I have received today. Thank you, Robert.


I've never heard anybody differentiate between God's ministry to the Jews via the law, Jesus's ministry to the Jews, and then Paul's ministry to the gentiles like you did. Thank you!


You dont need gift of tongues to be saved - but it is a gift from God and a powerful gift that you can have if you want - just ask.


It grieves my spirit hearing you mocking fellow believers. While Peter was speaking to Cornelius and his household, (Acts 10 44-46) the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on them...and they SPOKE IN TONGUES and praised God.


I came to this video to challenge my beliefs. I am desiring to see both sides and to disprove what I've believed for so long. I am open and am exploring the truth I would like to share my experience with this video. I stopped watching before it was done, not because I am being challenged, but because of the sarcasm. It's hard to take any message being presented as truth seriously and with an open mind when the information presented is heavily laced with expressed opinions, sarcasm, cutting remarks, etc. I would happily watch a video with this teaching, that appears to be solid, if it was presented with love, not bitterness.


That was the best explanation about "speaking in tongues" I've ever heard. I have prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit for years, thinking that I was not good enough to receive it because it never happened. Then I heard another pastor saying that it was just for the Jews (dispensationalism), but I still had doubts. However, after your clear and biblical explanation, I have no doubts.


I received the gift when I was 10 years old. I have felt the Holy Spirit strongly. God is good!


It's real, it's a gift and if you experience it you will understand that it is a gift. For years I was taught that speaking in tongues had ceased. I never sought the gift. I was critical of it because of what I had been taught. Then suddenly it happened to me and it is a part of my private prayer time now. A beautiful part. Again, I did not seek it, I do not attend a church that speaks of it or encourages it. The only person I have shared this with is my husband. So many stand in judgement and are quick to criticize what they do not understand. For a long time I was one of those people.
