What every Pentecostal needs to know about speaking in tongues – 1 Corinthians 14

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The Apostle Paul had some things to say in 1 Corinthians 14 about speaking in tongues - and how to keep it from becoming dysfunctional in the church meeting.
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Arnold Fruchtenbaum, a Jew who became a Christian and preaches to the Jews in Israel running Ariel Ministeries, nailed this passage the best. Paul in 1 Corinthians 14, as he wrote the passage, contrasts a good thing for a follower to do, then a not so good thing. He states something he is not fond of followers doing, then says, "But rather" and states the better. For example, "One who speaks in a tounge edifies himself (not a good thing), But one who prophesies edifies the church (the better thing). No spiritual gift is for us to feel good with, but rather for the edification of the church or as a witness or sign to unbelievers.
As you read through the passage, the contrast of the good thing to do instead of the bad, is there deliberately, Paul wants us to do the better and cease from doing the lesser. Another important thing Arnold highlights, is Pauls singular useage of 'tounge' and 'tounges'.
When Paul uses tounges, Paul is speaking about known languages, as in the upper room the night the Holy Spirit gave them languages (tounges) of which the people listening outside, could hear their own language being spoken by these simple Jewish men who couldn't possibly be able to speak mulit languages.
In other verses, Paul also uses singluar 'tounge' referring to unintelligable babble of which if you read the passage, Paul is not keen on at all. For example: verses 7 to 10 he states how unprofitable an indistinct sound is compared to speech that is clear and with recognisable meaning. "If I do not know the meaning of the language, I shall be but a barbarian to the one who speaks!" Paul is not keen on unintelligable indistinct meaningless sounds.


Hey brother that word unknown is not there in the original text, so Paul is talking about known languages their not a babble that no one understands


If you read the whole chapter and don't take it out of context I believe Paul is saying that You both need to sing and pray in the spirit but in words that you can understand because otherwise you're not edifying anything or yourself. Let me know if You agree or not


Paul twice says that when he prays in a tongue his spirit prays ( 1Cor.14:2, 14:14). When we pray in our native language our mind quickly puts together the words that we are about to speak. But if the source is our spirit then the Holy Spirit enables our spirit to pray in what sounds to us to be an inarticulate language.


Reading : 1 Corinthians 14:2 for he that speak in an unknown tongue speaks not unto men, but unto God: for no man understanding him; howbeit in the spirit he speaks mysteries.
First UNKNOWN tongues are not for communicating unto man but God, if no man can understand or discern it no man can interpret it. Moreover, mysteries are made to be revealed. God unlocks the mystery, translates the message to KNOWN tongues for interpretation to edify all. Neither the UNKNOWN tongue speaker or interpreter is taught the language through intellect, the Holy Ghost downloads it to their spirit with understanding. Note the tongue speaker can pray that he may interpret his own tongues (1 Corth 14:12-13).
Tongues were never forbid in church. Paul said he rather phophesy than to speak in tongues for UNDERSTANDING. Today, most churches have many services outside of teaching/learning; we have kneeling at the altar prayer, praise and worship services which are generally self edifying in nature but more edifying if your are leading any of these services in a corporate way.
1Corinthians 14:27 says If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two or at the most by three and that by course and let one interpret. 28 but if there be no interpreter let him keep silent in the church and let him speak to himself and to God.
If unknown tongues is done in an edifying setting it should be intrepreted with decency and in order. After speaking in tongues, waiting and clearly having no interpretation, it remains unknown tongues and should be continued SILENTLY between themselves and God in church. Now others will not be distracted from learning.
1 Corthinians 14:8 strictly speaks of EVERYONE speaking together when an unbeliever comes in. 1Corthinians 14:17 says "for thou verily give thanks well, but the other is not edified.". Again, this does not say that it is wrong to speak in church but it lets us know that at least one has to communicate to the unbelievers before they conclude the church is crazy. The bible gives a perfect example in Acts chapter 2; on the day of Pentecost they all were all together with one accord, they ALL spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance and were ALL filled with the Holy Ghost. Some unbelievers looking on thought they were mad, drunk or crazy but Peter stood up and explained that they were not out of their minds but that this fulfills prophesy spoken by Joel (we shouldn't assume that the others stopped speaking in tongues when the outsiders heard them). Note that it was the tongues that got the unbelievers attention, they heard them speak in their own language; it was a sign and they were amazed (Acts 2:7, 12, 13) while still doubting.
1Corth 14:21-22 "In the law it to it is written, with men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people; and yet for all that will they not hear me, said the Lord. Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that don't believe: but prophesying serves not for them that don't believe, but for them which believe."
Why are you hiding the sign of tongues from the unbelievers; this is who tongues are mainly for. Prophecy is for revealing/teaching allowing unbelievers to be converted to believers. Of course, the sign tongues may not be enough for the unbelievers, but can they believe unless they hear/understand. In 1Corth 14:15 Paul also encourages the church to pray/sing with the spirit (tongues) and with understanding also that all may be edified. In Acts chapter 2, the sign of tongues provoked the unbelievers to inquire, listen to Peter's sermon and then ask "....what must we do? (Acts 2:37)". Acts 2:38-39 continues, "Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you and unto your children, and to all that are far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call."
In my ending, God doesn't discourage us from coming together and allowing the Spirit to move with the fullest just remembered to include, teach and edify others; winning souls should be our priority.


Genuine question here, but is the babbling (apparent) that some do, different than the 'tongues' often referenced in the Bible when someone just speaks another language, or is multi-lingual? Or is that a modern misunderstanding of what's reference in the Bible?


I applaud this man’s dedication but I wish to ask why he focused on tongues? Why did he not speak of prophecy given in Church? Should it be delegated to the privacy of home? How then does it edify the whole body or speak to unbelievers? What of the numerous other gifts such as discerning of spirits or of healing? Should these be practiced only in private? How then do they edify all? No, I believe God’s gifts are meant for public edification even as the believer him or herself is edified in the practice of it. Those who wish to keep even one of the gifts locked up in a home prayer closet are exposing their own theology while denying others the practice of their own. Further, what is taught of the gifts in one’s Church is likely what will be practiced, or not! Paul will end his discourse on abuses by proposing order, yes, but also by warning naysayers to NOT forbid tongues or any gift from practice in the Church. Blessings in Christ


Tongues is the only gift thst is restricted. The speaker can not interpret himself


In the church, do it decently and in order. Who are you edifying, and you must have an interprter present when speaking in an unknow tongue or it means nothing, a barbarian language.
