1 Corinthians 14:1-35 - Skip Heitzig

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The best gift of the Spirit is the gift God has for you, and that depends on the situations and circumstances in which you find yourself. That's why living life under the movement and supervision of the Holy Spirit is so important, because we all encounter everyday situations that demand different things at different times. In this teaching, Skip Heitzig highlights the importance of properly exercising our spiritual gifts at the right times.

This teaching is from the series 46 1 Corinthians - 2021 with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Church.
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I always feel inspired, strengthened, and complete when I spend time in the bible. The explanation from Pastor Skip aids me significantly, thank you.


Why have I never heard you before? This teaching is what every church needs. Love it!


This man reminds me of Macarthur but SO MUCH MORE BALANCED and BIBLICAL. So thankful the Lord brought to this channel!!!


I'm so thankful for this preaching. Praise be to GOD.


Tongue + interpretation = an interpretation of tongue... simple... God bless 🙏🙏🙏


So thankful for Skip's illumination of the Word. Thank you.


thank you Skip and Calvary! Your delivery of the word is nourishment for my soul.


I've enjoyed and learned so much from Pastor Skip and man of God who have a lot of knowledge 😊 thank you!! And i must say God don't make mistakes....


It's a shame how Pastor Skip was interrupted and cut off. I am praying for this church because it's pretty clear from many of the things that have recently happened that there's a struggle going on against the uncompromised truth of the Bible. Pastor Skip has always held fast to teaching the whole counsel of God and never passed over difficult verses because they were unpopular. I'm praying that the truth of the word will always be allowed to come forth. 🙏


It helped me greatly on my study on this chapter. I had a hard time understanding on the contradicting veres (verse 22) to the previous verses). Thank you for the satisfying explanation!


Is there another video where you talk about 1 Corinthians 14:34-35? You mentioned not having enough time during this service to talk about it and I would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!


Great teaching, really unfortunate Skip wasn't able to expand on vs 34-35. Rather ironic I thought Skip was teaching on order in the church while being played off


Bro flaked on verses 34+, the hardest ones!?


I enjoy Pastor Skip’s teaching; however, he did contradict himself with his attempted explanation of interpretation. He said tongues is a worship to God, so interpretation would be a translation of the worship to God. Not true. Paul said the interpretation edifies the church. Just as prophecy. Therefore, there can be a message to the church through tongues/interpretation AND/OR via prophecy. I’ve learned a lot from his teaching, but unfortunately he missed on this point. We are all human and have room for growth! Blessings!


Hello Pastor I really love your teaching I learn a lot from but I want to ask you this why is it that your church so dark I can barely see the side and who is on the side of the church I can barely see anything around the church shouldn’t the church of God be more lit up with light and look more like people in the church are children of light not of darkness ❤


Pastor Skip, wouldn’t your previous explanation of Pentecostal brothers and sisters interpreting a tongue being only for God rather than a “this says the lord”conflict with your next explanation that a tongue and interpretation then edifies the body? I’m AG and I have experienced both a word of prophecy and a tongue and interpretation regularly.


My understanding gift of tongues today is same like was in first time - in Acts 2, 4 - 7. So if I do not speak English, and somebody will preach me in my own language, which this person do not know, this is for my gift of Spirit, and if asking if he/she understand what said, this one will say - NO, but Spirit pressed me to say to you this. Prophesy is different gift, telling future but under Spirit guidance too, not from our own understanding Scriptures. I never hear interpretation when speaking in tongues. Always was excuse - it is holy language to GOD. Is it ? Please, speak privately and not publicly, if this is so.


We got shorted your exposition of chapter 14, verses 34-40. I don't think that you've ever done that before. At least not that I've seen.


If a church I go to uses the tongues incorrectly, like, using it to give a teaching to the church or to someone. Should I continue going to that church? Is it wrong?


isa 28:11 - does that include God would bring judgment on ISR because they didnt believe Christ was Messiah. weren't there a lot of Jews who were not truly saved?
