Speaking in Tongues vs. Prophecy?!? 1 Corinthians 14 [Daily Bible Study]

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Branch Together brings Christians together to read the Bible every day. We know as Christians that we are called to "branch out" and reach the world around us, but first we must come "together" and develop habits that help us grow to be more like the people Jesus is calling us to be. So before we Branch Out, we Branch Together. Some people might call this Daily Devotions, or Quiet Time...whatever you call it, our videos kickstart your most important daily habit.

Scripture quotations have been taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible® and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers.
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Well said i love speaking in tongues and giving prophecies in our church. Thank God for the spiritual gifts lets use it humbly and joyfully for the benefit of the Body.


Thank you for sharing your insight on this chapter. I have been praying for the gift of speaking in tongues. This has not been granted as of yet. What you said of not looking to edify ourselves hit me, made me think if this is why I am asking for this gift. I thank you again for this. This is something to look deep within myself and pray about. Be blessed.


Amen New Jersey from San Antonio Texas ❤


Interpretation of tongues is important, !


Well - done. Thank you for providing the teaching.


In keeping with biblical guidelines, it doesn't matter what you think. A woman should not usurp authority over a man. This covers senior pastor or any other position where a woman is in a role of leadership. Regardless of them being uneducated or second class at the time. Obviously the word silent does not refers to the inability to speak but rather to speak authoritatively over a congregation or to have leadership roles. Our thoughts simply does not override what the bible teaches bescause society says its acceptable or any feminist movement keeps speaking about equality. God's word has never evolved to suit the times we are living in and his words will not change its meaning to suit any group or any gender. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Peace


Beautiful and well balanced. Thanks so much!


I recently came upon these videos.. i have a slight blurr in my right eye and was finding it difficult to read my Bible... when I hit upon your amazing videos ..since then I can't stop hearing the readings chapter after chapter .. its so so interesting the way its read .. the prayer and explanation .. i watch a healing deliverance and anointing online service .. live streamed by LOGOS of Bangalore India ... at the end of which we are requested to read a chapter or two from the Bible.. and its my joy to hear you over and over again .. Thank you for spending time to share God's great word with us .. much appreciated .. may God bless you in your endeavors.. .. also in redecorating your studio. With love in Christ Jesus ..I'm Cynthia Menon


Amen. Thanks for the bible study. Greetings from South Africa 🇿🇦


Wow to those who speak in tounges with out interpretation or explanation but speak in tounges to look like they are somehow more special than believers who do not speak. For they have earned thier reward on earth and not in heaven.


It's so hard to speak out a word Whether it's interpretation or prophecy it takes a lot to speak out.


Not an easy chapter for us to understand (Tongues and Woman in Church) - This chapter requires more in depth personal study - I believe you summed it up well in describing it to use your gifts to lift up and edify the whole body not to be used selfishly-
Thank you


I’ve heard people speaking in tongues in church. My readings lead me to think that speaking in a tongue is speaking another language you haven’t learned. What I’ve heard as speaking in tongues does not sound like another language, but babbling. I’m open to the fact that God can do what he wants through his people, but I’m still cloudy on this element on Christianity. There have to be some books out there that give us the background on the culture regarding women in church. How about doing a separate video that tackles that? Thanks for all you do, Branch Together.


Anyone reading, dont misunderstand verse 34 and 35. Because women used to prophesies in church according to 1 Corinthians 11:5. Obviously, no one can prophesies silently. So these verses in chapter 14 are only referring to randomly asking questions and disrupting the service, which is to be avoided.


I just discovered this channel. It's unfortunate the last video was 7 months ago. Anyone know if they moved to a new channel name?


why dont churches today use the spiritual gifts which are outlined in the Book of Romans? it doesnt include the gift of tongues.


You didn’t actually go into explain what Paul was actually referring to when he spoke about the idea of “speaking in tongue”. I don’t make the blind assumption it’s people speaking ecstatic undefinable sounds. The whole context seemed to something much deeper and realistic. What is the original Greek it Hebrew for this word translated as “tongues” anyway?


So I just wasted my time because ne never broke any passages down to define what was actually considered good and bad by Paul. Obviously if Unbelievers thing people are out of their minds Paul is not just making blanket statements. he is very specific on the regulation of tongues not just the comparison of gifts for the purpose of lifting up the church. Key requirements of proper tongues, Interpretation and Edification of Christ.


So, in present day, how are we suppose to discern between a "prophet" and a "psychic" ? Is it not basically the same thing, one is just centered around premonitions that are God based? - I could totally be way off base here I'm lost, that's why I'm asking-


Thank you, this chapter didn’t really make much sense to me
